An Easier Way to Donate


From Editor Robert Parry: Over the past week, we have been adding new security features to our Web site so we can offer readers a safe way to contribute with a single-click, rather than having to input their credit card data each time. If this option appeals to you

you can start the process by clicking here.

A few tips: Save your 16-digit key! (both a digital copy on your computer and print out a hard copy)

Once you enroll, OneID will send you an email to verify your sign-up. Follow the instructions in the email and, when prompted, enter in your individualized OneID key.

Your information will be saved remotely in the OneID cloud for when you would like to donate in the future. (No one has access to your data in this cloud, not even OneID. That is what makes OneID so secure and why it is important to save your key).

To make future donations at the Consortiumnews Web site, just click on the Donate button and a “OneID” box will appear in the upper left-hand corner of the donation page. Click this box and OneID will request to “release” your information to the page, so you don’t have to fill in any more tedious data. OneID is partnered with a number of other charitable organizations to make giving to your favorite organizations easy.

And, our thank-you gifts will apply for anyone who signs up for one-click donations. Once you’ve completed the process for your first donation, just send us an e-mail at [email protected] including your mailing address and saying whether you would like either:

A CD of the historic joint appearance of the late Gary Webb and me, speaking in December 1996 about the Contra-cocaine scandal at the Midnight Special bookstore in Santa Monica, California. Plus, an autographed copy of my book, Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press and Project Truth, which describes how the CIA’s inspector general finally acknowledged that the CIA did know about the Contra-cocaine smuggling and helped cover it up. (This information is featured in the new movie, “Kill the Messenger.”)

Or a DVD of the 1991 Frontline documentary, “Election Held Hostage,” which examines whether Ronald Reagan’s campaign exploited the 1980 Iran hostage crisis to win the presidency. Plus, a signed copy of my newest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, which provides the latest documentary evidence on that Republican skullduggery.

As always, thanks so much.

Robert Parry

Robert Parry is a longtime investigative reporter who broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for the Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. He founded in 1995 to create an outlet for well-reported journalism that was being squeezed out of an increasingly trivialized U.S. news media.