WATCH: CN Live!—New Season, Episode 1: Dissident Intellectual


The premiere episode of Season 3 of CN Live!, looks at the career of Richard Falk, a former UN special rapporteur on Palestine, & an outspoken critic of U.S. foreign policy.

CN Live! hosts Elizabeth Vos and Joe Lauria interview Prof. Richard Falk about his new memoir, Public Intellectual. Falk became prominent in the United States and internationally after visits to North Vietnam where he met PM Pham Von Dong, to Iran during the Islamic Revolution with Ayatollah Khomeini in Paris, to South Africa where with Nelson Mandela at the height of the struggle against apartheid, and frequently to Palestine and Israel.

His memoir relates encounters with well-known public figures in law, academia, political activism and Hollywood. Falk mentored the thesis of former FBI Director Robert Mueller, and he taught Gen. David Petraeus. Falk’s writings and activism collided with the U.S. over militarism, nuclear weapons and its Palestine-Israel foreign policy, especially when he was the U.N. special rapporteur on Palestine. 

Falk was named the 2010 Outstanding Public Scholar in Political Economy by the International Studies Association. He has been nominated annually for the Nobel Peace Prize since 2009.

“This intimate and penetrating account of a remarkable life is rich in insights about topics ranging from the academic world to global affairs to prospects for a livable society.  A gripping story, with many lessons for a troubled world.” NOAM CHOMSKY

“Richard Falk is one of the few great public intellectuals and citizen pilgrims who has preserved his integrity and consistency in our dark and decadent times. This wise and powerful memoir is a gift that bestows us with a tear-soaked truth and blood-stained hope.”  CORNEL WEST

“Richard Falk’s Public Intellectual is a citizen pilgrims journey across the world , over  nearly a century, contributing to peace in Vietnam, Iran, Palestine …Through his life and ideas he invites us to imagine and shape the ‘politics of impossibility ‘  to heal our ‘endangered planet’  and our fractured societies.  Whether you are a peace activist or researcher, or you care about the earth and fellow human beings , Public Intellectual will enrich you intellectually and  politically.” VANDANA SHIVA

“Richard Falk recounts a life well spent trying to bend the arc of international law toward global justice. A Don Quixote tilting nobly at real dragons. His culminating vision of a better or even livable future—a ‘necessary utopia’—evokes with current urgency the slogan of Paris, May 1968: ‘Be realistic: demand the impossible.’” DANIEL ELLSBERG

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6 comments for “WATCH: CN Live!—New Season, Episode 1: Dissident Intellectual

  1. Em
    March 18, 2021 at 10:42

    Not only an authentic scholar, but a gentle man.

    He is one of humanities honorable badgers

    A timely lesson!

    Who could wish for a more truly humane mentor.

  2. Betsie Weil
    March 18, 2021 at 00:35

    A saint, it seems to me.

  3. Jim other
    March 17, 2021 at 17:18

    Very insightful comments about the Vietnam war. He should wear the comments of his critics as a badge of honor. Plato was put to death for his attempt to speak the truth. Israel brings shame upon all Jews !

  4. BiloxiMarxKelly
    March 17, 2021 at 16:04

    Richard Falk is a Professional Human Being, he is a Cosmic Citizen of The Universe and truly ZaZen. What a great truly great gift Consortium News, thanks beyond words!

  5. John Miller
    March 17, 2021 at 13:38

    I had the pleasure of taking courses from, and writing a jr. paper for, Prof. Falk at Princeton more than fifty years ago. His high moral standards made him stand out as my most influential teacher.

  6. March 17, 2021 at 11:00

    Richard Falk is a great man of our times, and a true friend for over thirty years. His wisdom helped inspire my work as a citizen activist beginning in the 80’s , 90’s and the new millennium. He speaks the truth courageously, irregardless of politics or religion. TRUTH ABOVE ALL ELSE! I am so proud to be among his many friends!

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