Given the example being made out of Chelsea Manning, silence must be spreading fast, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
By Caitlin Johnstone
Whistleblower Chelsea Manning is now being slammed with $500 fines for every single day that she remains imprisoned in contempt of court for refusing to testify in a secret grand jury against Julian Assange. Next month it will increase to $1,000 a day.
Again, this is while Manning is also locked up in jail. It’s not enough to re-imprison a whistleblower who already served years of prison time, including nearly a year in solitary confinement, for taking a principled stand against an opaque and unjust grand jury system; they’re going to potentially ruin her life with crippling debt as well. The only way to make it more cruel and unusual would be to start waterboarding her or threatening her family members.
All for refusing to participate in a corrupt and unaccountable legal performance designed to imprison a publisher to whom she leaked evidence of U.S. war crimes in 2010.
People see this. People watch this and learn from this, as sure as people watched and learned from the public town square executions of those who spoke ill of their medieval lords. And just like those medieval executions, many of the onlookers have been trained to cheer and celebrate at the fate of the accused; have a look at the power-worshipping, government-bootlicking comments under my recent tweet about Manning’s persecution for a perfect example of this. People have been taught what happens to those who blow the whistle on the powerful, and they have been taught to become quite comfortable with it.
And, of course, that is the whole idea.
Chelsea Manning is paying $500/day fines for not testifying, scheduled to double next month. Slamming someone with crippling debt for taking a principled stand against warmongering tyrants is in some ways just as draconian as imprisoning them.
— Caitlin Johnstone ? (@caitoz) June 16, 2019
Who is going to blow the whistle on U.S. malfeasance after watching what’s being done to Chelsea Manning? Seriously, who? Would you? Would anyone you know?
Rising Risks
I think most people, the overwhelming majority of people, would opt out of the chance to give the empire a truth smack in exchange for years in prison, financial ruin, and seeing their name slandered and smeared around the world. Most people have too much to lose and too little to gain to take that risk already, and the war on whistleblowers and investigative journalists is only escalating.
And that’s just the general population. What percentage of people who’d be willing to suffer the draconian consequences of telling the truth about the powerful are actually in a position to do so? Most of the people who are in a position to expose significant government malfeasance are individuals who’ve already been selected and appointed to their positions because they’ve exhibited certain qualities that indicate loyalty and obedience. The bigger the secrets you have access to, the higher up the chain of command you must therefore be, and the more loyalty and obedience hoops you’ll therefore have had to have jumped through.
What percentage of this population, the population who has gained access to sensitive information by demonstrating loyalty and obedience, would be willing to face the harsh punishments which are inflicted on anyone who exposes the evil deeds of the powerful? Almost none. And the higher up the chain of command you go, i.e. the more significant information someone might have access to, the lower the probability of their blowing the whistle on any depravity they discover.
It’s a really slick double bind they’ve got us all in, if you think about it. Try to expose government malfeasance from the inside and you’re a traitor; you’re guilty of transgressing the rules of the position you’ve been entrusted with. You go to jail. Try to expose government malfeasance from the outside and that’s hacking, that’s espionage. You go to jail.
Either way, you go to jail. Directly to jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
When is it possible to expose government malfeasance without going to jail? Why, when the government says so, of course.
And this has all been a long-winded preamble for me to get to what I really want to say here, which is this: think about how many government insiders aren’t whistleblowing.
We Know Very Little
Seriously, just pause and really think about that for a minute. Let it sink all the way in. We know about just a teeny, tiny fraction of the evils that our governments have been up to behind the scenes, because the people who are in a position to expose those evils and who are willing to do so are exceedingly rare. And, because of the public flagellations of whistleblowers such as Chelsea Manning, we may be certain that they are becoming much rarer. We appear to be moving rapidly toward a world with no Chelsea Mannings at all.
The celebrated author, journalist and historian William Blum once said that “No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”

William Blum at an anti-war protest in Washington, D.C., 2007. (Thomas Good, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons)
I have no idea how much the late Blum knew or whether he was exaggerating to make a point, but if you look at what I’m pointing to here, it becomes self-evident that at the very least what we know about government malfeasance is dwarfed by what we don’t know about government malfeasance. There are so very, very many disincentives for people to blow the whistle on the powerful, and so very, very many incentives for them not to, that it is a certain bet that there is exponentially more wickedness going on behind the veil of government secrecy than we realize.
