If Jeffrey Epstein’s death turns out to have been self-inflicted, it would represent a complete breakdown in the system that was supposed to protect him.
By John Kiriakou
Special to Consortium News
A cottage industry has been spawned over the past week for the chattering classes on every network to comment on the apparent suicide of Jeffrey Epstein, the millionaire financier charged with sex-trafficking of underage girls.
The talking heads have also babbled on about the inner workings of federal prisons. Nearly every word I’ve heard is either factually incorrect, out of context, or fantastical. I spent 23 months in a federal penitentiary and served on suicide watch over a fellow inmate. So I can set the record straight about how suicide watches work in federal prisons, and about the conditions that led Epstein, apparently, to take his own life. If Epstein’s death turns out to have been an actual suicide, it would be the result of a complete breakdown in the system that was supposed to protect him.
First, suicide watch in the federal prison system is a big deal. When a prisoner is suicidal, or has attempted suicide, he is placed in a designated “suicide watch room.” It is a physical room in the medical unit where one wall is a window. The prisoner is stripped naked and given a paper smock to wear. There are no sheets or pillowcases on the bed. So the prisoner doesn’t harm himself, there is nothing else inside the room other than a sink and a toilet. Outside that window wall, a rotating shift of prisoner volunteers sits 24 hours a day to watch the prisoner to make sure he doesn’t attempt suicide again. There are also video cameras inside the room to ensure the prisoner does not try to harm himself. Uniformed guards check on the prisoner every 30 minutes, and a nurse, physician’s assistant, or psychologist visits the prisoner at least once a day.

NYC prison where Jeffrey Epstein was found dead.
(Jim Henderson, CC0, Wikimedia Commons)
When the prisoner is released from suicide watch, which usually takes a week or two, one of two things happen: Either the prisoner is returned to his cell, where he normally has between one and five cellmates, or he is sent to solitary confinement, where he can be watched more closely than he could be watched in the general population. In most prisons, solitary confinement is not at all solitary. Solitary confinement is usually grossly overcrowded with two or even three prisoners in each cell built for one. One prisoner is in a bunk and the other one or two sleep on mats on the floor. Depending on the prison, guards patrol the unit every 15 or 30 minutes to make sure than nothing untoward is taking place. And don’t forget that there are security cameras that cover literally every inch of a prison every minute of every day. At least, there are supposed to be.
Many Mistakes
So how did Epstein kill himself, if that’s what happened? Every safeguard at every turn had to fail. First, we know that Epstein was not on suicide watch. He had been removed, despite the fact that he had only recently attempted suicide. That was a mistake.
We know also that Epstein was returned to a two-man cell and that his cellmate had been transferred to another prison, leaving him alone there. That was a mistake.
We know that two of the three guards who were responsible for watching Epstein were not trained corrections officers. The prison was short staffed — most are — and two of the three guards were actually supposed to be assigned elsewhere in the prison. (Secretaries, nurses, even the dentist and the chaplain sometimes pitch in when there aren’t enough guards.) That was a mistake.
Two of the three guards also were exhausted. One had worked overtime five days in a row and another was working mandatory overtime. That was a mistake. The guards were supposed to make rounds every 30 minutes to make sure that everything was in order and no prisoners were in danger. They didn’t do that. That was yet another mistake.

Mug shot of Jeffrey Epstein taken in 2006 following his indictment for soliciting prostitution from underage girls. (Wikimedia Commons)
None of these observations answers the question of whether Epstein actually committed suicide. It appears that he did. But, let’s not forget that in any prison in America, sex offenders — and especially those who sexually assault children — are the lowest of the low. Their lives are always in danger. I can tell you a hundred stories of assaults on pedophiles that I observed from my time at the Federal Correctional Institution at Loretto, Pennsylvania.
One of the reasons that almost all pedophiles are kept in low-security prisons is that they’re so much more likely to be assaulted or even murdered in higher-security facilities and they’re not eligible to be placed in minimum-security work camps because of the gravity of their crimes. The Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, however, where Epstein was awaiting trial, is a maximum-security facility because it’s a transportation center. Almost every prisoner there is awaiting trial and will eventually be sent somewhere else. Epstein was likely a marked man from the minute he walked through the door.
I don’t know if Epstein committed suicide. When we have to choose between incompetence and conspiracy, I usually go with incompetence, though there are many powerful people who were in Epstein’s circle who would not have wanted facts to emerge at his trial. One cannot rule out that all these mistakes made could have been intentional to create the conditions for him to attempt suicide again—this time successfully.
One of my attorneys gave me some advice before I left for prison. “Don’t make anybody angry,” he said. “Most prisoners are attached to one gang or another — the Italians, the Aryans, the Crips and the Bloods, MS-13, the Mexican drug gangs. Every one of them has a long arm and they can reach into any prison in the country.”
John Kiriakou is a former CIA counterterrorism officer and a former senior investigator with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. John became the sixth whistleblower indicted by the Obama administration under the Espionage Act — a law designed to punish spies. He served 23 months in prison as a result of his attempts to oppose the Bush administration’s torture program.
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Here are the (and/or/combination) possibilities I could think of as motivations for Epstein’s death. If you can think of others, please reply.
Actual suicide:
– Epstein commits suicide as he was facing an extremely bleak future.
– Epstein commits suicide as he had been persuaded to do so by co-conspirators (or other powers that be).
Staged suicide:
– Co-conspirators facilitate Epstein being suicided to silence him.
– Blackmail victim(s) facilitate Epstein being suicided to silence him (and/or as revenge).
– Pedophile hating inmate suicides Epstein on principle (enabled by alternatively motivated persons of power).
– Co-conspirators fabricate Epstein’s suicide as cover to relocate him.
Also, as mentioned by other comments in this thread, the Whitney Webb series provides some excellent historical context that is then tied in to current events. For convenience, here are the links to the first 3 parts:
Part 1:
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Shocking Origins of the Jeffrey Epstein Case
Part 2:
Government by Blackmail: Jeffrey Epstein, Trump’s Mentor and the Dark Secrets of the Reagan Era
Part 3:
Mega Group, Maxwells and Mossad: The Spy Story at the Heart of the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
Even if the camera outside Epstein’s cell wasn’t working there would be plenty more in the prison as John mentioned that would have caught anyone who wasn’t supposed to be in the area. This is what I’d like Barr to address. And I’ve read that Barr visited Epstein not long before he died. What happened during this visit?
