Ways to Help Consortiumnews Keep Going


From Editor Robert Parry: For nearly two decades, Consortiumnews has tried to do what true supporters of democracy want journalists to do: provide the public with reliable information about issues that matter most, especially questions of war or peace. But to do that we need your help.

For our fall fund drive, we are setting a target of $25,000, a modest amount that will allow us to maintain the Web site and pay our writers for their original content. Any size donation to our tax-exempt non-profit is appreciated. We will also count book purchases toward our fundraising target.

For donations, you can use a credit card online (we accept Visa, Mastercard or Discover) or you can mail a check to Consortium for Independent Journalism (CIJ); 2200 Wilson Blvd., Suite 102-231; Arlington VA 22201. For readers wanting to use PayPal, you can address contributions to our account, which is named after our e-mail address: “consortnew @ aol.com”. (Since we are a 501-c-3 non-profit, donations by American taxpayers may be tax-deductible.)

As a special thank-you gift for anyone who donates $100 or more or has set up a recurring donation with that annual total we are offering a DVD of the 1991 Frontline documentary, “Election Held Hostage,” which examines whether Ronald Reagan’s campaign exploited the 1980 Iran hostage crisis to win the presidency, plus a signed copy of my latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, which provides the latest documentary evidence on that Republican skullduggery.

The book also reveals long-hidden records that I found in the National Archives exposing the immediate historical precedent, Richard Nixon’s sabotage of Vietnam War peace talks to ensure his election over Hubert Humphrey in 1968. The book describes, too, how Nixon’s panic over recovering a missing file on his “treason” set him on course into the Watergate scandal.

If you wish to get this thank-you gift, just send us a follow-up e-mail to [email protected] with your precise mailing instructions.

Also, to help reach our $25,000 target, we will continue offering my three-book trilogy on the Bush dynasty  Secrecy & Privilege, Neck Deep and America’s Stolen Narrative for the discount price of only $34, less than half the cover price.

To get this special offer, just go to Consortiumnews.com’s “Donate” button and make a $34 “donation” using Visa, Mastercard or Discover. We will read a “donation” of that amount as an order for the trilogy. If your mailing address is the same as your credit card billing address, we will ship the books to that address. If your mailing address is different, just send us an e-mail at [email protected] and we will make the adjustment.

You can also take advantage of this trilogy offer by mailing a check for $34 to The Media Consortium; 2200 Wilson Blvd.; Suite 102-231; Arlington VA 22201. Or you can use our Paypal account, “consortnew @ aol.com.” Just make sure you include your mailing address in the message.

For U.S. orders of the trilogy, we will pay for the shipping. (Regrettably, this three-book offer can only be made for the United States because of increased international postal rates.)

Another way to help Consortiumnews.com survive is to buy one of my last four books through the Consortiumnews’ Web site or my latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, through Amazon.com, either in paper or the e-book version. A portion of the sales will go to support our independent journalism.

We also are now registered with AmazonSmile, which means you can select Consortium for Independent Journalism as your preferred charity to receive a fraction of each purchase that you make through Amazon.

And, we can accept donations of stock or other equities, which can offer a tax advantage to donors if the stock has appreciated in value since it was purchased. If this stock-donation option appeals to you, I suggest you discuss it with your broker and then contact me at [email protected] for specific instructions on how to transfer the stock.

Again, thanks for your support and for making our 19 years of honest journalism possible.

Robert Parry is a longtime investigative reporter who broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for the Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. He founded Consortiumnews.com in 1995 to create an outlet for well-reported journalism that was being squeezed out of an increasingly trivialized U.S. news media.

1 comment for “Ways to Help Consortiumnews Keep Going

  1. Joe Tedesky
    September 16, 2014 at 12:51

    Dear Mr Parry, I totally enjoy your website. Of course I frequent many sites, but your consortiumnews.com is by far the best. The proof of my satisfaction maybe found in the many comments I write in on. I am always blasting America’s MSM. The corporate news model is with out a doubt a national tragedy. I often encourage people I meet to visit this site. I am amazed and saddened to how many people don’t know who Victoria Nuland is and etc. type examples that I throw out there in polite conversation. More people really should come to this site. Well, just one last time here as I do really want to thank you for such great reporting…reporting needs more journalist as yourself. Remember as my friend the Trucker always says…keep on keeping on! Joe Tedesky

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