Business Group Fawns Over Trump


Many U.S. business groups groused about President Obama even as their companies thrived but are lavishing praise on President Trump despite doubts over his first four months, notes Barbara Koeppel.

By Barbara Koeppel

We’ve heard a lot about fake news. What about fake ads? Surely they deserve the “Pinocchio” reality check.

President Donald Trump delivering remarks at CPAC on Feb. 24, 2017. (Screen shot from

Let’s start with the April 29 full-page Washington Post ad run by the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) applauding President Trump for his first 100 days. The organization hailed the trumpeter in chief for his accomplishments and hoped for more of the same.

“Thank you President Trump, for 100 days of progress,” the ad cheered. The problem is, most of the triumphs the ad touts are dubious. For example, it opens with a whopper. “You’ve promoted investment and created jobs.”

Well, yes and no. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 93,000 fewer new jobs were created from February to April 2017 (522,000), under the Trump reign, than over the same months in 2016 (615,000) under President Obama.

As for new investment, according to the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, gross private domestic investment in the first quarter of 2017 (adjusted for inflation and seasonal variations) was up 1.7 percent from the fourth quarter 2016 — not much to brag about.

Next, NAM’s ad gushed about the two pipelines (Dakota Access and Keystone XL) the President OK’d. While Trump claimed Keystone will create 28,000 jobs when completed, the State Department put the number a tad lower, at 35 or 50.

According to NAM, the job-creator-in-chief will rescue American manufacturers by reducing “the job-crushing regulatory burden,” “the red tape,” “the overreaching EPA and unfair labor regulations,” “the oppressive rules that obstructed energy development and prevented American independence.” And if that wasn’t enough, he’ll roll back “harmful Obamacare mandates.” Wow!

So, which manufacturers have suffered under such ruinous rules?

Not Emerson Electric Co., of which NAM’s chairman, David Farr, is CEO: In fact, its 2016 global sales were $14.5 billion. Boasting about its numbers, Emerson’s online blurbs claim it’s “one of a handful of companies with 60 consecutive years or more of increasing dividends to its shareholders.”

Not FLUOR Corp., of which NAM’s vice chair, David Seaton, is CEO: One of the world’s largest engineering corporations, FLUOR’s 2016 revenues rose to $19 billion, up from $18 billion in 2015.

Not the firms represented on NAM’s Executive Committee. For example, Pfizer earned $52.8 billion. Ingersoll Rand’s sales and revenues rose to $13.5 billion. Fresenius Medical Care Services 2016 revenues soared 7 percent over 2015, to $17.9 billion. And Cargill Inc.’s 2016 revenues were a whopping $107 billion.

Even ExxonMobil, whose 2016 earnings were down to $7.8 billion, reported this was due to “sharply lower commodity prices, upstream” — not ruthless regulations. We are relieved to note that with $7.8 billion in revenue, ExxonMobil is not yet out of business.

Interestingly, most of the rules or acts that NAM says Trump reversed are those which hadn’t yet taken effect (not “overturned” as the ad claims). But a few were already in motion and the Trump/congressional changes will be big. For example, this past February and March, Trump and Congress killed the 2016 Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces rule that required firms applying for government contracts to report cases in which they violated federal laws in the past — say, on wages, safety, health, collective bargaining and civil rights.

According to Heidi Shierholz, senior economist and director of policy at the Economic Policy Institute, the rule was designed to ensure that workers are protected and that billions of dollars in federal contracts are no longer awarded to companies with a record of violations.

Trump also overturned a 2015 Environmental Protection Agency rule designed to stop firms from dumping toxic waste into waterways. While it will take some time for the new order to take effect, it’s official.

As a non-NAM member, it’s hard to see why polluting waterways is a plus, though industries have long resented any government intrusions. They might also be hit with the cleanup bill down the road — although to be fair, they might not, since the tab is often picked up by taxpayers. Score one for industry.

The ad ends with a rapturous crescendo: “And you’re just getting started. The 12 million men and women who make things in America stand with you to renew the American Spirit.” Good job, Donald!

Is it possible that even a few of those who “make things” will not cheer? If they don’t, NAM might suggest these employees — whose salaries, benefits, work conditions, health and quality of life will surely deteriorate — eat some American pie. (Cake, after all, is for the French.) Good job, NAM!

Barbara Koeppel is a freelance investigative reporter based in Washington, D.C. [This article first appeared at Truthdig at ]

11 comments for “Business Group Fawns Over Trump

  1. Wm. Boyce
    May 30, 2017 at 11:06

    Aw. we can’t have facts getting in the way of the fraudster-in-chief’s lies, now can we? This sort of mindless cheerleading is just like the chamber of commerce – anti-worker, anti-fair wages, anti-environmentalism. The US has become a very stupid country.

  2. May 27, 2017 at 12:36

    Overturning an EPA regulation to prevent firms from dumping waste into rivers and lakes, that says it all. I naively must have thought even Trump wouldn’t be that stupid, but I was wrong! It would be a pleasant surprise if, as Bill suggested, Americans pulled their heads out of the sand and got out the pitchforks. Goodbye, bees! Goodbye, birds! Goodbye, humans!

  3. Bill Bodden
    May 27, 2017 at 12:09

    This article is more evidence of the decades-long march of folly continuing towards greater wealth and power in the hands of a decreasing cabal of wielders of that power and wealth and declining means of survival for larger masses of people in the lower economic strata – a condition that, in the past, has resulted in violent revolutions against the ruling plutocracy and their minions in the political oligarchy. Most Americans tend to be a docile lot, but even they one day may prove to have a limit of how much abuse they can take.

    • john wilson
      May 27, 2017 at 12:25

      You are whistling in the wind, Bill. Revolutions are just not what they used to be.

      • mike k
        May 27, 2017 at 15:39

        In defense of Bill, revolutions are unpredictable, and can sometimes be triggered by unexpected events.
        But I agree with you John that the present mood of the American populace does not seem ready for overthrowing the gov. Frogs in slowly heating water perhaps?

      • Bill Bodden
        May 27, 2017 at 17:03

        Most Americans tend to be a docile lot, but even they one day may prove to have a limit of how much abuse they can take.

        Just a possibility but not one I would hold my breath waiting for it to materialize.

  4. mike k
    May 27, 2017 at 09:44

    “The business of America is business.” We are all about making our ruling capitalist masters comfy and richer than ever. Of course a few of us mere workers may have to sacrifice to help this happen, but there is a nice prison cell waiting for those who just won’t go along with making America great again. Or they could choose to sleep in the street – a long as those accommodations are available.

    • john wilson
      May 27, 2017 at 12:21

      Actually, Mike, sleeping in the streets isn’t an option anymore in some states.There is a law called “lodging in the streets” which is an offence punishable by imprisonment for repeated offences. I think there is already a law which is referred to as being in the streets without a purpose. Eventually just existing without permission will be an offence.

      • mike k
        May 27, 2017 at 15:35

        I was aware of that. Isn’t capitalism wonderful?

      • Bart in Virginia
        May 27, 2017 at 15:45

        The streets will be privatized and named after CEOs and lobbyists.

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