I believe that he was either killed or he was switched out of the prison.
This time, with This Guy, Suicide Watch ABSENT ! Gives enough time for Killers to do the Job, and Run OUT ! Gards sleeping for 3 hours, plenty time to FINISH the HOT one that has Many Friends.. Bill is sitting on his toilet bowl, and not READY to LEAVE !
John, I can’t go with your incompetence explanation. That’s because there are multiple instances of “incompetence” which all go towards the same end. “Incompetence” produces erratic behavior lacking in consistency. In this case, everything that happened set it up so the Epstein could either kill himself or be killed w/o being observed.
John as usual, cool, precise and to the point. Dead on, as is his norm.
Prison is a very dangerous place, see the demise of Whitey Bulger.
“Prison is a very dangerous place, see the demise of Whitey Bulger.”
The MCC is a very safe place as far as staying alive goes. No reported “suicides ” in the past 20 years. Think about it. This ain’t brain surgery , anybody can figure it out if they allow themselves to.
Has anyone credited one of those Epstein defrauded with killing him? (Or relative)?
Regardless of what happened we’ll probably really know for sure. Barr & the corrupt FBI doing the investigation of this and the properties doesn’t instill any confidence IMO.
I think it would be more productive if we collectively moved on from the discussion of his “suicide” to Maxwell and other accomplices and their ‘customers.’
This looks much more than a playground for the rich and powerful, but I could be wrong. To focus mainly on ‘Epstein the pedophile’ like much of the mainstream media is doing, brushes aside the bigger picture of the whole operation and the influence gained through it.
Why isn’t Maxwell in jail or being held for questioning? (She’ll probably go into hiding). With her sordid history, and that of her father, she’s likely an equal or higher foot-soldier of the honey-trap operation than Epstein was.
Maxwell has surfaced in Los angles at an in and out burger joint with her dawg. I agree that she should be detained if legally possible and held just so she can’t disappear.
A conspiracy involving an event such as this would be on the scale where multiple patsies and alibis would be also part of the plan.
In the course of actual events, any one or a bunch might get compromised, so there have to be others.
We see that already in the multiple causes of failure, every one in a long string of safeguards having been somehow defeated, each seemingly independent of the others.
Eventually there may be personalities behind these failures. Personalities chosen because the planners didn’t like them.
The broad outline of appearances, that a suicide may have been enabled by outside forces, is probably correct. Epstein had played his last hand to stay out of custody, and so to all his clandestine associates he had become a liability, possibly existential.
He didn’t want to face his accusers either, and knew he’d be hunted perpetually from that point if not before. His life was over. Death is a sweet dream compared to life in prison for a sex criminal and probably more.
It wasn’t just Epstein’s money that enabled his circus and protected him. He had enablers and clients, and that was where his previous untouchability came from–they didn’t want to be exposed either.
Though, he also did have enough money to help pave his own suicide enablement, and his enablers would be fine with that also.
So the latest is that maybe he suicided or maybe he was a victim of assisted suicide. They can’t tell for sure because it can look like assisted suicide when and older person has their hyoid bone broken during hanging. Prisons and jails are full of cameras. (MCC is called NY’s Gitmo).
It is very easy to anonymize the footage of the hallway and surrounding environment with today’s technology to protect people’s privacy. Where is that footage? Screams were reported. If so, unless it’s the Pentagon on 9/11 and all the cameras were turned off, then there will be a pick up of screams and any other unusual events at MCC. Even if no video shows exactly what happened in that cell, the cameras should pick up sound. That footage should be available.
There is paperwork. Let’s see it.
Finally, it is quite clear that Maxwell took part in the rape, as well as the procurement of children. Where is her arrest warrant?
This story has eaten away my resistance to it. Especially after reading Whitney Webb’s incredibly detailed account of how far back this shit is connected (at Mint Press). And so does this incident, now, at the jail, not seem to be deliberately splashed in our faces? Yet, from a different vantage point, I see it as another layer of the veil removed so that more people will see more clearly.
The veil is wearing incredibly thin;
doubt & conviction
wheel & spin.
The ants march out
The ants march in.
The Fox still snaps
to grease his chin,
his appetite is growing;
the goose still stares
to show its fear,
its certainty of knowing.
To the strong, the spoils;
To the weak, their toils
in futility and anger,
in their ever mounting hunger.
The ants march in,
The ants march out,
ever heedless of the danger
to drag back their broken plunder.
Fox in the safety of his den,
Dreams a time will come again
when he is lord & master,
when coursing blood flows faster.
But blooded hounds have traced his scent,
liveried servants have stripped his skin,
his remains are left to fester
as the ants march out
the ants march in.
For some reason I’ve been listening to Dylan’s “The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll” for the past week or so and it seemed to connect somehow with recent *lone gunmen* mass murderings of civilians in this country and to the *debate* over the 2nd amendment.
But I think it speaks here too. The whole song, that is, and especially the final chorus: “Oh, but you who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears/ Bury the rag deep in your face for now is the time for your tears.”
I see now that Richard Eskow also noted the song in his piece, “Jeffrey Epstein’s Eyes” at CounterPunch.
“When we have to choose between incompetence and conspiracy, I usually go with incompetence,”
“John Kiriakou is a former CIA counterterrorism officer and a former senior investigator with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.”
When we have to choose between what the CIA says and the truth, I usually go with the truth.
The public is also expected to believe in an inconceivable series of FUBARs that underlie the official 9/11 narrative. Of course hardly anyone believes the ridiculous story, which relies on accepting that all of our multi-billion-dollar defense systems failed and that the City of NY is incapable of ensuring a chain of evidence, except for the passport. However, most have given up even speaking about it from emotional fatigue—there is nothing be gained by getting upset about it now. It is like a demented family member who cannot be cured and so is locked away in an institution or the the attic. Just don’t bring it up. Ditto, Dallas 1963. Yet there is an unspoken and also spoken assumption that we have been lied to. And that these lies have changed everything.
So, I would say that the incompetence defense is the last refuge of the knaves who are running the US of A into the ground, and their presstitute stenographers.
Thanks for the straight poop.
