Chris Hedges: CN’s ‘Courageous & Independent’ Reporting


One of the leading journalists’ of our age expounds on the unique importance of Consortium News.

“I‘m a strong supporter of their work. They have done some of the most groundbreaking and consistent work on the persecution of Julian Assange … the most importance case in terms of press freedom. They are not owned or bound by the strictures of corporate advertising, which is increasingly not true, even for left-wing sites. It’s free, its independent, it’s courageous and I can’t think of many sites that I admire more than Consortium News and urge you strongly to support it. “

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1 comment for “Chris Hedges: CN’s ‘Courageous & Independent’ Reporting

  1. Lois Gagnon
    May 30, 2023 at 19:04

    Thank you Chris! It is vitally important to support independent media if we are to understand our world unencumbered by corporate state spin. CN is the best of independent journalism hands down.

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