If You Want to Donate by Check…


Editor Robert Parry: Those who prefer to donate by check or who wish to use a credit card but not on the Internet, just print out the form below. Or mail a check without a form. That’s fine, too. As always, thanks.

Donation Form

Mail check or money order to:

Consortium for Independent Journalism (or CIJ)

2200 Wilson Blvd.

Suite 102-231

Arlington, VA 22201

Here is my contribution to support independent journalism at consortiumnews.com:

[ ] $25    [ ]$50    [ ] $100    [ ]$250    [ ] Other $____________


[ ] As a thank-you gift for my donation, please send me:


[ ] I would prefer that my entire donation be put to use

producing independent journalism.


Name: _____________________________________________________________

Address: ___________________________________________________________

City/State/ZIP: ______________________________________________________


Visa/MC/Discover/Amex #: ____________________________ Exp. Date:____________ 

CVV: __________

(If you wish to use a credit card. Please Circle Card Type)