It’s certainly legit to wonder about Epstein’s death. But it is also true that most conspiracy stories repeated on the Net are fantasy fiction, invented to express emotions and prejudices.
I’m waiting for stories blaming witchcraft, space alens, the Yakuza, the Dalai Lama, etc, ad infinitum. Seperating truth from untruth takes more effort than many care to make.
Maybe his successful attempts to commit suicide is just a distraction from what had really killed them, such as the food he had eaten. So check his blood toxicology for those poisons and the hallucinatory.
His death was extraordinarily convenient. We don’t need the details to figure out that something is amiss.
The main crime of powerful people or agencies using surveillance and personal information to “fiddle” with the minds, beliefs, and perspectives of an entire population, is being lost in the smoke screen frenzy about the age of sexual consent.
The questions about whether the victims were really innocent, trusting, defenceless, prepubescent, infants, or not, are very minor questions compared to how innocent, helpless, and unaware the general population is.
We are not primarily dealing with SEX offences, but gross, vile, repugnant MANIPULATION of adult minds.
Just playing devil’s advocate…
Given the powerful players surrounding Epstein, it seems at least somewhat plausible that the verification/autopsy could have been fabricated to provide the appearance of his death.
Also, I know little of Epstein’s brother so currently have no reason to believe he would not have lied to facilitate Jeffery’s discreet relocation.
Now I’m in no way implying here that he’s not dead. Only that the principals involved have the power to potentially stage his death, affect the participation of officials in the cover-up, and relocate him. Especially true when intelligence agencies are involved. Personally, I do not believe this line of reasoning is currently the most probable. But I haven’t seen any truly independent proof that rules it out completely. Maybe said proof exists, but I haven’t seen it yet.
If his handlers/co-conspirators had low confidence he would keep his mouth shut, they probably suicided him. If the opposite (i.e., they were confident he was “their man”), then they may have gone to the effort to relocate him. Either way (or a different way), they had the means, motive, and opportunity.
Too bad Epstein wasn’t on Lolita Island when he committed suicide. At least then there would be a video of the event.
Ha ha!
Very good. And true.
But he might have died of Eppstein Barr virus nonetheless!
Remember this ? :
“Ukraine reveals it staged ‘murder’ of Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko”
In this case the authorities voluntarily admitted to the ruse , but if they had chosen to , and with the cooperation of a handful of family members and the like , Babchenko could have remained “dead” , while living a long and happy life in some faraway place.
You talk shit all over this forum. Ridiculous, grow up.
“You talk shit all over this forum. Ridiculous, grow up.”
Those spouting ad hominem horse shit need to “grow up”. IMHO, Marko’s comment is astute and valid.
You shut up.
I was a prison guard at one of the Tennessee state prisons (1983-1985). Kiroakou hits the nail on the head.
I think it much more likely that Epstein is resting in Tel Aviv than resting in peace.
What evidence is there that he is dead?
His body was identified by his brother, it was shipped to the morgue and there was an autopsy performed on it.
By no means is that a “slam dunk”. I’d lie and say a body double was my brother to keep him out of jail for the rest of his life. And if I was Epstein’s lawyer , I’d argue to have him taken off of suicide watch if it gave him such an opportunity.
And coroners are about as trustworthy as police chiefs , MSM journalists , and Senators in affairs such as this.
“His body was identified by his brother, it was shipped to the morgue and there was an autopsy performed on it.”
Ugh. One of the Deep State propagandists is posting again.
None of that is beyond the possibility for fabrication.
Why would MOSSAD/CIA want to keep such a liability alive? They have all the data he gathered, they can blackmail all of the central government, they control the media.
Epsteins are a dime a dozen. With so much money, there must be a line a mile long knocking at MOSSAD’s door to replace Epstein.
“Epsteins are a dime a dozen. With so much money, there must be a line a mile long knocking at MOSSAD’s door to replace Epstein.”
One of the reasons that line is a mile long is that Mossad is known to go to extreme lengths to protect their agents and assets from foreign prosecution. All that blackmail data they hold contributes to their success in doing so.
It’s hard to state how irritating and just plain irresponsible your post is. You “think” about a likelihood, and feel that an almost unprecedented event is true, than ask a question that exposes you know nothing about the circumstances. In fact if you must ask about existing evidence of his death then you have ABSOLUTELY no evidence he is alive. Your evaluation is pure bullshit, driven by internet memes, topped with an antisemitic flourish. It’s childish, cynical, and devoid of evidence of intelligence. Nice dog btw, maybe he ate your homework on this subject.
Aw geez. Don’t be so hard on Bill. I’m pretty sure his dog not only keeps him in a state of disinformation but is probably behind that irresponsible meme:
“Oh, thank goodness you’re home! The Russians pooped in the hallway!”
I mean, can you imagine how hard life must be for the guy? Besides eating the guy’s homework, Bill’s dog hinted on twitter the other day that Epstein wouldn’t be caught dead in Tel Aviv and that chances are he’d probably prefer his back-up island any way.
I mean..
smdh. Bill’s dog.
If you had done your homework, you would know that there are possible ties to Mossad through Ms. Maxwell, and her father.
Read the 3 part (with more to come) piece by Whitney Webb at Mint Press “Too Big to Fail”. There is no antisemitic flourish, unless you conflate antisemitism with anti-zionism, as many Hasbera trolls do.
That is my opinion too. The guy is not dead.
Thank you for your contributions to protect freedom by spreading the truth and opposing tyranny! I wish there were more brave men like you willing to sacrifice for blowing the whistle on criminals in federal gov’t!
I’m experiencing a virulent case of deja vu here, that usually leads to hopelessness. I, like many readers, eagerly devoured the news of the Scripals – every contradiction, reframing, new bit of evidence. It’s fair to say I was obsessed. Where are they now? Who knows? Who asks? I expect the same here. Another step on our downward path, to be preempted by yet another.
The best one can say is that with every one of these “incidents” we all become a little less sure of our old assumptions, more skeptical. Leading where?
Everyone’s blaming Mossad ir Bill Clinton; how come no one’s blaming Trump and his Mob connections? The zero evidence and massive prejudice are the same!
“So how did Epstein kill himself, if that’s what happened? Every safeguard at every turn had to fail. First, we know that Epstein was not on suicide watch. He had been removed, despite the fact that he had only recently attempted suicide.”
Epstein choked to death on one of the 9/11 hijackers’ passports!
