The Weird, Creepy Media Blackout on Recent Assange Revelations


Mass media are owned and controlled by wealthy people in coordination with the secretive government agencies tasked with preserving the world order upon which the media-owning plutocrats have built their kingdoms, says Caity Johnstone.

En kvinne fester en stor plakat på gjerdet utenfor rettssalen The Old Bailey i London. Plakaten viser ansiktet til Julian Assange. Munnen hans er kneblet med en teip i fargene til det amerikanske flagget. Tittelen på plakaten er "Free Assange". Foto.

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By Caitlin Johnstone

As of this writing, it has been three days since the Icelandic newspaper Stundin broke the story that a key witness in the US government’s case against Julian Assange had fabricated allegations against the WikiLeaks founder. And yet, somehow, Assange is still in prison. 

Weirder still, not one major western media outlet outside of Iceland has reported on this massive and entirely legitimate news story. A search brings up coverage by Icelandic media, by Russian media, and by smaller western outlets like Democracy NowWorld Socialist WebsiteConsortium NewsZero Hedge and some others, but as of this writing this story has been completely ignored by all major outlets who are ostensibly responsible for informing the public in the western world.  

It’s not that those outlets have been ignoring Assange altogether these last few days either. Reuters recently published an interview with Assange’s fiance Stella Moris. Evening Standard has a recent article out on Assange’s plans to marry Moris in Belmarsh, as does Deutsche Welle. It’s just this one story in particular that they’ve been blacking out completely.


And it’s not that the mainstream press are unaware of this story. Mainstream western reporters spend a lot of time on Twitter, and Assange’s name was trending in the United States after the Stundin story broke. Tweets about the article by high-profile accounts like WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden have many thousands of shares each. They’ve all seen the article. They all know it’s newsworthy. They’re just choosing not to report on it.

It reminds me of the blanket media blackout that occurred while the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was hemorrhaging leaks revealing a US government-tied coverup in the alleged chlorine gas incident in Douma, Syria. Immensely newsworthy stories were breaking every few days on a major international scandal, yet not a peep was made about it by the mainstream press. 

We got some insight into what happens in mainstream newsrooms during such bizarre circumstances when journalist Tareq Haddad leaked the emails from his editors at Newsweek refusing him permission to write about the unfolding OPCW scandal. Haddad’s pitch was rejected by editor Dimi Reider on the basis that other bigger outlets hadn’t written about it.

“Leak has been out since weekend,” Reider wrote. “It’s certainly no scoop. Yet despite the days that passed, not a single respected media outlet – many of whom boast far greater regional expertise, resources on the ground and in newsroom than Newsweek does – have taken the leak remotely seriously. Which already yesterday made my wonder how we could or why we should.”

Reider was supported by Newsweek‘s digital director Laura Davis, who told Haddad his pitch was being rejected because “the leak found zero to no traction among publications which are highly resourced and experienced on Syria.”

And that’s just pretty darn convenient for the powerful, is it not? Assuming other mainstream news outlets feel the same, this means they’re all generally following the lead of just a handful of top-tier publications like The New York TimesThe Washington PostThe Wall Street Journal and The Guardian. If just those few outlets decide to ignore a major news story that’s inconvenient for the powerful (either by persuasion, infiltration or by their own initiative), then no one else will either. As far as the media-consuming public is concerned, it’s like the major news story never happened at all.

And that’s really, really creepy.


Western mass media outlets are propaganda. They are owned and controlled by wealthy people in coordination with the secretive government agencies tasked with preserving the world order upon which the media-owning plutocrats have built their kingdoms, and their purpose is to manipulate the way the mainstream public thinks, acts and votes into alignment with the agendas of the ruling class.

You see this propaganda in the way things are reported, but you also see it in the way things are not reported. Entire news stories can be completely redacted from mainstream attention if they are sufficiently inconvenient for the mechanisms of empire, or only allowed in via platforms like Tucker Carlson Tonight and thereby tainted and spun as ridiculous right-wing conspiracy theories.

If newsworthiness and significance were what governed mainstream news media reporting, instead of the agendas of profit and power, we’d constantly be hearing about the people dying in Yemen and the brutal income inequality in the United States. And the fact that the most powerful government in the world is persecuting a journalist for telling the truth would be at the forefront of everyone’s awareness, instead of the mountain of smears they have heaped upon Julian Assange.