If you looked through a tiny crack in the door and saw a thousand people just in that narrow sliver of your field of vision, it would be very silly of you to assume that there are merely one thousand people standing outside. If you can see that many people based just on a very small slice of the information you’d have access to if you were, say, standing on the roof, it would be safe to assume that there are a great many thousands more that you can’t see from your current perspective. How many thousands? You can’t see that either.
Pause and reflect on how much you know about the evils that your government has been guilty of. Maybe you’re just learning about this stuff, maybe you are deeply informed, it doesn’t matter, because get this: however much you know, that’s just what you can see through the tiny crack in the door. Through the very small number of gaps in government secrecy where truth was able to shine through. No matter how much you think you know about the depravity of your government, it is necessarily dwarfed by what you don’t know.
This is why the U.S.-centralized empire fights so hard to maintain government secrecy and shut down anything that is a threat to that secrecy. It’s because if we could see what’s really going on back there behind that veil of government opacity, it would blow our minds. And then they would never again be able to get us back under control.
Does grasping this self-evident truth mean harboring an intense suspicion of everything your government says and does? Most certainly. But the alternative is to live in a fantasy world. And an uncomfortable truth is always superior to a comfortable fantasy.
Caitlin Johnstone is a rogue journalist, poet, and utopia prepper who publishes regularly at Medium. Follow her work on Facebook, Twitter, or her website. She has a podcast and a new book “Woke: A Field Guide for Utopia Preppers.”
This article was re-published with permission.
Right on Caitlin! I agree 200% that we’re seeing just the tip of the iceberg of what the American Empire is really doing. I would point to CIA involvement in drug trafficking, Operation Gladio, and the evidence of the use of biological weapons in the Korean War as just 3 examples to prove the point. When the US empire has collapsed (and it will) we’re going to see what was done and it won’t be pretty.
Nothing new about this. Intel agencies have ALWAYS suicided their leakers. True for thousands of years.
A short list of the courageous work the late insider/whistleblower, William Blum, carried out on behalf of “we, the people” of the U.S. and the world, for more than a half century; documenting the evidence of U.S. foreign interventions and malfeasance’s of insider government individuals, supposedly acting in the best interests of America and the world:
A few random passages from “The Life Divine” by Sri Aurobindo might provide inspiration for any potential whistleblowers who pass this way, in particular, – and for everyday men and women from around the Earth generally.
“Universe is a diffusion of the divine All in infinite Space and Time, the individual its concentration within limits of Space and Time.
“It is the psychic personality in us that flowers as the saint, the sage, the seer; when it reaches its full strength, it turns the being towards the Knowledge of Self and the Divine, towards the supreme Truth, the supreme Good, the supreme Beauty, Love and Bliss, the divine heights and largenesses, and opens us to the touch of spiritual sympathy, universality, oneness.
“The two are one: Spirit is the soul and reality of that which we sense as Matter; Matter is a form and body of that which we realize as Spirit.
“Drawing away from durability of form, we draw towards eternity of essence; drawing away from our poise in the persistent separation and resistance of physical Matter, we draw near to the highest divine poise in the infinity, unity and indivisibility of Spirit.
“The principle which underlies this continually ascending experience and vision uplifted beyond the material formulation of things is that all cosmic existence is a complex harmony and does not finish with the limited range of consciousness in which the ordinary mind and life are content to be imprisoned.
“A divine life in the manifestation is then not only possible as the high result and ransom of our present life in the Ignorance but, if these things are as we have seen them, it is the inevitable outcome and consummation of Nature’s evolutionary endeavor.
“There we perceive what the world really is; we know in every way ourselves in others and as others, others as ourselves, and all as the universal and self-multiplied One.”
How does this apply to the topic at hand whatsoever?
Hello. In “The Life Divine” Sri Aurobindo shares his profound philosophical worldview, – of which potential whistleblowers, were they to become exposed to and aware of such a philosophical perspective, would undoubtedly result in their coming forward to speak out on human actions tragically and unnecessarily harming fellow sacred human beings. If persons passing this way and/or yourself are interested, here is Sri Aurobindo’s book as recorded in a chapter by chapter reading. Best regards.