The story, which is being crafted at this very moment (using input from all us out in Internet land), will be that there was another person in that cell with Epstein and that it was That person who killed Epstein. And, of course, That person will be found to actually have committed suicide. Guards will be blamed and fired: they will be told they are “legally” forced to NOT say anything about this (because there are “on-going investigations”).
This comment is angry, bitter, and cynical.
I couldn’t agree with it more strongly.
Haha. Yeah , me too.
Jeffrey Epstein’s shocking death occurred at an ultra-secure federal lock-up where suicide is supposedly next to impossible….Suicide at the jail, which serves mainly as a holding facility for about 765 men and women awaiting trial for federal crimes of all levels, is rare. A review of published stories found only one such death in the past 21 years, the 1998 suicide of South Philadelphia drug kingpin Louis Turra, who reportedly hanged himself. A handful of suicide attempts were also reported….”
Move along folks. Nothing to see here.
I am a U.S. Customs whistle-blower and I was set up as retaliation for exposing serious corruption at the highest levels by Customs Directors for human Trafficking and accepting Bribes of over $250,000 for allowing 167 illegal aliens from Mexico to come into the U.S. Without a Customs or immigration inspection for passports and there were no documented passports. Other supervisors I reported gave Heroin back to Mexican Officials contrary to law and they are not investigated even though I reported it thru ALL the proper levels all the way to the Top.
I am also former U.S Secret Service and I protected Presidents in Wash.D.C. as well as Foreign Heads of State.
I have a problem with the idea that suicide watch is performed by “inmate volunteer”(Orderlies). They are NOT trained or required to respond, nor are they sworn personnel or work for BOP.
I have been in the SHU many times due to threats and avoiding fights where I might have to defend myself and I am highly trained in martial arts.I do not need an additional “charge”.(I spent 60 months in prison and was shipped all over the U.S. for a crime of “Conspiracy” which I did NOT comitt and it was Entrapment thru a Convicted(FELONY) Snitch who was lying to try to get a GREEN CARD.(Illegal in the law and an FBI agent can not solicit a crime which is also Entrapment)
The Snitch in my case was previously convicted in 1996 for Lying to set up other Customs officials.
I was assigned 1 or 2 inmates to my cell and I found out they were allegedly “suicidal”. Either way, we had lots of discussions and I am “Trained” in many aspects of psychology, so I am “qualified” and know when to report something or how to handle a situation, but I am not working for the BOP either.
Either way, there are NO CAMERAS in these alleged SHU situations and the Epstein case claims they weren’t working. So many things wrong in Epstein’s case.
I’ve heard there was screaming prior to Epstein being found with a bed sheet tied around his neck.
So every MCC is different and not all policies are being followed.
The BOP has a reputation of being the “Bottom of the Pile”(BOP) and they are not the most trusted employees and I’ve seen some pretty bad ones.
How else do you expect the Cell phones to get smuggled into the facility.
I’ve reported Bureau of Prisons guard and lieutenants as well as Captains and Wardens.
Allowing Cell Phones are not only Escape Charges(10 additional years), but they have been used to arrange “Hits” on other innocent people.Also a 25-LIFE sentence. They also smuggled narcotics, CD’s & other contraband)
Contact for interviews: john.a.carman@gmail.com
I am a U.S. Customs whistle-blower and I was set up as retaliation for exposing serious corruption at the highest levels by Customs Directors for human Trafficking and accepting Bribes of over $250,000 for allowing 167 illegal aliens from Mexico to come into the U.S. Without a Customs or immigration inspection for passports and there were no documented passports. Other supvisors I reported gave Heroin back to Mexican Officials contrary to law and they are not investigated even though I reported it thru ALL the proper levels all the way to the Top.
I am also former U.S Secret Service and I protected Presidents in Wash.D.C. as well as Foreign Heads of State.
I have a problem with the idea that suicide watch is performed by “inmate volunteer”(Orderlies). They are NOT trained or required to respond, nor are they sworn personnel or work for BOP.
I have been in the SHU many times due to threats and avoiding fights where I might have to defend myself and I am highly trained in martial arts.I do not need an additional “charge”.(I spent 60 months in prison and was shipped all over the U.S. for a crime of “Conspiracy” which I did NOT comitt and it was Entrapment thru a Convicted(FELONY) Snitch who was lying to try to get a GREEN CARD.(Illegal in the law and an FBI agent can not solicit a crime which is also Entrapment)
The Snitch in my case was previously convicted in 1996 for Lying to set up other Customs officials.
I was assigned 1 or 2 inmates to my cell and I found out they were allegedly “suicidal”. Either way, we had lots of discussions and I am “Trained” in many aspects of psychology, so I am “qualified” and know when to report something or how to handle a situation, but I am not working for the BOP either.
Either way, there are NO CAMERAS in these alleged SHU situations and the Epstein case claims they weren’t working. So many things wrong in Epstein’s case.
I’ve heard there was screaming prior to Epstein being found with a bed sheet tied around his neck.
So every MCC is different and not all policies are being followed.
The BOP has a reputation of being the “Bottom of the Pile”(BOP) and they are not the most trusted employees and I’ve seen some pretty bad ones.
How else do you expect the Cell phones to get smuggled into the facility.
I’ve reported Bureau of Prisons guard and lieutenants as well as Captains and Wardens.
Allowing Cell Phones are not only Escape Charges(10 additional years), but they have been used to arrange “Hits” on other innocent people.Also a 25-LIFE sentence. They also smuggled narcotics, CD’s & other contraband)
Contact for interviews: john.a.carman@gmail.com
Yes, I had been wondering how he got hold of a cell phone, or whether prisoners were allowed to have them. You would think they would be off limits to prisoners.
Tremendous respect for you John and very angry how our government treated you. Would Obama have personally approved
you being prosecuted? Best to you and your writings.
