WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Ecuador & Assange: The Back Story’


Carlos Poveda, Julian Assange’s lawyer in Ecuador, spoke to CN Live! about Ecuador’s decision to grant Assange asylum; the C.I.A. spying in the embassy in London; Assange’s arrest and his lawsuit against the Ecuadorian government. 

Consortium News was in Quito, Ecuador, to interview lawyer Carlos Poveda, who represents imprisoned WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange. With your hosts Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria, producer Cathy Vogan and Ecuadorian journalist Jose Rivera

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3 comments for “WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Ecuador & Assange: The Back Story’

  1. Valerie
    May 16, 2023 at 15:24

    What a complicated scenario. I’m sure Snr. Poveda is up to the task.


  2. Clarke Kennt
    May 15, 2023 at 09:59

    The American Motto is “We Lie! We Cheat! We Steal!”

    When the democratic elected government in Ecuador started making ‘wrong decisions’, the Americans stole it….. in the name of Truth, Justice, Democracy, Freedom, and the American Way.

    In other words, they same method they use to steal everything else.

  3. Valerie
    May 15, 2023 at 05:33

    Too late for us people in europe. But will watch tomorrow. Thankyou CN.

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