That’s deep. Totally went over my head – thanks for the link.
I think most people are aware, to varying degrees, that “authorities” will lie and undertake subversive actions aimed at coercing, influencing (brainwashing) and manipulating the public. Very many if not most will even agree that this is necessary.
What is NOT agreed or understood, is the various possibilities WHY this is necessary. The question is the ever more questioned motivation of the manipulators themselves. It was once assumed that these wise people would act IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE. The alternatives are, of course, that they act in their own personal interests or or the interests of the very few chosen beneficiaries.
And so it is not the lying and brainwashing that is resented, but the motivating interests being served. This would seem to indicate that at least our FORM of democracy has failed more conclusively than most dictatorships.
I think you hold people in general in too high of a regard. Psychiatry would never have been able to pathologize fringe thinking (esp. that associated with theories regarding gov. manipulation) on the level it does if the majority of people accepted these things in this country the way you assume they do.
Yes, I’m a broken record with psychiatry, but it’s the litmus test here.
Instead of locking up guys who think a UFO visited their mom last night or that the gov microwaved their pet poodle, there would simply be jeers and slaps on the wrists as there are towards children who believe stupid things. Instead of being “dangerous”, they would be (accurately) viewed as absurd and dealt with on a humanistic level (argued against, debated with, etc) with their focus being shifted towards the realm of possible.
Contrary to your attitude that people don’t mind manipulation / brainwashing, I posit that the lying and brainwashing are so resented that there is an ironic level of delusion amongst the mainstream where not only does it not exist, it simply cannot exist. People will regularly allow the messenger (said with no greater connotation outside the metaphor) to be shot, so to speak, so that the unwanted message is never dealt with – lest it impact their individual capability to perform in the greater boot licking competition.
Bernstein: “I want to come back to remind people of the kind of structure that Julian Assange created at WikiLeaks to protect whistleblowers. This is crucial because we’ve seen now other journalists being a little more careless and we see sources being tracked down, arrested, and facing major jail time. And I think this is the way that Julian Assange honored whistleblowers by protecting them is a crucial part of who he is and what he did.”
Pilger: “He invented a system whereby it was impossible to tell who the source was and it allowed people to use a letterbox drop to leak material without their identity being disclosed. The WikiLeaks system gives them that protection. It’s probably that that has so enraged those who are pursuing him. It means that people of conscience within governments, within systems, who are troubled like Chelsea Manning who was deeply troubled by what she saw, have the opportunity to tell the world without fearing that their identity will be exposed. Unfortunately, Chelsea revealed her identity to somebody who betrayed her. It is an unprecedented means of getting the truth out.”
John Pilger: The Global War on Assange, Journalism & Dissent – Consortium News
The EPA whistleblowers on the water in Flint are but another example of who is retaliated against. That Obama went after more whistleblowers than all previous presidents combined, leads to the question: What are they trying to hide? Blum’s perspective is chilling.
How is this different from what O’Brien did to Winston Smith in Room 101?
How is it different from the scenes always depicted in American movies of Nazi or Communist interrogations?
Not in the detailed actions, linear, inverted, tangential or upside-down OlyaPola, but in the principle of usurping another person’s freedom and relentlessly torturing them physically, psychology, or now economically until they absolutely bend to the will of those claiming to run the state and rule its people. What happened to the principle of taking the 5th amendment without penalty or prejudice towards one’s culpability? It used to be you didn’t have to say a damned thing to the police or to the courts on the chance, not the certainty, that you might incriminate yourself, for which you have no obligation under our constitution. When did the constitution, charter or whatever organizing document the Third Reich used get substituted for the piece of parchment inked in Philadelphia in 1789?
It’s too bad Manning did not get the hell out of this continent-wide open air prison when she had the chance. She should have found her way to Russia, as I wouldn’t trust even the Queen of England or the Pope to protect any person’s human rights in the current regime of American hegemony over most of the planet.
