We Were Right on Russia-gate; Now Help Us Keep Our Work Going


Leading U.S. media admit it’s true.

For more than two years, led by our founding editor, Bob Parry, Consortium News consistently challenged the Russia-gate “collusion” story, which has now been officially dismissed. Please support us to keep our record of unique journalism going as we launch our annual Spring Fundraising Drive today.

Aaron Maté, one of the leading, independent journalists who debunked the Russia-gate collusion “scandal” tweeted last week:

Indeed, Parry blazed the trail of Russia-gate skepticism on this trail-blazing website he founded in 1995, very likely the first independent news website in history. Following his long experience as an investigative reporter at the Associated Press and Newsweek magazine, Bob simply applied professional journalistic standards and ethics to every story he ever covered.  The Russia-gate saga was no different. Some people call it “evidence-based” journalism, or even “scientific” journalism. Bob would have called it just journalism.

Being devoid of ideology or partisan bias, Bob covered the Russia-gate story by demanding evidence, and when none was found he said so. When the corporate media became unmoored in reporting this story, Bob also said so, pointing out how the media had abandoned the bedrock principles of journalism, which begins with skepticism.  He set the story in its geo-political and domestic contexts, pointing out how dangerous the wild speculation masquerading as fact was to a world still at risk of nuclear conflict between Russia and the United States. 

As he had been in skeptically reporting the WMD fiasco that led to the disastrous invasion of Iraq, Bob was attacked, this time for being a Kremlin stooge, a Putin puppet, and a Trump supporter, simply for keeping his head and doing his job.  Bob was soon joined by other writers at Consortium News in making this website a leading publication in factual reporting about the burgeoning “scandal.”  Some publications or online video sites had one or two skeptical writers or presenters.  

But Bob made Consortium News a welcoming place for a host of experienced writers who took apart various aspects of the collusion conspiracy theory, including Ray McGovern, Gareth Porter, Daniel Lazare, Patrick Lawrence and Joe Lauria. Consortium News is also the exclusive home of the Veterans Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, who published a series of groundbreaking memos challenging the Russia-gate story.

Consortium News pays its writers for their excellent work and is exclusively reader-supported.  We depend on our audience to keep us going, so that when the dominant corporate media next tries to lead millions of Americans and people around the world astray, we’ll be there to set the record straight.


Please make your tax-deductible donation to our Spring Fund Drive today!


Thank you.

14 comments for “We Were Right on Russia-gate; Now Help Us Keep Our Work Going

  1. Mild-ly - Facetious
    April 5, 2019 at 17:52

    —- —- “We Were Right on Russia-gate; Now Help Us Keep Our Work Going” — —-

    To: Dennis Rice;

    Yours is THE Absolutely Correct Response to this
    purported corroboration into “Trump Innocence”

    vis-a-vis the Muller Investigation
    into charges of Trump & company
    “collusion and or obstruction”

    Your “Why all this hesitation?”
    demands a simple explanation
    or exclaims pure “Cover up”. …

    What is there to hide, AG Barr
    but malevolent cover and/or
    MAGA coup d’ état in favor of

    The Billionaire Class/mercenary
    Scumbag /robbers of the poor
    in promulgation of self- valued

    Authoritarian Obsequious
    Arrogant Banality revealed by
    Words and Actions from/of

    Self-Extoling SCOTUS Trump.

  2. Eddie S
    April 4, 2019 at 22:23

    Keep up the good work! I’m sending $50 your way and I would encourage other readers and commenters to try to do at least the same — it’s cheaper than cable news AND not ‘commercially self-edited’, so there’s a lot more unvarnished truth (ie; CN doesn’t have to be unnecessarily nice to powerful people so that another branch of their corporation can interview those same people next week). I started following Robert Parry’s work back when he had a print magazine for a few years back in the early/mid 90’s (?) and then followed him to the Internet/CN. The analysis has historically been realistic and measured, but not fawning and context-less like so much of the MSM.

    Note: I don’t mean to sound like a ‘CN shill’, but I haven’t noticed any problems with the ‘comments review’ algorithm. Maybe I’ve just been lucky, or maybe it’s because I don’t comment a lot or very lengthy, but usually my ‘nuggets of wisdom’ appear within 15 seconds.

