Our Coverage of the Ukraine War


CN has been ahead of the news on Ukraine, from reporting the coup and warning of nuclear catastrophe as far back as 2015, to news of the current phase of the conflict. Help us to continue our coverage.

Nuclear weapon test Dakota, June 26, 1956. (U.S. Dept. of Energy/Wikimedia Commons)

On Feb. 23, 2015, Robert Parry, the late founder of this website, warned that a U.S.-backed coup in Kiev and a war launched against the coup’s resisters in Ukraine’s east threatened the world with nuclear holocaust. It seemed an extreme position to take then. But does anyone think so today?

Having broken the biggest Iran-Contra stories for the Associated Press, Bob also broke the biggest stories debunking Russiagate for Consortium News, explaining how the phony scandal helped raise tensions between nuclear powers, including in Ukraine.

Robert Parry distinguished himself with his coverage of the crisis in Ukraine from its beginning until his untimely death in January 2018. 

He did not live to see his chilling forecasts being played out. Since Bob’s passing, we have endeavored to continue covering Ukraine in the same vein.  We warned 20 days in advance how the U.S. was provoking — and why it needed — Russia to intervene in Ukraine. We reported in March detailed confirmation of the U.S. strategy.

Our writers, such as Scott Ritter, Patrick Lawrence, Diana Johnstone and Joe Lauria, have throughout the crisis offered an antidote to the Official Narrative. For that we’ve had our PayPal account shut down, we’ve got the red mark from NewsGuard and Ritter and Lawrence have been permanently banned from Twitter.

If you want to continue reading a different take on Ukraine, please contribute today to Consortium News‘ 2022 Fall Fund Drive. Thank you.

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13 comments for “Our Coverage of the Ukraine War

  1. Tedder
    October 2, 2022 at 09:59

    When Bob Parry was reporting on Iran-Contra, I wrote in a comment to one of his reports about a time when I met with a young Stanford graduate and several anti-war activists. She had landed a job at the Hoover Institute as the assistant to one of the principals, who apparently did not check on her politics. She went with him to a political meeting in Washington. The principals were closeted while most of the staff waited outside. A person emerged from the meeting and told everyone, “Don’t worry about the election, George has made a deal.”
    Soon enough, Reagan won the election (George Bush as VP), and the hostages were released from Teheran.
    Bob immediately emailed me for more details–I was impressed that he read the comments–but too much time had passed for me to remember who was at that meeting except for my friend.

    • Julia
      October 3, 2022 at 06:54


    • Tony
      October 3, 2022 at 09:28

      Yes, and not long after that you had an assassination attempt on President Reagan by someone from a family of Bush supporters!

  2. Kev
    October 1, 2022 at 12:46

    Here is a conundrum – people on the lower end of incomes are less prone to ‘toeing the line’ of the official narrative. We have less to lose…

    I intend to send some money when my old age pension kicks in. Meanwhile, thanks for helping us see through the fog.

  3. Willow
    September 30, 2022 at 23:24

    Sharing comments here at Consortium News may be cathartic, but we’re way past the time for action. More effective action would be to contact our congressional representatives immediately and tell them the reckless escalation towards nuclear war and the assured death of all life on earth is unacceptable. And we should urge our friends and family to do the same and pass it on to their friends, etc.

    • Tedder
      October 2, 2022 at 09:46

      Sorry, but our Congressional representatives are sold out to the war narrative. Sending passionate letters may be cathartic, but is likely a useless endeavor–but we should still send them. As Chris Hedges said, “I don’t fight fascists because I think I can win, I fight them because they are fascists.”
      The best we can do is push back against the dominant narrative. During the Vietnam War we swayed opinion not only in the public but in the military. It took many years to stop that war. In the case of this proxy war, we can only build a groundswell of opinion that politicians cannot ignore and then stop the funding of this war.

  4. September 30, 2022 at 20:17

    Funny how our authoritarian liberals will demand that every Confederate statute be taken down from every town square while demanding that the US Treasury open its floodgates to Ukraine, where statutes of Nazi-collaborator and Jew-hater Stepan Bandera dot the entire country.

    Of course, the stony visages of the mounted Nathan Bedford and Stonewall shouldn’t be here in the South, but even their grossest misdeeds pale by comparison to the totality of the mayhem wrought by Bandera and his gang before and during World War 2. His atrocities centered around Kiev, whose pogroms between 1917 and 1920 resulted in the deaths of 100,000 Jews and the displacement and ruination of many more. Bandera took this legacy and magnified it.