Washington asserts that every breathing human being is answerable to it and only it. Only it has sovereignty and only its laws (or whims) are enforceable across the globe. It does this in the name of “freedom and democracy!” What twisted thinking. Maybe being a martyr had greater appeal to her than being an exile, cursed by the very people you tried to help. She’s still cursed, with all the disadvantages of being a de-facto “enemy combatant” (another new concept for a brave new century!). I’ll bet some of the former spooks who have taken up the pen against this anti-American regime that’s been in place for the past several election cycles, spanning thirty or forty years, could have spirited her out of the country. Maybe she passed on the offer. A shame. A real horror show.
The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church. By their suffering, martyrs like Manning ensure that the system that persecuted them is doomed to defeat.
That flowery prose sounds nice, lysias. Unfortunately, history says otherwise.
People like manning only have an impact if people stay aware of what they did and the meaning of their actions is not subverted in the public eye. This is why we view enemy combatants that attack civilian populations and often even military targets (n.b. not using the term as “Realist” is using it) as “terrorists” and the men who bombed Japanese civilians as “heroes”; how police who shoot unarmed people for disobeying orders are, at worst, discharged, while individuals who fire at police are “the worst of the worst”.
The “New” Testament was written a long time ago. No doubt the Roman empire employed PR tactics and no doubt people were manipulated – but things have [d]evolved quite a bit since then.
P please do not use full-page justification
It screws up the spacing between the words and makes it impossible to read
A few excerpts from a Chelsea Manning’s remarkable letter to the judge:
“Secret proceedings lend unearned legitimacy to prosecutorial decisions that protect the powerful against accountability and over-punish the marginalized. It is not surprising that members of the defense bar are generally unsupportive of grand jury proceedings. Even the Department of Justice released a report acknowledging that ‘grand juries are notorious for being ‘rubber stamps’ for the prosecutor for virtually all routine criminal matters.’ . . .
“Grand juries can also be used to coerce defendants to give up their trial rights and take pleas, both by threatening to indict for more severe charges than are warranted (which we know can be done easily), or by threatening to call a defendant’s loved ones before a grand jury as witnesses. The very threat of the secret proceeding is in itself terrifying to people. The secrecy of grand jury proceedings fuel paranoia and fear, running contrary to our ideals of open courts and stoking our disdain for secret testimony. I find, when I explain the secrecy of grand juries, people are often truly shocked that they are constitutional, and frequently compare them to the Court of Star Chamber. . . .
“Only two common law systems of justice use the grand jury: the United States and Liberia. Even within the United States, half of the states have dispensed with the use of grand juries. While they reliably end with indictments, they do not reliably end with justice. . . .
“During the McCarthy era, when people were publicly interrogated about their beliefs and associations, the public was eventually outraged, and the McCarthy hearings are widely seen as a disgraceful episode of modern history. This kind of questioning, however, routinely happens under the grand jury system. Due to the secrecy of grand juries, the public is less aware of it, and less outraged, and therefore, it continues without interruption. However, this is because they are unaware it is happening and cannot feel its effects.
“The investigative grand jury as we know it was developed in the wake of McCarthy, during the Nixon years. It was developed purportedly to battle organized crime, but was promptly used to subpoena members of anti-war groups, the women’s movement, and black liberation groups. Prosecutors issued subpoenas in conjunction with grants of immunity, in order to compel testimony, and routinely had resistant activists imprisoned for contempt. For instance, while federal agencies were investigating the Puerto Rican independence movement, several community organizers refused to comply out of solidarity with their communities. They were arrested at gunpoint for contempt of court. Senator Ted Kennedy was not shy about expressing his alarm:
“‘Over the past four years, under the present administration, we have witnessed the birth of a new breed of political animal — the kangaroo grand jury — spawned in a dark corner of the Department of Justice, nourished by an administration bent on twisting law enforcement to serve its own political ends, a dangerous modern form of Star Chamber secret inquisition that is trampling the rights of American citizens from coast to coast.’”
Letter from Chelsea Manning to Judge Anthony Trenga
Thanks for the link to Chelsea’s letter to the judge. It is a very intelligent, informed, compassionate letter. I wonder if a judge, in this case Judge Trenga, is required, or has bothered to reply to it. Are these judges not employed by the government and payed with taxpayer’s money?
