Almost There on Spring Fund Drive


From Editor Robert Parry: Thanks to the generosity of our readers we’ve gotten much closer to our Spring Fund Drive goal of $25,000. If you haven’t contributed yet, you can help us get over the top. Contributions of all sizes are welcomed and appreciated.

You can make a tax-deductible donation by using a credit card online (we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover) or you can mail a check to Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 102-231; Arlington VA 22201.

For readers wanting to use PayPal, you can address contributions to our account, which is named after our e-mail address: “consortnew @”. We are also registered with PayPal’s Giving Fund under the name Consortium for Independent Journalism. (Since we are a 501-c-3 non-profit, donations by American taxpayers may be tax-deductible.)

PBS Frontline's: The Election Held Hostage, written by Robert Parry

PBS Frontline’s: “The Election Held Hostage,” co-written by Robert Parry. Available as part of a gift package for donations of $125 or more.

We also are offering as a thank-you gift for donations of $125 or more a book and a DVD on how two pivotal presidential elections – 1968 and 1980 – were distorted by what look to be near-treasonous schemes to undermine U.S. negotiations with foreign governments. (Neither of these well-documented cases was touched by CNN in its series of electoral dirty-dealing.)

But you can review the evidence yourself by getting a signed copy of my latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, and a DVD of a PBS documentary that I co-wrote entitled “The Election Held Hostage.” (If you want the gift set, please follow up your donation with an e-mail to us at [email protected] with instructions on where to mail it. We’ll pay the shipping charges.)

Another way to help is to buy one of my books – Fooling America, Lost History, Secrecy & Privilege or America’s Stolen Narrativethrough the Web site and we’ll also send you a copy of Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush for free.

So you can get two books for the price of one and a portion of each sale will go toward the fund drive.

Again, thanks for your support and for making our two decades of honest journalism possible.

Robert Parry is a longtime investigative reporter who broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for the Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. He founded in 1995 to create an outlet for well-reported journalism that was being squeezed out of an increasingly trivialized U.S. news media.