  3. Virginia
    April 3, 2019 at 15:30

    Commenters have spoken lots of times about frustration over their comments being dropped and over un-called for moderation. It follows, however, that regular readers and commenters would grow discouraged and make fewer contributions. This made me think CN was probably getting funding from big sources. Now I see I am mistaken for CN says: “We depend on our audience to keep us going, so that when the dominant corporate media next tries to lead millions of Americans and people around the world astray, we’ll be there to set the record straight.”

  4. Andrew Thomas
    April 3, 2019 at 12:21

    When I read about the redactions in the “public” version of Mueller’s sentencing memorandum on Manafort, I laughed, ruefully, my rearend off. Every document, electronic or otherwise, whose content might actually give citizens of our country some idea of what is actually happening is classified. The only way we will ever see a complete, unredacted version of this or any other document of even slight importance again will be if someone who works for the government is prepared to become the next Chelsea Manning- a level of courage we have no right to expect from anyone. And, the only entity that would have the stones to publish it would be Wikileaks, or CN. Whatever the truth is about 9/11 is beyond the pale. That was only 17+ years ago. How about the JFK assassination docs? 55+ years and we’re still waiting. No wonder why every other piece of pop culture is about zombies. At least on an unconscious level, we recognize what we have become.

  5. MLS
    April 3, 2019 at 11:25

    “officially dismissed” ? Yeah, that’s one way to put it. And those ‘officials’ who did the ‘dismissing’ would be … ? LOL! No, RLMFAO!

    I think poor Mr. Barr must be so tired; I’ll let him rest and read it myself. The unredacted version.

  6. April 3, 2019 at 10:36

    I’ll kick in $20, even though I’m a typical Gen Xer with massive student loan debt. Only issue I have is CN’s new (relatively new) comment process where the comment waits hours bf being officially posted. This was never the case when Robert Parry (rest in peace) ran the show.

    • Consortiumnews.com
      April 4, 2019 at 11:14

      That is absolutely false, as we have pointed out many times. The automated moderation system has been used for the past five years, four years under Mr. Parry.

      • Curious
        April 4, 2019 at 20:39

        Dear CN,
        I think all the many voices from commentators over the past two years or so, are asking for a bit of consistency is all. There is no doubt some of the algorithms have changed in the past five years, and the IT portion is inconsistent at best.
        To make a quick comparison: five years ago when one posted a comment there was an edit line at the bottom where one could correct the comment and it was timed to 3 or 4 minutes. I have only seen this feature once within the past two years, so this is just one example of a change that was not prevalent five years ago.
        Just for addition IT input, it didn’t matter if one was using, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Ping, or Brave, these inconsistencies prevailed.
        This is not a criticism, and many other comments should not be taken that way. There are enough hip IT people out in the commentator land, or skilled users, who can actually point out some things and help CN in a process that is not as easy as many people think it is. But I am surprised to hear the moderation feature has been the same in the last five years, which stretches the imagination a little.

  7. DennisRice
    April 2, 2019 at 22:47

    Perhaps I have a wrong view? There are 350 pages of a report. If there is nothing in it, excluding sensitive intelligence, release the report. Why all this hesitation to do so?

    • Mild - ly Facetious
      April 5, 2019 at 17:41

      To Dennis Rice;

      Yours is THE Absolutely Correct Response
      to this purported corroboration into
      “Trump Innocence”

      vis-a-vis the Muller Investigation
      into charges of Trump & company
      “collusion and or obstruction”

      Your “Why all this hesitation?”
      demands a simple explanation
      or exclaims pure “Cover up”. …

      What is there to hide, AG Barr
      but malevolent cover and/or
      MAGA coup d’ état in favor of

      The Billionaire Class/mercenary
      Scumbag /robbers of the poor
      in promulgation of self- valued

      Authoritarian Obsequious
      Arrogant Banality revealed by
      Words and Actions from/of

      Self-Extoling SCOTUS Trump.

