Thank You Readers for a Successful Winter Fund Drive


Consortium News is deeply grateful to its loyal readers for generously donating to our End-of-Year/Winter Fund Drive, which will enable us to continue serving you with views and news not found in corporate media.

Because of the commitment from our readers to this special project begun 25 years ago by our late founding editor Robert Parry, we are embarking on our next 25 years of providing desperately-needed, non-partisan journalism that has become woefully missing in the corporate media.

That mainstream media further devolves into partisan rancor while disseminating bi-partisan support for an aggressive U.S. foreign policy that constructs and exaggerates supposed foreign threats.  The threats are to American imperial interests from nations trying to maintain their sovereignty, not to Americans at home. 

You can depend on Consortium News to continue publishing unbiased, factual accounts of the U.S. at home and abroad, as well as news and analysis of the politics of nations around the world. We will also continue to defend freedom of the press against its worldwide assault, including against us.

We are committed to our readers as you are committed to us. 


Thank You!

2 comments for “Thank You Readers for a Successful Winter Fund Drive

  1. countykerry
    February 1, 2020 at 18:06

    And we are very grateful to have you !

    I have just started to read, ‘Fooling America.’

  2. February 1, 2020 at 06:11

    The real and authentic news is more preferable for audience, You got that badge, So we are with you as always. Keep us more updated with all your new information and news around the world.

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