John O’Loughlin
Interesting article. There are three (3) possibilities here: 1. He committed suicide; 2. He was murdered by orders of powerful people who did not want him to testify against them; and 3. He was whisked away in an ambulance, to be flown to Israel, given a new ID, new name (and probably a little plastic surgery into the bargain) to live out his life in luxury as a valued asset in Israel. Of those three, the third one seems like the most plausible one. The second one is a possibility. The suicide version is on a par with blaming Hillary’s defeat on Russian meddling, or believing that a bunch of Saudis who didn’t know how to fly jets brought down the three towers and flew into the Pentagon, and that Assad gassed his own people after winning the war. Now if you question any of these “official” stories, that proves that you are a crazy conspiracy theorist who is probably wearing a tin foil hat. As the US is attempting to criminalize the spreading of “conspiracy theories” I can’t say that I blame anyone who is going with #1, the safe option, especially if it is someone who has served time in prison for speaking the truth, and is not wanting to take any chances of doing so a second time. Good job!
So now it’s that the guards were asleep from exhaustion and had to falsify their records because they didn’t check on Epstein. I think we’re at version 12 or 14 of the official narrative. But this isn’t a he said/she said situation. It is perfectly knowable.
As John says, this is a prison. There are cameras everywhere. We actually have technology to provide ways to preserve everyone’s privacy while showing the tape of events Friday night/Sat. morning to the public. Where there screams? That is knowable. Where the guards not checking on Epstein? That is knowable. Was someone in the vicinity anyway? That is knowable. It is all knowable without violating anyone’s privacy.
Further hospitals are full of cameras as well. Where is the footage? Where is the paperwork, redacted to protect names and names only?
There are questions and they have answers. Why aren’t we allowed to see the very information that will answer people’s questions?
Actually, it’s not a prison it’s a jail. The difference is important. A prison is to hold persons who have been convicted of a crime. A jail is a place to hold people awaiting trial who have been charged with a crime. A jail sees a lot more of traffic in and out. Of course, there is no excuse for the questionable death of Epstein.
Like many (most?, nearly all?) others, I’m highly skeptical of the suicide narrative.
So, here’s a prediction. To bolster that narrative, we’ll soon “learn” that Epstein suffered from a serious, yet previously undisclosed, illness. His suicide will therefore become more “plausible.”
Remember Jack Ruby????
aka Jacob Rubinstein.
Thank you, John. I had no clue. It’s nice to have someone who actually knows what they’re talking about to tell the rest of us what really happens.
Of course, nobody KNOWS what really happened (at least, not yet and maybe never) but if you ask me, too many things had to fail for it to be just Epstein (starting with him being taken off suicide watch).
Thank you for this report.
i doubt that he is dead and not on an island or yacht
and the corps is somebody else that nobody will miss
Ditto enormous respect for the author.
Still, thousands of us worms with the worm’s-eye view predicted that Epstein would not last long.
That he would be “suicided.”
Kind of like the worms on the ground knowing perfectly well *before* the invasion that there were no WMDs to be found in Iraq.
These worms who were right are being labeled conspiracy theorists basically for being right!!!
For seeing clearly what the experts didn’t or pretended not to know.
In the world of investment, those who “predicted” X, Y, and Z are considered experts who should be listened to.
Why not us worms? We are the experts and and we should get credit for our perspicacity in predicting the Epstein event.
John Kiriakou misses a few things here, and I would like to add new information which gives perspective to the events.
After Epstein was transferred to a cell with another prisoner, that prisoner was transferred out and not replaced. That seems rather odd behavior for a crowded and under-staffed facility.
Plus, there is the fact that we’re talking about an inmate recently taken off “suicide watch,” one who had a recent actual “attempt,” and not just any inmate but an extremely high-profile inmate, likely the most notorious prisoner in the country.
We know now that in the three hours before Epstein died, no checks on his cell were made, even though they are supposed to be made every thirty minutes at that facility.
The guards that were to have done the checks are now said to have fallen asleep, and it is claimed that afterward the log record was falsified to say they had indeed made the checks.
The wife of an inmate in the same facility has told reporters that security there was unbelievably strict. When she visited her husband, two guards and a senior officer were required just for his transfer to the visitors’ center.
There is still no meaningful explanation of why there is no video of the period, just the flabby assertion that the system was out of order.
I tend somewhat to disagree with the author’s assertion, “Epstein was likely a marked man from the minute he walked through the door.”
The author’s basis for saying that is the classic idea that in prisons, sex offenders are regarded as “the lowest of the low.”
And that line is very much being taken by the mainline press. It just happens also to have the publicity value of tarring the prisoner, rather than scrutinizing his treatment.
While I think it is absolutely true of the kind of person we usually think of when we read the words, “sex offender,” as, say, someone who sexually assaults a young child, I’m not at all sure that it’s necessarily true of someone like Epstein. Prisoners are, of course, motivated by a sense that where they are forced to live cannot be regarded as a dumping ground for “scum.” There is a strict social hierarchy even in prisons.
Epstein did not regard himself as a “sex offender,” at all. He would openly discuss the matter with others, even members of the press, saying society was hypocritical, just as it was in many places with homosexuality, and that his kind sexual activity, in earlier times, was common in our society.
Of course, we do know that once it was common for a fourteen-year old girl to be married. In Europe, a few centuries ago, girls of twelve were betrothed sometimes, and in royal circles. And that is still common in many poor countries with girls as young as twelve being married off by their families, as, for example, in parts of India. Neither did Epstein’s demi-monde family view him as a “sex offender,” including a list of notable characters, such as Robert Maxwell’s daughter who acted as a Madam for the many young women.
Neither, pretty clearly, did his bevy of famous friends and visitors, including former President Bill Clinton, former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, former Sen George Mitchell (I was sorry to learn), Alan Dershowitz, Woody Allen, the Saudi Crown Prince (who, like Bill Clinton, made many trips), many Silicon Valley notables (including Bill Gates who flew on “the Lolita Express” at least once), Britain’s Prince Andrew (many visits), Gov Richardson of New Mexico, (reportedly) former Prime Minister Tony Blair, and scores and scores of others.
I’m sure he was regarded as shady and salacious and off-color, but as a “sex offender”? With the sexual mores of our time? Explicit sex in advertising everywhere? Including images of either very young women or young-looking women used to sell and promote almost anything? Models and actresses and pop singers who starve themselves to appear very young and slight?
I am not sure that inmates would regard a man such as Epstein so much as a “sex offender” as a lucky man with the ladies, including very young ones. I don’t mean to minimize his offense of interfering in the lives of easily-manipulated young women, generally poor ones attracted by the offer of big money and high times, but I’m not sure that with the general public, and especially the shadier types in prison, things are quite so cut-and-dried. I just don’t know, but I think there is room for legitimate doubt.