  8. April 2, 2019 at 21:52

    I don’t have much money. I do, however, have a voice. And I tell anyone who will listen about Consortium News being one of the rare endangered species of truth slinging journalism left in America. Like so:


    I have little faith in Fox News, NYTimes, Washington Post, CNN, and most any corporation because what they are doing is “selling their brand” now. Please note, your “brand” is not the same thing as reality, folks. It’s just marketing.

  9. CitizenOne
    April 2, 2019 at 21:40

    I am not sure how one cannot support a website that broke new ground providing an alternative for the increasingly biased news coming out of the official papers of record in Washington and New York way back in 1995. Fast forward to today and the advanced metastatic diseased media we are now subjected to is engaged in the process of dividing up the electrons that flow over the internet and the telecommunications infrastructure into two camps. One which drives for profits above all else no matter how utterly useless, fake, misrepresented, twisted, sensationalized, spun, exaggerated, taken out of context, embellished, out of all proportion or what goes against all that we hold dear as a species hold onto as customary expectations of how we should be served some measure of truth by the biggest megaphones on the planet. The other camp seeks utter power and domination financially, politically, spiritually, militarily, economically, judicially, Constitutionally and ultimate control over all of us for their ends. There are not really two camps but it served a point to illustrate that what we are served up by our “modern” media establishments serves only the interests of the wealthy and the disease of propagandizing all of us is only escalating with no signs of returning to an era when opinion stories and unproven allegations and conspiracy theories were few and far between and were reserved for special announcements not necessarily those views held by the publisher with the full disclosure “caveat emptor”.

    Against the trend and the devolution of the news into a steaming pile this website held a candle to the odious wind thanks to its founder Robert Parry who tirelessly did the hard work of investigative journalism with no agenda other than reporting the truth. Keep on keeping on and hold true to the founders mission to remain skeptical of all the claims of the main stream press. You are doing a good job but there are many stories yet to be told that would reveal the truths that are hidden yet so important if we are to avoid the trap of despotism and economic ruin and war.

  10. geeyp
    April 2, 2019 at 20:49

    Stellar work from Mr.Parry and also yourself, Mr. Lauria. Also, glad that you are up to speed with the plight of Julian Assange and Wikileaks. And now that the “red scare” has, more or less, died down, another story that won’t go away is the lawsuit filed with the Federal Court in Washington D.C. with a federal judge under the plaintiffs of AE911truth and the lawyers Mick Harrison and David (last name escapes me at the moment, sorry). This is to force the Feds to admit into evidence all the employees and first responders reports of explosions prior to planes hitting and other items they have had and done nothing with or filed cases. They were supposed to have given them to the Congress, and did not. I am sure the filers would appreciate a lot of light on this shown towards the American people. As far as donating money, I am sorry to say that I am still hammered ’cause of the 2008 crash and cannot honestly give what you are requesting. I hope that you can understand.

    • curious
      April 2, 2019 at 22:00

      I hope the details of the lawsuit will also mention the fact that the bomb sniffing dogs were taken out 5 days before the event of 911. I know this from people who were there.
      Also, building 7 fell at free-fall speed into its own footprint. this doesn’t happen to a steel structure without controlled demo. I also hope they replay the recording of the radio transmission of “pull it” which is “demo speak”. One can work backwards from building 7 to get a whole lot of answers to the twin towers. It takes time to wire up a building, in this case 3 buildings.
      I’m sure you may have also noticed Trump in his early stumpisms trying to bash Muslims, saying that Arabs were dancing on the day of 911. Anyone else notice how quickly he shut up when he learned they were Israelis instead of Arabs?
      I agree geeyp that this site has done a stellar job, and taking on 911 would be a Herculean task for any news site who wants the real facts out in the public domain, even for one as good as Consortium News.
      I’m still shocked people believe the fairy dust that must have been sprinkled on the towers to bring them down in free-fall into their own footprints. It’s amazing what people choose to believe.
      But PNAC got their new Pearl Harbor so everything is hushed up, and the people swallowed it hook, line and sinker. And then they cheer on the wars. It’s a collective sickness.
      Lets hope something comes out of the lawsuits, but it’s hard to imagine. The redaction pens will be out and working overtime.

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