I sometimes get people telling me that some news stories are meant to “distract” us from other, bigger news stories, like this is something the imperial narrative managers do especially on some occasions but not all the time. In reality, distraction is never not happening, because every single day the plutocratic media pull people’s attention away from the pressing issues of the moment like ecocide, poverty, oppression and mass military slaughter to get them talking about Cardi B’s baby bump and Marjorie Taylor Greene’s latest doofy publicity stunt. 

We are being lied to. Constantly, and in more ways than we realize. By omission, by distortion, by half-truths and by outright deception. Our minds are being actively messed with by powerful people with limitless resources to ensure their continued domination of the planet at any cost. Our very perception of reality is being assaulted on myriad fronts. Until humanity finds a way to wake itself up from its propaganda-induced coma, the abuses of the powerful will continue.

Caitlin Johnstone is a rogue journalist, poet, and utopia prepper who publishes regularly at Medium.  Her work is entirely reader-supported, so if you enjoyed this piece please consider sharing it around, liking her on Facebook, following her antics on Twitter, checking out her podcast on either YoutubesoundcloudApple podcasts or Spotify, following her on Steemit, throwing some money into her tip jar on Patreon or Paypal, purchasing some of her sweet merchandise, buying her books Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix, Rogue Nation: Psychonautical Adventures With Caitlin Johnstone and Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.

This article is from and re-published with permission.

The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.

7 comments for “The Weird, Creepy Media Blackout on Recent Assange Revelations

  1. Jörgen Hassler
    July 2, 2021 at 12:18

    “In reality, distraction is never not happening, because every single day the plutocratic media pull people’s attention away from the pressing issues of the moment…”

    That’s a preposterous claim! I am fully convinced that public service television in Sweden (SVT) report on Britney Spears more or less daily because it truly is the most important story of our time.

  2. Larry McGovern
    June 30, 2021 at 12:13

    This is further confirmation of former CIA analyst, Ray McGovern’s “expansion” of the term, Military Industrial Complex, to the Military Industrial Congressional Intelligence MEDIA Academia Think Tank complex (MICIMATT) is so right on, especially as Ray always puts Media in all caps, as he feels it is the lynchpin of everything else.

    Full disclosure: Ray McGovern is my (much :-)) older brother.

    Larry McGovern

    • John Clements
      June 30, 2021 at 17:52

      A good lad give him my best. God bless him and his beard

  3. michael888
    June 30, 2021 at 08:35

    The US and West in general only has State News, an Official Narrative controlled by the State Department/ CIA, thanks to gutting (“modernization”) of Smith Mundt (anti- domestic propaganda law) in 2014. The Telecommunications Act of 1996 allowed six tractable owners to control all mainstream media.

    We are discovering as the Soviets did that there is no news in the News (Izvestia) and no truth in Truth (Pravda). Control of media is essential in any Police State.

  4. Linda Furr
    June 29, 2021 at 21:45

    If it’s true, as I heard after rhia story broke, that Thordarson was working with the FBI to pull off this stooy, there needs to be a very thorough investigation of the FBI. After the FBI’s part in pushing Russiagate, we should ALL be feeling creepy about the people pulling strings in Washington DC.

  5. Keith McClary
    June 29, 2021 at 18:30

    “… following the lead of just a handful of top-tier publications like The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal and The Guardian.”

    The same ones that profit from confidential briefings by anonymous officials.

  6. Moi
    June 29, 2021 at 17:15

    Another “blanket media blackout” from this last week – how many people saw MsM coverage of an Amnesty International report on the recent Gaza conflict? The single article I found came from a ME news site and included lovelies like:

    “… a catalogue of violations were committed by security officials against Palestinians in occupied East Jerusalem, including the use of unlawful force against peaceful protesters, sweeping mass arrests and subjecting detainees to torture and other ill-treatment.”

    “Highlighting the systematic police brutality, the findings are as damning as they are deeply worrying. Israeli police actions were not only repressive, but were also discriminatory, targeting Palestinians disproportionately. The report found that Israeli officials failed to protect Palestinian citizens of Israel from premeditated attacks by groups of armed Jewish supremacists, even when plans were publicised in advance and police knew or should have known of them.”

    So torture, unlawful use of force, repression, discrimination, etc, by a Western-allied nation totally disappears but stories about Xinjiang and Belorussia abound.


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