WATCH: DOJ Rally on 4th Anniversary of Assange’s Arrest


WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange was arrested in London on April 11, 2019. He has been in Belmarsh prison ever since. A rally took place at the DOJ on Tuesday. Watch it here.

Watch the rally courtesy of Ford Fischer’s News2Share. Speakers: Max Blumenthal, Rev. Annie Chambers, John Kiriakou, Joe Lauria, Garland Nixon and Misty Winston. 

Action4Assange activists began the day by lobbying members of Congress to sign the open letter of Rep. Rashida Tlaib to U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland demanding that the charges against Julian Assange be dropped. 

Please donate to this GoFundMe page to help pay for the rally and the lobbying effort. 

17 comments for “WATCH: DOJ Rally on 4th Anniversary of Assange’s Arrest

  1. Andrea Iravani
    April 12, 2023 at 12:01

    My suggestion is to disband InfraGard. Why is the FBI running a 501c3, who is dobating to it, & what is it being used for? Why does someone have to sign an NDA when they are actively promoting this to people in the private sector, academia, & public employees that are not with the military or CIA? That seems to be the main driver behind these fascist Nazi Storm Tropper mentalities from my assessment. I refer to them as Infra(red)Gard, & the SS surveillance state, because that is their behavior by and large. What do you suggest, Valerie?

  2. Andrea Iravani
    April 11, 2023 at 21:23

    Well Valerie,

    After over two decades of high crimes, treason, crimes against humanity, & terrorism, by government and their wolves in sheeps clothing partners in crime. I am pretty desperate to drive stakes through the hearts of these monstrous vampire beasts any way that I can, I am completely fed up & totally disgusted with this country for very legitimate reasons.

    • Valerie
      April 12, 2023 at 03:13

      I believe you are not alone with those sentiments Andrea. The dilemma is how to get rid of them.

  3. April 11, 2023 at 16:48

    My prior post was the original indictment.

    Here is the subsequent and superseding indictment:


  4. April 11, 2023 at 16:33

    Garland Nixon misspoke. The DoJ Indictment does not allege a DNC server hack. It only applies to Manning’s disclosures.

  5. Andrea Iravani
    April 11, 2023 at 13:23

    If it wasn’t for Julian Assange, I probably would not know that Vault7 hacking tools have been used on me. They hack lights, thermostat, appliances, energy meter, car, & internet devices. It started in 2014 with themturning lights off, then in 2016 they hacked my energy meter & everything else.

    If it wasn’t for Julian Assange, Obama may have convinced Americans that signing onto the TPP would have been a “good idea.”

    Julian Assange & Edward Snowden have done more for this country than anyone in modern history.

  6. CaseyG
    April 11, 2023 at 13:08

    Julian Assange is a TRUTH TELLER. The fact that the US wants to seal him up in prison forever is no surprise.

    Maybe Biden, Blinken et al need to read the Preamble.

    “We the People of the United States, in order to form a more Perfect Union, Establish Justice, Insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the Common Defense , Promote the General Welfare and Secure the Blessings of LIBERTY for ourselves and our progeny……” Wow, Julian Assange is working on this for the entire world—sadly the American government seems to deny its own Preamble.

    I am left with no one to vote for as President……and so as the poet wrote…” This is the way the world ends—not with a bang, with a whimper.” And as another poet wrote “Hope is a feathered thing which perches in the soul…”
    Maybe some day America will stand up for We the People, but sadly Biden, Blinken et al——- As of now—–you are failing all the humans on this planet.

  7. Andrea Iravani
    April 11, 2023 at 13:00

    “Speak out not because it is safe, but because it’s the right thing to do.” – Edward Snowden
    If Russia defeats the U.S., maybe Putin will appoint Edward Snowden as President of tne U.S.
    Snowden 2024!

    • Valerie
      April 11, 2023 at 14:47

      Brilliant idea Andrea.

  8. eric siverson
    April 11, 2023 at 12:22

    Julian should never have been charged in the first place Seems like 4 or 5 years ago and he has been held in Jail ever since . How can this happen in countries that claims and seeeks justice for all .ar case of Justce delayed is Justice dennied .

  9. Nina Flannery
    April 11, 2023 at 10:04

    Published today, 4/11/23, concerning detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich

    “Journalism is not a crime. We condemn the Kremlin’s continued repression of independent voices in Russia and its ongoing war against the truth,” the state department spokesman, Vedant Patel, said in a statement announcing the designation.

  10. Graeme
    April 11, 2023 at 07:01

    In light of the evasive tactics employed by Penny Wong (Australia’s Foreign Minister) – when questioned in the Senate regarding her government’s efforts on behalf of Julian, and the FOI disclosure that there was no record of discussions between USA & Australia re Julian – I sent the following to a dozen or so government ministers.

    I am seeking an explanation as to whether or not the Albanese (read the people’s) government is progressing with extricating Julian Assange from the legal quagmire he is facing because he publicised war crimes that occurred in Iraq.
    Note that when Mils Melzer was United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, he determined that the actions portrayed in the ‘Collateral Murder’ video were indeed punishable as war crimes. hxxps://
    Considering that the official response to an FOI request for “all cablegrams sent between the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Embassy of Australia, Washington DC, since 24 November 2022 that relate to Julian Paul Assange”
    concluded that
    “Thorough searches conducted by the Consular Operations Branch and the United States, United Kingdom & Canada Branch found no documents;”
    is our government taking seriously the issues inherent in Assange’s case: exposing war-crimes, freedom of journalism to expose government corruption and jailing innocent people who have not been convicted of any crime?
    with regards

    The only response to date is from my local representative (also a member of cabinet);

    I can assure you that the Australian Government is following Mr Assange’s case closely.
    Through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Government will continue to offer consular assistance to Mr Assange.
    It is important to note that Australia is not a party to the case and is unable to intervene in the legal matters of another country.
    We will continue to convey our expectations that Mr Assange is entitled to due process, humane and fair treatment, access to proper medical care, and access to his legal team.
    The Australian Government has been clear in our view that Mr Assange’s case has dragged on for too long and that it should be brought to a close.
    We will continue to express this view to the governments of the United Kingdom and United States.
    Your concerns on this issue have been noted and I thank you for taking the time to raise them with me.
    Once again, thank you for contacting me about this important issue.

    A fairly mealy-mouthed response.
    Note: no mention of the war-crimes that Wikileaks exposed.

  11. Andrea Iravani
    April 10, 2023 at 19:38

    “Only in the relationship to God, does man as a total person confront authority.” – Sorren Kierkegaard – The Revolt of the Single One.

  12. Treena Martin
    April 10, 2023 at 18:42


  13. Valerie
    April 10, 2023 at 14:43

    A bit late to do a simultaneous rally of my own here in Europe, but could do it earlier. Hope to watch the rally online as well.


    • Liz Gledhill
      April 10, 2023 at 16:31

      Agree. It is ridiculous what this man has gone through. Look what is happening in the USA today with the Dona!d Grump, known as Trump, trial, and the situation the British Isles and Northern Ireland is in, thanks to the Tories/

      • Valerie
        April 12, 2023 at 03:10

        Exactly Liz. With the likes of Braverman, Patel, Johnston,Truss et al in the government it’s no wonder. But i fear the opposition are no better.

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