Parry Laments Loss of Journalistic Skepticism


From Editor Robert Parry: Skepticism once was considered a universal virtue in American journalism, but – as we’ve seen in too many recent cases – it is now applied selectively. When some demonized American “adversary” is accused of something, skepticism disappears and the charges, no matter how thinly supported by evidence, are accepted as flat fact. Entirely different rules apply for an American “ally.”

However, at, we still believe in the old values that call for skepticism in all cases. So, whether we’re talking about Saddam Hussein or Muammar Gaddafi or Vladimir Putin, we insist on checking out the accusations against them and trying to apply fair standards.

That’s not always popular. Many people want us to join the pack and denounce the “evil ones.” But skepticism is what I think you, the reader, deserve. In my view, it’s also what’s best for American democracy, the concept that an informed electorate – not a population numbed by propaganda and disinformation – is central to making the process work.

Journalist Robert Parry

Journalist Robert Parry

Honest reporting also is necessary for the world to avoid unnecessary wars. We’ve seen how unprofessional journalism at America’s premier newspapers has contributed to conflicts with Iraq, Libya, Syria and now nuclear-armed Russia. Things are getting more and more dangerous.

But for Consortiumnews to continue to serve this role of applying skepticism when others won’t, we need at least a modest budget, which is why we make fundraising appeals three times a year. We are currently trying to wrap up our late-summer/early fall fund drive, but we’re still less than halfway to our $30,000 target.

So, please contribute what you can with a donation by credit card online (we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover), by PayPal (our PayPal account is named after our original email address, “consortnew @”), or by mailing a check to Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 102-231; Arlington VA 22201.

We also are registered with PayPal’s Giving Fund under the name Consortium for Independent Journalism. And, since we are a 501-c-3 non-profit, donations by American taxpayers may be tax-deductible.

And, we are offering a special thank-you gift for those who can give $125 or more – or if you set up a recurring monthly donation by credit card or PayPal.

You can receive a signed copy of the new edition of my second book, Trick or Treason, which was originally published in 1993 and has been long out of print. It tells the inside story of my PBS-Frontline investigation of the 1980 October Surprise mystery (whether Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush sabotaged President Carter’s Iran-hostage negotiations to ensure their electoral victory). There is also a new “Afterword” that brings the story up to the present day.

As part of the gift package, we are including a DVD of the Frontline documentary, “Election Held Hostage,” the 1991 program that resulted from the investigation.

If you wish to get this book-and-DVD thank-you gift, just follow up your donation with an e-mail to us at [email protected] with instructions on where to mail it. We’ll pay the shipping charges.

Another way to help is to buy a five-book set of my other books – Fooling America, Lost History, Secrecy & Privilege, Neck Deep and America’s Stolen Narrativethrough the Web site at a deep discount price, with part of each purchase going to the fund drive.

Thanks for your support and for making our two decades-plus of honest journalism possible. Our work could not happen without your help.

Robert Parry is a longtime investigative reporter who broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for the Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. He founded in 1995 to create an outlet for well-reported journalism that was being squeezed out of an increasingly trivialized U.S. news media.

6 comments for “Parry Laments Loss of Journalistic Skepticism

  1. Karen E. Quinones Miller
    October 2, 2016 at 10:03

    As a former print journalist who has worked for major newspaper, I can’t stand, nor understand, what has happened to journalism in the past 20 years!
    Yes, I will be making a recurring contribution. I can’t afford much, but I will give what I can.

  2. Kramet
    October 2, 2016 at 08:32

    Mr Parry, I don’t think you’ll be able to convince the American public (ever!) to react positively to anything published on your site, but those of us who live outside your country’s influence, appreciate your valiant efforts! .

  3. October 2, 2016 at 07:24

    stand-up comedian, actress and “Real Time” show regular Sarah Silverman stopped by Friday night to Bill Maher’s weekly HBO program.
    She answered a few Bernie Sanders questions and Mr. Maher congratulated her for officially becoming a “Pundit”
    “F- you!” she replied. Then – with a grin on her face -“Oh never mind…”
    She famously implored “Bernie-or-Busters” to vote for Hillary in November when she spoke at this year’s 2016 Democratic Convention the last week of July.
    ~ Quotes ~
    “Trump is the product of a long tradition of pointing at other people and accusing them of doing what you’re doing”…

    “There’s no one more Bernie than me”

    “Bernie needs an ally in office”

    “I’m so inspired everyday by Bernie Sanders”

    “Don’t show my neck. My neck goes crazy when I have passion…”

    — Sarah Silverman :: appearing on Real Time With Bill Maher September 30th 2016 —

  4. Abe
    September 30, 2016 at 15:08
  5. LongGoneJohn
    September 30, 2016 at 14:59

    Oh Mr. Parry… You’re killing me here! But not having consortiumnews around would kill me even worse.

    I’ll need to set up a Paypal account… But what the heck. First thing tomorrow morning, and I hope my modest contribution helps.

  6. Tom Welsh
    September 30, 2016 at 11:53

    ‘Many people want us to join the pack and denounce the “evil ones.”’

    I’m one of those people. I think you should denounce Obama, the Clintons, the Bushes, the CIA and the Pentagon and all the other shadowy “agencies”.

    Go for it!

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