I have not found any reply from this judge anywhere.
How is it possible that so many judges and lawyers, supposedly upholding an honorable profession, which requires a number of years of study at a University, are not contesting the dismal treatment of Chelsea Manning? (Including others,’ …)
Now is their time to shine and make their years of study count for something.
I suggest to them:
Do something!
You can make a difference when you respond in numbers.
Caitlin points out that even those few who directly experience government corruption can see only a small part or aspect of it. The part I have seen is the corruption of the DOJ and judiciary. They are almost 100% corrupt; far less than 1% have any morality or human values at all, beyond selfish gains by serving oligarchy, exploiting meaningless tribal loyalties.
Much corruption is so contrary to what we wish to believe that those who have seen it are not believed. The public hides from truth to preserve the happiness they have. The US has no more sense of a sustainable social contract: where everyman cheats everyman, no one assists the noble defender of humanity. They will chuckle and feel wiser than the martyr, even denounce the martyr to fend off suspicions of their own kind.
Worst of all are the lawyers of every stripe: practiced and proud of corruption alone. Judges are just lawyers selected for fake honorability while serving corruption every minute of the day. Among 50+ judges I have known, from small claims to the US Supreme Court, only the small claims judges are ever honorable. The judiciary sells to the highest bidder through political parties, all else is sham.
Comment and link are much appreciated, jmg.
Right on, Caitlin! Write on. I really enjoy reading your essays.
William Blum : “No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine.”
I once knew a young man whose father worked for the NSA. The father had told him ” Believe me, the American public does NOT want to know what they do at the NSA ! “
And this is called justice? I feel as though this period of time parallels Germany circa 1938.
I do agree with you, but that time (1938) is long ago and most people have no real memory of it any more, if they ever had. At that time there was no TV, not much of a phone, there was the telegraph, but not much of any quick communication, like the internet and phone today.
Drawing a parallel to the present somehow diminishes the awfulness of the audacious lies and personalities creating and spreading those lies. We can read about them instantly and are unable to do anything about them. But we are able to find out quickly about those lies while reading reliable news from CN and some other sources.
Many people in 1938 knew when lies were printed in newspapers, but were unable to refute them. Just like present times. If you refute the lies, you are doomed. The only way people, who had families, defended themselves, was by pretending not to know anything.
An extremely relevant statistic ! HOW MANY, what proportion of humanity “defend themselves by pretending not to know anything” ? What DO they pretend not to know ? Will they ever be able to rely on each other?
PS. I’m happy to question any answers you may have.
Obama imprisoned more whistle-blowers than all his predecessors combined. Trump is just continuing the good work. Before Obama, when a whistle-blower showed that the government was guilty of heinous crimes, this would so weaken the government that it was difficult to punish the whistle-blower. When the Washington Post published the Pentagon Papers, Nixon took them to court, and the courts ruled in favour of the Post. That was in the ’70s.
After Obama was elected, the mainstream US media agreed that any and all criticism of Obama was prohibited. The UK published Seymour Hersh for a year until the UK agreed: no criticism of the US or UK would be allowed in any UK news media, and the Guardian was forced to completely change its editorial policy in 2013 to one that only lauds the US and UK governments.
Now all that’s left are tiny publications such as Consortium News, tolerated because it has such a small audience. If it ever got significant attention, legal action would be taken and supported by the courts.
The law is exactly as Thrasymachus described it. Socrates showed the flaw in the definition of ‘Justice’ proposed by Thrasymachus, but today we have an answer to Socrates’ criticism: Socrates has the prescriptive definition of Justice, but Thrasymachus has the descriptive definition.
How very clever are the elites.
You have to give it to them.
In fact they just might take everything.
Even your life.
One does not even have to be highly placed in power in such a “social” environment as we now all inhabit.
Indeed, at the lowly level of those who dare question, who dare seek to engage their fellow human beings in honest and earnest conversation about what is going on in our collective human experience, there are severe consequences of being shunned, labeled “depressing” and “fault-finding”, of beingn”negative”, and “disruptive”, not to mention “unpatriotic” or even “anti-Semitic”.