As far as Ghislaine Maxell is concerned, she is quoted in a story in Vanity Fair magazine, “When I asked what she thought of the underage girls, she looked at me and said, ‘they’re nothing, these girls. They are trash.’” The same story says Ghislaine’s method of recruiting young women for Epstein was to drive around to spas and trailer parks in Florida, offering them a job with good money. Obviously, she was quite successful. Ghislaine, herself, is said to have kept rail-thin, so that she appealed to Epstein.
We’ve also just learned another extremely important fact from Ghislaine Maxwell, one loaded with suggestion. Epstein’s private island was wired for video, literally everywhere, so that couples could not take off somewhere for a private get-together. If that doesn’t sound like an intelligence service’s elaborate “honey trap,” I don’t know what does.
Hard to see why Epstein and Company would record literally everyone, unless they were creating compromising material for potential blackmail or political pressure. Who would be interested in videos of a number homely, older men making love to young women, other than a blackmailer or a spy agency? But we have no evidence or even suggestion of blackmail. Many of Epstein’s big-shot friends remained his friends for many years, returning for visits again and again.
But there are suggestions, in the way his case was handled by prosecutors for his conviction in 2008 and the highly unorthodox sentencing he received, of some kind of powerful outside influence at work. There’s just no question about that. And, of course, his sentence allowed a complete return to the same arrangements he had had in New York to just continue on a private island, perhaps only adding a certain new sense of exotic adventure for visitors.
I think there are many elements in the whole story suggesting Epstein’s connection with an intelligence agency, the most likely one being Mossad. I say that because “honey-traps” seem to have been a favored technique of that agency. Even with what little we generally hear about such secret matters, we’ve had some well-publicized cases involving them. Including, famously, the entrapment of atomic weapons whistleblower, Mordechai Vanunu, and the work of Tzipi Livni, a former Israeli Minister who is said to have worked earlier on entrapping men who were to be assassinated. She was for some period wanted in Europe on war-crime charges.
Readers ay enjoy these other observations:
John Chuckman – hard to disagree. I don’t know what age Epstein’s youthful female targets were (the youngest I mean), but I would only add that, while in the US, puritan as it remains to its surface, 18 is the age of sexual consent, like voting (but apparently to quaff a beer or tequila sunrise, a person is deemed still a child until 21 – a dissonance that is weird to say the least), in the UK 16 is the age of sexual consent and has been for decades. There legally 18 is both the age for alcohol consumption and voting. (Not to say that – before some form of ID was necessary, i.e. before the year 2000 – we didn’t all enjoy a drink or two, from around 16 years old, in this or that pub without questions asked.)
I agree Chuckman’s comments here are very good.
You are right that “in the UK 16 is the age of sexual consent and has been for decades’. I believe it has been so since WT Stead’s campaigns in the 1890s. Previously it was 13. 16 is old in Europe.
The age of consent in Germany is 14. In France 15. I believe in the US it varies State to State. In Scandinavia it is 15, I believe,. In the Netherlands 16
You agreed with Chuckman, AnneR. Read his comment again and your response to him. You said it was “hard to disagree.” Don’t try and wiggle out of it now. Shame on you and Mr. Chuckman too. How entirely ugly these sentiments are that you find it hard to disagree with….. Joe Lauria and Elizabeth Vos set you two straight today on CN LIVE. Epstein was a pedophile by any decent standard.
“The guards that were to have done the checks are now said to have fallen asleep, ”
Aren’t guards “falling asleep” a major plot feature of some Shakespeare play?
Which one?
Of course didn’t the guards or was it the disciples “fall asleep” in Gethsamane?
Or, did someone put a spell of some kind on the guards?
Was that in a Grimms fairy tale?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs?
The “guards fell asleep” image just has such an operatic feel to it.
Who made the guards fall asleep?
I agree that it is misleading to refer to Epstein as a pedophile.
And even if he were, or esp. if he were, and hence were at risk from harm from other prisoners, that would triple the need to keep him in a protected, guarded space.
But from what I have heard, if revenge-minded prisoners got any access to Epstein, they would rape him, not murder him. Or rape him first.
So, was he subjected to rape? Would that explain his first “suicide”?
None of the pieces add up in this story, and IMO both Epstein and the public have been Skripaled.
There are larger forces at work.
We will probably never find out what happened to Epstein, how he really died, who did it, and exactly why.
Sorry John Chuckman, but a 14, 15, or 16 year old girl is not able to truly comprehend this sordid world and is still certainly very much, a child in her thought processes. I remember myself at that age. I had no clue about protecting myself very well because I trusted most everyone. A friend of my father’s tried to molest me while I was having a sleep-over with his daughter who was my friend. I was able to get away, but my now adult self looks back at that episode and thinks how lucky I was to be able to flee to safety. I was horrified and scared to death. When you’ve just been through puberty a couple years before the ages I just listed above, you are still very much a child. Your comments were distasteful in that you make it seem as if you yourself do not feel Epstein was a “sex offender.” He most definitely was. Who was the “trash” here? Epstein and men who think like him, that’s who.
I would disagree that a girl (or boy) of 15-16 is “still certainly very much, a child in her (his) thought processes.” This *is* a purely – and latterly – American cultural perception. Not even historically in the US would a 15-16 year old have been perceived as a “child.” Young yes, but *not* a child.
As someone who left school a couple of months after reaching 15 (fully legal back in 1963 in the UK; my father born 1913 had left school at age 14, the accepted norm for the working classes back then) and starting my first full-time job (filing clerk). I was expected to hand over to my mother every week most of my wages for my board and lodging. This was normal, expected of us adolescent workers – throughout the working classes in the UK. One learnt some valuable lessons in money management (always, after all, living but one week’s wage packet from poverty, homelessness).
That same year I started “dating” – no one monitored that. My life; my decisions.
And as I wrote above: in the UK 16 years of age is the threshold age of sexual consent (one can marry at that age – with parental consent; or, at least when I was younger, you could cross the border into Scotland at Gretna Green and marry there without parental consent and that marriage was legal).
The fact that now, perhaps particularly here in the USA, childhood has been redefined to be practically indefinite and adulthood an ever-vanishing over the horizon to some never-never land, does not mean that this perception is any more “right” than any other culture’s view of when a person can determine when they will have sexual encounters.
