Get a Digitized Video of a Bob Parry PBS Classic


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Viewers who pledge $50 to CN Live!’s Patreon page to help our webcast stay on the air will be emailed the password to watch Bob Parry’s PBS Front Line documentary “Investigating the October Surprise” on their computers.


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2 comments for “Get a Digitized Video of a Bob Parry PBS Classic

  1. May 22, 2021 at 20:11

    I got the video. Just now I’m wondering if it was money well spent. I think it was and I think there is plenty of money out there to support CN, so why not somebody who has more than they need just give the enterprise a grant so that they can continue the good effort and then we can see a successful fundraising campaign come to a close.
    – I’ve contributed to CN, some hard earned funds of mine, and I’m interested in where the tally stands).

    Sanders should not have surrendered his presidential ambitions, but maybe he figured he’d go the way of Kennedy and be dead if he
    didn’t. Seems like he was the one folks wanted. Anyhow, I’m a big fan of things Irish, and Yeats born in Sandymount was no doubt a fine Irish poet. I’m a fan of Irish poets and I support unification of Ireland, the whole island, cause lets be honest, it just makes geographical sense. After Ireland unifies and separates from the UK, the Scotland maybe could go next, if they figure out what justice really means.
    The time is coming, and Sanders must know this, that folks will be judged by what they accomplish and not by what they say. The time for direct action is upon us. Nothing speaks louder to power than direct action that diminishes the machine they are running against the interest of the peasants. This has been going on for centuries Kropotkin whispered in my ear about and year and a half ago and since then it has only become more obvious.
    Boycott Israel and Boycott Saudi Arabia. Boycott them both ways. Boycott them in the ports, on the highways, and in the imagination of all of us who are dreaming about better times and who are fed up with suffering of innocence. It is happening in Yemen just now just like it has happened in Gaza in front of our eyes and only question is are we going to boycott and cancel the REAL things that are harming humanity or is it going to just remain a boycott of trivial things such as sexual misbehavior? Not to diminish the harm that has been caused but babies are dying so maybe that ought be the priority. What do you think about all the starving babies in Yemen? Do you think they deserve to live or are you upset about how somebody offended your sexual identity? Really. What is more important? A choice needs to be made regarding priorities and I’ve already made my choice. I’m all in.
    For goodness gracious me – are you clueless about SCALE? Libra is not clueless she whispered in my ear in a moment of confidence and I acted like I didn’t know what she was saying cause I didn’t want to give her any reason to think that I doubt her justice cause I don’t and she will dish it out.
    Watch and see in the year of reckoning when Libra delivers to those who cause suffering of innocence what they deserve. It is gonna happen and I have faith. Scale matters, Libra knows this inherently, and the scales are in the balance. So swallow that all up and consider what you are going to do and what really matters. The rest of it can be worked out in good time and it will be.

      May 23, 2021 at 01:39

      Thank you BK.

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