    The spirit of Bandera pervades today’s Ukraine, as Kiev has published on its Internet a hit list; its paramilitaries have killed many Donbass officials seeking the slightest accommodation with their Russian occupiers. And we know what happened to Moscow citizen Daria Dugina and her Toyota Land Cruiser late last August. Smithereens. These deadly acts of violence go unpunished, even uninvestigated, by Kiev authorities.

    Yet, Bandera’s birthday is annually celebrated in Ukraine, by torchlight parades, lighting up Kiev with the same fascist glow that disgraced the night skies of Rome in 1922, Charlottsville’s in 2017; like that night of May 2, 2014, when 47 separatists were burned alive, with the police present and cameras recording the whole event. The fear of the Nazis perpetrators paralyzed the Odessa courts and law enforcement. Azov Battalion cohorts strutted from their crispy victims, their commanders proud and bragging.

    Would Putin give such impunity to say, a Russian nationalist group that openly and brazenly killed 4 dozen draft resisters?

    • Donald Duck
      October 1, 2022 at 07:17

      I think that you will find that the Bandera ‘Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists(OUN-B)/Shukhevych (UPA) – Ukrainian Insurgent Army)’ death machine was centered around Lviv HQ of the west of Ukraine, and mainly around the Polish areas of Galicia and Vonnytsia where the massacres, of up to 100,000 Poles, Russians, and of course Jews, took place in 1943-44. These facts are totally unknown to western audiences. In fact the war in the western Ukraine carried on until the 1950s.

    • michael888
      October 2, 2022 at 09:47

      Yushchenko, an American trained banker married to a State Dept/ CIA agent was installed as President by the CIA and its Orange Revolution in Kiev in 2004/5 (just elected Yanukovych was deposed at that time, as the CIA claimed WITH NO EVIDENCE that the Election was tainted and corrupt– imagine that in Ukraine!) Yushchenko, the American Puppet of the puppet state of Ukraine, glorified NAZIsm and named Bandera “Hero of Ukraine”, no doubt under US direction. The following election, under UN monitoring in 2010, Yushchenko received 5% of the vote and Yanukovych was (re)elected President. Yanukovych reversed the Bandera proclamation, but could do nothing about the UkroNAZIs, militias and their incorporation into the police, military and security apparatus. Under Biden (and Nuland and Pyatt), the UkroNAZIs overthrew BAD puppet Yanukovych in the Maidan Coup in 2014, and installed a series of good US puppets. Not sure if it was Poroshenko or Zelensky who reinstated Bandera as “Hero of US Ukraine”? It is obviously important symbolically showing the World that the US and NATO have taken up the mantle of NAZIism, to finish Hitler’s eradication of the untermenschen, Slavs and Russians.
      Still that is just propaganda/ revisionist history critical to the US. Blowing up other countries’ gas pipelines is War (expect retaliation).

    • Tedder
      October 2, 2022 at 09:52

      The US press noticed the presence of these Bandera Nazis in the 2014 Maidan Coup–even the NY Times. But since then, they have been whitewashed even as their policies deepen in the Ukraine. A key element of modern Banderism is hatred of Slavs, particularly Russian Slavs, whom they believe are polluted by Mongol blood, while they are the descendants of Vikings. How this twisted ideology is accepted by ordinary Ukrainians is baffling, but propaganda over years must be effective. That the Binderites have set aside their anti-semitism is a matter of political convenience as they need the Jewish oligarchs.
      In the extreme, though, I believe that these Nazis crave the rich land in eastern Ukraine, now populated by ethnic Russians, just as Hitler craved the wealth of the Jews.

  5. ray Peterson
    September 30, 2022 at 17:08

    For sure Consortium News is at the forefront of investigative
    journalism offering accurate interpretation to facts forgotten
    and ignored by the mainstream establishment media.
    Here’s one not so investigative, but relying on Diana Johnstone’s
    “Omerta in the Ganster War” to look for the next New York Times’
    headline to say: “NATO has investigated its sabotage of the Nord Stream
    2 pipeline and found CIA verified proof, without question, that it
    was President Putin deep sea diving that did it.”
    And all the true believers will assent to more money to arm
    the neo-Nazi Ukrainian government and never talk peace with Putin.

  6. September 30, 2022 at 16:07

    We should have some sort of forum to deal with the public liberal position, to send support for the war, with what you put out. One problem for “us” is we’re gadflies — we don’t have a concerted voice. So why not try to establish one?

    • C. Kent
      October 1, 2022 at 10:14

      Happy to tell you, broken English comp & all, that there are many places online to express an opinion about the nationalists in Ukraine. I do wonder where you get the idea we share a voice, we don’t. Speak for yourself, and try proof reading.

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