And there is something very screwy about (as I wrote above) 18 being the age of sexual consent and presumed *electoral* maturity but to legally drink alcohol a person has to be 21 and over. (And this doesn’t begin to raise the issue of the death penalty and age at which it can meted out – and that leaving aside completely the whole moral and ethical issue of capital punishment.)
I think there is a difference between a “sex offender” who has taken advantage of teenage girls and an actual pedophile. I don’t think Chuckman is excusing BE’s actual crimes. He is being precise in labeling the actual crimes. As with the Russiagate nonsense, it is not that Trump has not committed any number of crimes. It is just that collusion with the Russians was not one of them. Bringing false charges has not hurt Trump. It has just confused the scene.
Labeling BE a pedophile when the evidence does not suggest that he actually had sex with actual children (as is the case with genuine pedophiles such as many priests, etc.) muddies the legal waters and provides fodder for misleading headlines that include and connect the words “pedophile suicide.” IMO neither one of those is correct and such headlines serve to misdirect attention away from BE’s actual crimes and very likely below-the-radar spying activities.
This is to AnneR- you’ve entirely missed the point. When an adult, be it a pedophile priest or someone like Epstein and Maxwell, take complete advantage of someone young, someone vulnerable, someone who is not fully adjusted yet to living in a thoroughly adult world, that is consistent with being a sociopath, someone who has no empathy. Nothing wrong with that perception, be it “American” or otherwise. If a priest is considered a “sex offender” for molesting teen boys (and girls), then certainly Epstein is for taking such ruthless advantage of teen girls. How would you react to someone young and beloved by you who is so treated by an adult?
And you miss my point.
Apparently you were unwantedly assaulted – at ANY age that is a traumatic, terrible experience (and I know because I have been, too). But even had I not been, it would still be dreadful and should be illegal. And yes, many young people both below and above 18 years of age are trafficked for the sex trade, and that too is an abomination which only seems to worsen as time goes by.
I was pointing out that in other western cultures, unlike in the US, legal sexual maturity is understood to be acceptable earlier. That one can at 16 say decide freely and legally to have sexual relations with someone older than oneself, and not just a year or two older, either.
And that when I was growing up – as a member of the working class – I was expected to be, to act and think in far more mature and responsible ways than are or were Americans of a like age or younger. We were not treated as children and generally did not behave as such. Much depends upon cultural expectations.
Of course there is a huge chasm between choosing, freely, to have sex and being forced into it – and that applies to any age. The latter is and should be completely unacceptable and illegal; the former – is up to the people involved.
Thank you for this overview, Mr Kiriakou. Rather like David Buckley, however, I would question the attribution of “mistake” to the individual items on your list. It seems to me – unschooled in the US legal system though I am (well, any such system actually, although my handful of interactions with cops hasn’t in any way raised my view of them above subterranean level) – that Epstein as such a prominent and significant person in custody would have been monitored far more closely than we have been informed he was.
There is the bizarre business surrounding his earlier, Florida, conviction and “imprisonment,” for pedophilia/sexual abuse. How many others with like convictions receive such lenient sentences and “imprisonment”?
And there is the fact that he knew a lot about a lot of people (men) among the powerful, ruling elites, including having their unsavory, abusive activities on tape (apparently).
Suicide is far too convenient.
There’s the tale of the Hindu rope trick. The believers claim it was real slick.
The Swami would chant, though naysayers recant,
And the rope would ascend like a stick!
A boy would steal somebody’s purse. The crowd and the Swami would curse.
The boy was no dope, he’d climb up the rope,
Then the scene would become quite perverse!
The Swami would get a big hatchet. He’d climb up the rope like a ratchet.
Way up high out of sight, there would be a big fight,
In the mayhem the poor boy would catch it!
Chopped up parts of the boy would descend. But the trick hadn’t come to an end.
When the Swami came back, he’d get an old sack,
Which the pieces of boy would distend!
The rope would fall back in the basket. The bag was tossed into a casket.
In the clouds of hashish things were hard to capeesh,
The confusion could easily mask it!
Was the rope held up there with a knot? The crowd never gave it a thought.
A garotte or a noose might be tied much too loose,
And the boy might have never been caught!
The lid on the basket was closed. The trick has not yet been exposed.
When they opened the lid, why…out jumped the kid-
In good health and completely composed!
The secret was never revealed. The Swami had kept his lips sealed.
Penn and Teller are stumped, David Copperfield trumped,
There are theories, but none seem to yield!
Some claim that there might have been twins. That’s how one old story begins.
He chopped up a monkey or some orphaned flunky,
Either way there were terrible sins!
It’s a knot that we’ll never untie. So maybe it’s crazy to try.
Choose the tale or the trick, you’re welcome to pick,
Either case seems to hide a big lie.
Israel-gate Sham-Fu (2019) / Prest-O Change-O (1939)
“That’s all Folks!”
Great one, F.G. Thanks for sharing.
The system isn’t designed to protect someone like Epstein – it is designed to protect the powerful…
I am MUCH more inclined to think he was murdered. Whitney Webb at Mintpressnews DOT com has a breathtaking series on the Epstein assault on children. It is worth a read. Amazing Polly on utube is also a great source to identify those that worked with Epstein and those in the press that cover for his gang of demented beings.
The website to which UT refers is: https://www.mintpressnews.com/mega-group-maxwells-mossad-spy-story-jeffrey-epstein-scandal/261172/. In the expose, Whitney links to the first two in the series and says she has a fourth coming expose on the Epstien/Clinton connection in the works. And I agree with UT; the series exposes an unfathomable degree of degradation among the rich and powerful. The links between high government officials, CIA, FBI, and organized crime is astonishing.
Because “The links between high government officials, CIA, FBI, and organized crime is astonishing.” we will never have an answer, just like John Kennedy, MLK, etc.
In the grand scheme of things, there is a compelling historical argument for the idea that when the NSA/CIA was created, Dulles found an opportunity to consolidate control of information and by logic, populations which was in reality, a velvet coup. The other aspect this control and coup was NACA being taken over by Nazi Intel/strategists/scientists/war planners through Paper Clip and other relations of the Dulles family were involved with this. Dulles had not one patriotic bone in his body but only cared about elitism, and power. Yes, he made patriotic statements but they were as thin as his skin.