Simply for pointing out what comfortable complacency and easy complicity, most dread having to, personally, to confront, or even admit might be possible.
One can lose friends, lovers and other family, merely for daring a consistent scrutiny of extant reality, of the effects of war, induced drug addiction, economic austerity, and political turpitude.
Society can become paralyzed, is paralyzed, by fear, by mean suspicion, by cleverly crafted doubt, implanted by both professional psychological manipulation and by local enforcers of the status quo, be they the police or self-appointed mental brownshirts who righteously patrol comment threads or hold forth in local watering holes.
One may wonder how whole societies may come to embrace barbaric policy.
Yet when the inner terrain of consciousness is sufficiently threatened or intimidated, when one experiences the process, it becomes very obvious how well, and how easily, depravity comes to rule.
Caitlin, as always, your insight and honest words and perspective are most seriously appreciated and respected,
I know way too many in love with fantasy. Ms. Johnstone keeps it real for the those willing to risk a view of reality.
There is a fallacy in this thought experiment. You’re considering every government agency employee as perfectly independent. When one blows the whistle, it’s the work of thousands if not tens of thousands that are uncovered. You don’t need every employee to blow it, only a handful of them is enough to uncover everything your government is doing.
I’m not saying you’re not ignorant of a lot of bad things any government is doing. I’m just saying you got, in fact, no way of knowing how much you know of these bad actions just based on the amount of whistleblower. You don’t even have the slightest idea of how many of these bad actions there is, what is the amount of corruption you’re searching for. Perhaps 20% of the agencies actions are bad, perhaps 1%, perhaps 99%, you’ve got no way of knowing it. You could actually know everything. Or you could indeed know a ridicule fraction of it.
The rest of the argument is true though, if it’s normal for a government tries to punish whistleblower, I mean it’s literal enemies to them, people at large should not follow the lead and blame the messenger. It’s human nature though, and stories from the oldest of time and from every culture prove it always has been.
“I am more than sure”
More than an absolute – possibly an immaculate conception?
Thank you for your illustration of what you perceive to be “plausible belief”.
“People have been taught what happens to those who blow the whistle on the powerful, and they have been taught to become quite comfortable with it.”
In lands of make-believe the attempt of conflation of attempt with achievement is becoming increasingly popular.
In the absence of my other post, Caitlin, here’s another thought – I AM A WHISTLEBLOWER
When you stand with me and stand with the Duran and it stands with Consortium News and The Slog and Moon of Alabama and MediaLens and ICH and Zerohedge we may have a resistance of note. When all of those who have HAD ENOUGH stand up, together, then we may have revolution. Instead of fighting between ourselves and STAND UP and fight THEM we may have a chance – we cannot do it on our own!!
Actually, Bob although you me and us read the sites you have mentioned and perhaps a dozen or so more, it surprising how few sites like this are on the net. Now that the ‘state appears to be gaining control of the net through google, face book etc etc, our mouse like voices will soon be stifled as well. I predict that in ten years or so, sites like consortium news will be but a distant memory.
Then we will have to resurrect the mimeograph machines as they relied on in the old Soviet Union. Newsletters will have to be exchanged by hand or using snail mail, unless everything there gets censored. Electronic communication is thoroughly compromised as it is ALL collected and analysed by the NSA. The future looks more bleak than even Orwell predicted.
At this rate, when potential whistleblowers know immense brutal truths and still refuse to share them with all humanity, and when average citizens know brutal truths and refuse sharing them with their families, friends, associates, acquaintances, etc., – shrewd money investors are probably betting on the eventual return to carrier pigeons…
Saints certainly are very rare. Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange are on the right side of history and goodness. They are examples of righteousness. Are you as good as they are, all you self-righteous twitter people and “reporters” out there? No, you can’t do what they do. You are cowards.
I’m afraid al of us Ameticans DO live in a fantasy world, where only bad guys are killed by our bombs, where whistleblowers deserve to suffer etc.
Thanks CN, Caitlin… below are 2 articles re: a crooked judge in Brazil colluding w/ a prosecuter2 bring shady charges against a political opponent… Can it happen in US?
Caitlin… so sorry2 have2 say: you just showed it can!!!