WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Ukraine on Fire’ Screening With Director Igor Lopatonok


Watch the replay: Igor Lopatonok joined CN Live! to introduce his 2016 documentary Ukraine on Fire, which is more relevant than ever as the MSM whitewashes the Ukraine story, rendering it to a fairy tale.

With Western corporate media excising the 2014 U.S.-backed coup in Ukraine, Kiev’s war against Russian-speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass who resisted the coup, and the outsized role of Ukrainian neo-Nazis, the documentary Ukraine on Fire is more timely and necessary than ever.

Produced by and starring Oliver Stone, the film relates the story of Ukraine that corporate media dare not tell. Among those Stone interviews are ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Also interviewed for the film was the late Robert Parry, founding editor of Consortium News. 

Director Igor Lopatonok joined CN Live! for a 1 hour 45 minute discussion about the origins of the film, its production, its brief censorship by YouTube and its extraordinary relevance to today’s events in Ukraine. It is followed by a screening of the full movie. With hosts Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria, produced by Cathy Vogan.

Bob Parry and Igor Lopatonok. (Courtesy Igor Lopatonok)


10 comments for “WATCH: CN Live! — ‘Ukraine on Fire’ Screening With Director Igor Lopatonok

  1. peter tusinski
    April 6, 2022 at 18:44

    Thanks consortium for giving us a real eye opener! It would really be wonderful if this production would be shown on mainstream media,but fat chance of that happening.

  2. Francis Lee
    April 6, 2022 at 12:00

    I was a frequent visitor to the Ukraine 2006-2012- Donetsk to be precise – where I got married. I remember when my wife and I got married and booked a holiday in Chelmenitsky – a holiday resort in the far west of Ukraine. It was a long journey. But as we got about half way and stopped at Dnipropetrovsk – a big city astride the Dnieper river – a group of young men boarded the train. They looked very fit and much like a soccer team. My Russian wife got into conversation with them and they said that they were students. They were all bound to points west – Lviv of course, as well as Ternipol, Vinnytsyia and Ivano-Frankivst.

    Finally the penny dropped: these ‘students’ had been training in their military camps and going back home for their summer holidays. In due course I expected they would be throwing molotov cocktails in Independence square. I should add that they had a fight among themsleves in the middle of the night which was a little disconcerting, and I was sure happy to get off that train.

    Students indeed – pah!

  3. April 6, 2022 at 11:53

    I had to send a link to the film on Rumble to my father because he like so many Americans are not aware of the events that brought us to this current situation in Ukraine. The film was on YouTube but YouTube took it down. Rumble picked it up.

    It was an excellent interview. Thank you and Igor Lapontonok for giving us all this invaluable information.

      April 6, 2022 at 13:10

      It is back up on YouTube, which is where this screening appears.

  4. johnny Woods
    April 6, 2022 at 00:38

    Explain why a figure like Chubais has left Russia. He was a leader of the privatization drive under Yeltsin, but that’s a process that one must assume Putin also supported.

  5. April 6, 2022 at 00:24

    Produced by and starring Oliver Stone, the film relates the story of Ukraine that corporate media dare not tell. Among those Stone interviews are ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Also interviewed for the film was the late Robert Parry, founding editor of Consortium News.

  6. David Otness
    April 5, 2022 at 23:20


  7. Dawn
    April 5, 2022 at 18:53

    Thank you, Consortium News, this is fantastic, I can’t wait to see it!

  8. Will
    April 5, 2022 at 16:02

    The MSM’s Ukraine Neo-Nazi Amnesia
    The MSM apparently can’t take the time to Google their own past work.

    Victoria’s Secret
    The MSM gets its war analysis from the sister in law of the woman who made the war inevitable.

    • Vincent ANDERSON
      April 6, 2022 at 13:06

      ‘Pregnant’ intro comments, but I cannot get your links to go anywhere via google. 2nd try?

      Having watched the whole 105-minute pre-‘FIRE’ discussion + movie last night, I see the US/NATO trajectory coming clearly into view. GREAT work, by and for all truth followers.

      As if to register this all in photo negatives, WaPo has 2 articles today on how a prolonged UKR war may screw up imperial plans for the ‘real’ business at hand, the ‘pivot’ to China….

      [1] ‘As Ukraine war drags on, Pentagon makes long-term plans for Europe’
      summary par here:
      Elbridge Colby, a former defense official in the Trump administration, said that it’s a “really serious concern” what the trend line might be in keeping additional forces in Europe as a result of Russia’s invasion, considering the United States is “doing badly in terms of the military balance in Asia.”

      [2] title says it all: ‘NATO says Ukraine to decide on peace deal with Russia — within limits’


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