To murder Epstein, those he could implicate would need to be assured that he didn’t have a plan to release incriminating evidence on them in the case of his “untimely demise”. I suspect Epstein was smart enough to have a “dead man’s switch”. If he didn’t, he is most definitely DEAD. I am thinking that by this time he is in Israel with a new face and a new name. The FBI just raided his island, most likely to be sure the incriminating evidence remains in their hands to continue to be leveraged against Epstein’s fellow powerful perverts. The names change, but the game remains the same. They may sacrifice a few “lessers” to satisfy the proles, but the “big ones” will continue to serve the empire, or else.
Very clear article with regards to security protocols and suicide. So it comes down to incompetence which is clearly shown by John, with the additional reality of Epstein ‘being a marked man’—showing it’s one or both that brought him down. If William Barr and the prosecution wanted to protect him, because the case rested on him living, more resources would have been devoted to his security. So, my bet is on the many people’s influence, who could not have him testify, won out. Funny thing how Epstein got a career break teaching at Barr’s institution so many years back……
Thanks for your insight and especially your integrity and courage. If a week before El Chapo was extradited unnamed officials in the Mexican Justice Department announced that El Chapo was dead and that his body was undergoing an autopsy, would you accept this story at face value or would you suspect that El Chapo had used his money and power to escape again?
In the Epstein suicide the authorities did not follow the procedures of Officer Obie 52 years ago in locking up Arlo Guthrie for littering.
I hope Epstein had an “insurance policy” and hope he had it sent to Wikileaks.
Well here is Arlo’s lyrics from 52 years ago about Officer Obie’s precautions
“After the ordeal, we went back to the jail. Obie said he was gonna put us in a cell
He said “kid, I’m gonna put you in a cell
I want your wallet and your belt”
I said, “Obie, I can understand your wantin’ my wallet, so I don’t have any
Money to spend in the cell, but what do you want my belt for?” and he said
“Kid, we don’t want any hangin’s
I said, “Obie, did you think I was gonna
Hang myself for litterin’?”
Obie said he was makin’ sure, and, friends, Obie was, ’cause he took out the
Toilet seat so I couldn’t hit myself over the head and drown, and he took
Out the toilet paper so I couldn’t bend the bars, roll the toilet paper out
The window, slide down the roll and have an escape. Obie was makin’ sure”
Nice one! :)
I hold the certificate in criminology from London University and I can assure you all that suicide watch is not for the protection of the prisoner. Preventing suicide in prison is for the protection of the ‘authorities’ because large numbers of suicides would reflect badly on the ‘system’ No one really cares whether a child molester of the stature of Epstein dies by taking his own life or he is murdered. There is also the notion that a prisoner who commits suicide cheats the hangman or a life in prison. Clearly, there were two reasons for not wanting Epstein alive. The first was that he was hated and loathed for his crimes and the second was that he was in a position to implicate others. The hows and the whys of his demise will no doubt be debated for ever, but there will be few tears if any for the passing of this extraordinary man.
Thank you, Mr. Kiriakou! Real knowledge is better than mountains ifvspeculation and fantasizing!
Thanks. Informed and enlightening.
thanks, sorry, but meanwhile the elites and MSM have moved on to Hong Kong, the next planet troublespot courtesy of USA interference ….. familiar?
What you say is so TRUE!
Have enormous respect for you and the service you have done Humanity John,but am surprised at the free pass you seem to be giving the powerful here by labelling circumstances as “mistakes”?I also concede you have first hand knowledge of the prison system,but still can’t understand how someone with his wealth,but more importantly arrogance as a result,would contemplate suicide,as opposed to hiring fancy lawyers and dragging it out for years.It stinks!!!…..
I have no problem with his elaboration of the various mistakes that can occur. I have a problem with his grasp of probabilities. He lists five mistakes that occurred which allowed Epstein’s suicide. One , two , or three mistakes at the same time , for a random suicidal prisoner , maybe. But FIVE ? For the single prisoner in the country under the most intense public interest microscope in recent memory ? I don’t think so.
Thanks for this insight. Indeed the power of ignorance, stupidity, and incompetence must not be underestimated. But that is much increased by bribes, and those gangs would be very convenient operatives.
Your comments are spot on. I find it hard to believe that Epstein would kill himself because he would be confident that he could get off once again. Many lawyers are saying that prosecuting him again would not be easy because of the prior perverted deal with the corrupt DOJ, which also gave immunity to co-conspirators without even naming them. After he was released from prison the last time (he only slept in prison and was free most of the rest of the time) he was welcomed with open arms in Hollywood and Wall Street by his coreligionists, unlike many pedophiles that are shunned by society. He had strong ties with the wealthy and powerful (Dershowitz, Wexner, etc.) and there is no reason for him to think he couldn’t get off again.
Also, his prior “suicide attempt” which left marks on his neck, as if by fingers, reminded me of the scene in Blazing Saddles where Cleavon Little takes himself hostage and threatens to shoot the “hostage”. Was Epstein really trying to choke himself in a suicide attempt? It was reported that he said someone was trying to kill him.
Couldn’t they do a DNA test on the marks on his neck to see how they were made—if by another human?
The first suicide story already stank.
I agree. Someone with Kiriakou’s first hand knowledge of the prison system must know that a wealthy and well-connected prisoner like Epstein would have good reason to believe he would receive a light sentence. Epstein wasn’t a black drug dealer from an inner city ghetto. It’s therefore disingenuous of Kiriakou to accept, or pretend to accept, the official claim that Epstein committed suicide because he was in despair.
John is a careful guy. He’s not going to go beyond sharing his personal knowledge and carefully-worded opinions without solid, credible evidence, which none of us have at this point. The Internet would be a “better place” if more people exercised such restraint.
I suggest accepting this for what it is: confirmation, from a man who knows, that something was very wrong in the series of events and circumstances that led to Epstein’s death.
Oh dear Elder, haven’t you heard? The ‘internet’ is indeed going to “exercise restraint.”
Lots and lots and lots of restraint. Its for our safety. We are a peace loving nation.
Now we will be protected from ‘hate.’
Now we won’t get shot out in public by mass shooters! Our nation will be a better place very soon because no one will be allowed to discuss things.
Stay with the narrative. Don’t worry … be happy.
Cool, huh?