Exclusive: President-elect Trump is fending off a U.S. intelligence leak of unproven allegations that he cavorted with Russian prostitutes, but the darker story might be the CIA’s intervention in U.S. politics, reports Robert Parry.
Month: January 2017
Did Trump Kill ‘Liberal Democracy’?
How Obama Spread the Mideast Fires
Obama’s Unkept Promise on Nuclear War
What DeVos Might Do to Public Schools
Donald Trump is stocking his administration with fellow rich people including “school voucher” advocate Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary, a choice that makes many public school defenders nervous, reports Dennis J Bernstein.
Obama Belatedly Says No to Israel
Wall Street’s Win-Win with Trump
The Democrats’ Russia-Did-It Dodge
The ‘Post-Truth’ Mainstream Media
Exclusive: U.S. mainstream media sees itself as the definer of what’s true and what’s “propaganda,” but has gotten lost in a fog of self-delusion and is now the principal purveyor of “post-truth” news, writes Nicolas J S Davies.
Europe’s Mixed Feelings About Trump
Exclusive: European governments are nervous about a Trump presidency, but – for economic and other reasons – many on the Continent would welcome a friendlier approach toward Russia, reports Andrew Spannaus.