What We Do — and Why


From Editor Robert Parry: Honest journalism is vital to a genuine democracy. But what we’ve seen from the U.S. mainstream media – of which I was a part for many years – is something dangerously far from honest. It has become a propaganda megaphone for a corrupt and self-interested establishment.

By contrast, what we’ve tried to do at Consortiumnews.com over the past 22 years is maintain principled journalistic standards, which include considering all responsible sides of a story and recognizing that the U.S. government and its many flacks are not the fount of all truth. Of course, that doesn’t mean that other viewpoints are necessarily correct either. But an open mind is a vital feature of honest journalism.

Journalist Robert Parry

We also don’t take corporate advertising, nor do we have any big-dollar benefactor who can dictate our content. We can maintain our independence because we rely on contributions from readers and because we operate on a very tight budget.

But that does mean that our three annual fundraisers (spring, early fall, and end-of-year) must reach their fairly modest targets. Right now, we are struggling to match our early fall goal of $35,000.

If you wish to help, you can donate by credit card online (we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover), by PayPal (our PayPal account is named after our original email address, “consortnew @ aol.com”), or by mailing a check to Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 102-231; Arlington VA 22201.

We also are registered with PayPal’s Giving Fund under the name Consortium for Independent Journalism. And, since we are a 501-c-3 non-profit, donations by American taxpayers may be tax-deductible.

Thank you for your support.

Robert Parry

Robert Parry is a longtime investigative reporter who broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for the Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. He founded Consortiumnews.com in 1995 to create an outlet for well-reported journalism that was being squeezed out of an increasingly trivialized U.S. news media.

13 comments for “What We Do — and Why

  1. Jon
    October 5, 2017 at 07:17

    I am looking for a link to donate with PayPal. Nowhere to be found.

  2. Michael Thomson
    September 29, 2017 at 05:15

    Concur with all the above. Thanks for maintaining a standard clearly now lost by mainstream media. The new generation has no idea what truth is anymore and appear to have lost the capacity for objective analysis.

  3. September 29, 2017 at 03:37

    Thank’s for what you doing, keep going!!

  4. napier
    September 27, 2017 at 08:25

    I’ve just started a monthly donation via Paypal. Please continue the good work. The work of Consortium News is vitally important, given the abdication of mainstream outlets to actually do journalism.

  5. Joe Tedesky
    September 26, 2017 at 17:12

    Dear Robert Parry,

    First I can’t thank you enough for creating such a fantastic news site, and like the other comment posters previously to my comment here I find consortiumnews to be an oasis in a very dry desert of informative news.

    Although on occasion I have been frustrated by this comment boards ‘moderation’ function, I can live with that. On the other hand, if you ever decide to run our comments through Facebook or some other social media information center, then I will not participate any longer in the consortiumnews community. I also feel safe by saying this, because I don’t believe that you would ever even toy with an idea such as that.

    So, I’ll just end this by saying, thank you Robert Parry and the staff of consortiumnews for providing me with a honest news site. Joe

  6. Kelli
    September 26, 2017 at 08:15

    I’ll send something on Friday.

    I come here everyday for my news. This site has been critically important in debunking the Russia gate hack quack story. Your articles around VIPS has been especially important to me.

    It was last year, during the primary, when Rachel Maddow started shilling for Clinton that the LIES were glaring. The Democratic party election fraud, committed by the Obama administration, the DNC and the Clinton campaign, occurring in real time, was impossible to ignore. But it was their seething contempt for voters and the beginning of the Russian hack story that was the end for me. And Maddow showed herself to lack any journalistic integrity at all.

    Could it be the 7 million a year?

    Anyway, I tossed the TV and the Democratic party to the curb and started looking for alternative sites and arrived here thanks to word of mouth by a friend.

    Your articles are grounding material amongst the corporate media rag mag out there now. I’m very grateful for the hard work you and your crew do for those of us seeking truth and to educate ourselves. It’s vital to what has become so much censorship and blacklisting of alternative sites like this one.

    Thank you so much, Mr. Parry for your own commitment to journalistic integrity and the continued drive to bring it home to all of us. I so wish I could do much more…

  7. Virginia
    September 25, 2017 at 15:33

    My contribution, on the way! Best “investment” around!

  8. Citizen
    September 25, 2017 at 15:29

    Love this site but would like to see more articles about the financial system since an education on how its history and how it works is desperately needed by Americans. If you could interview guys like Ron Paul who have been telling it like it is for a long time, that would be a great step forward.

    • Bruce
      September 26, 2017 at 00:47

      Agreed, but if he does that visa and MasterCard will surely cut him off.

    • Kelli
      September 26, 2017 at 07:28

      Agreed. I’ve been reading what’s going on in the financial markets as that has much to do with not only our own economy but that of others across the globe. And I’m trying to learn by reading about it.

  9. Drew Hunkins
    September 25, 2017 at 14:04

    I know this may sound hyperbolic but CN really is one of thee best things on the internet, period. (Also counterpunch.org)

  10. Ned
    September 25, 2017 at 12:44

    Couldn’t agree more with above comment.

  11. S. MacFarland
    September 25, 2017 at 11:14

    Mr. Parry, your calm, consistent journalistic integrity has made Consortium News one of the few media outlets that I feel I can trust completely. Giving your excellent organization a small donation every month has been a source of satisfaction for me over the past year, and I’ll be sending a bit more today because it is important that you continue.

    Thank you for this one small oasis of sanity.

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