Spain’s Battle Against ‘Austerity’


Western governments are stepping up their demands for public “austerity” hitting the middle and lower classes, even as extravagance remains the watchword for Wall Street and the rich. In Spain, a determined movement of “indignados” has emerged to challenge this political/economic dynamic, Pablo Ouziel reports.

By Pablo Ouziel

On the night of Aug. 5, Madrid’s city center offered a glimpse of what Western democracies have become, as thousands of unarmed nonviolent civilians with their hands up in the air shouting “these are our weapons” and “this is a dictatorship” were beaten by police commandos in full riot gear.

This event was the culmination of a month of intense mobilizations across the country by the popular movement known as the “Indignados.”

People, whom despite being ignored by the government, have made their voices heard, as banking cartels, European bureaucrats, rating agencies and the country’s elites continue in their frantic push to sell-off Spain’s remaining public wealth, and persist in the implementation of drastic cuts to the welfare state.

The “Indignados” are fully aware of the fact that their government does not represent them, whenever they congregate they shout that loud and clear.

They know that only popular unity will salvage them from the train wreck, which complicit speculators and politicians have created, and as they read the financial news, they know things can only get worse.

When the EU announced that the economic crisis is no longer restricted to the Euro-zone periphery countries, people in the movement understood that this could only mean bad news for them.

The same was clear when the New York Times began to speculate about a double-dip recession in the United States.

Or when Scott Minerd, CIO of Guggenheim Partners, said that Europe was on the brink of a major financial collapse.

The “indignados” understand that in the game of global speculation they are always the losers.

So as financial “experts” in Spain speak of the impossibility of an economic recovery, the media speculates about a possible bailout, the country’s borrowing costs surge, and Moody’s speaks of Spain as being on the verge of “shock,” the “indignados” understand that mobilizing is their only defense.

The indignation on Spanish streets has not risen out of ignorance, when newspapers announced recently that the airport of Ciudad Real had joined the growing list of airports in Spain closing because of lack of flights, the “indignados” understood that it had only been constructed during the building boom so that speculators could receive huge sums of public subsidies which will never be returned to the Spanish people.

That is why they were not surprised a few days ago when the IMF recommended that the country cut salaries of public servants and raise VAT (the value-added tax), or when Spanish Finance Minister Elena Salgado suggested that the nation might need to endure even deeper spending cuts than those approved by Parliament.

Nor was there a sense of surprise when the Catalan Government announced that it would sell-off 37 of its government buildings at a loss of 42.4 million Euros.

Nothing shocks the “indignados,” they just hope that one day they will have enough critical mass to stop these incessant attacks from the financial and political elite, on the country’s citizenry.

A few weeks ago, Norman Birnbaum, emeritus professor of the Law Faculty at Georgetown University, said that on both shores of the Atlantic the only thing that is clear is that something bad is going to happen; the “indignados” have been witnessing this for a while.

At around the same time, Timothy Garton Ash, professor of European Studies at Oxford University, published an article in which he concluded that the United States and Europe are in an all-out struggle over decadence, and that Western politicians are like drunks dancing on the edge of the abyss of bankruptcy.

The “indignados” understand that politicians will pay for this bankruptcy by mortgaging the people’s future; the problem is that through the current political structures they have no hope of avoiding this.

The governing socialist party, PSOE, has demonstrated that it responds only to the banking cartel, and although the prime minister has called for early elections in October, if the right-wing Partido Popular comes into office, things can only get worse.

This was made clear in a recent Reuters interview in which senior advisers and members of the party acknowledged that presidential candidate Mariano Rajoy, will implement a “shock plan” if he wins the general elections.

Since May 15, when “indignados” camped in city squares across the country inspired by the so-called “Arab revolts,” they have engaged in a parallel strategy consisting of nonviolent civil disobedience aimed at denouncing the injustice of the political and economic system, together with a constructive program aimed at reaching out, educating and organizing the Spanish public in an attempt to gain critical mass.

Throughout this process, the “indignados” have attempted to present the government with proposals for change, which the government has done everything possible to ignore.

Even as recently as July 6, the then First Deputy Prime Minister — and now socialist candidate — Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba refused to receive a document from the “indignados” highlighting their demands.

These past months, “indignados” in every major city of Spain have endured police charges, evictions from city squares, beatings and arrests; yet, the movement has remained persistent, creative and engaged.

Across the country, “indignados” have organized and made decisions collectively through popular assemblies organized in city squares; they have stopped families from being evicted from repossessed homes: they have stopped the police from arresting ‘illegal’ immigrants in poor neighborhoods; they have attempted to stop the closing of public hospitals following drastic public spending cuts: and they have organized neighborhood committees aimed at rebuilding the social fabric destroyed by the last two decades of rampant neo-liberal economics.

A recent survey conducted by the Instituto de Investigación de Mercados (IPSOS) highlighted that between 6 and 8.5 million people have participated in the movement, and that 76 percent of those surveyed think that the demands made by the “indignados” are reasonable and that they have a legitimate and democratic right to protest.

In addition, The Economist magazine has suggested that the “indignados” with their nonviolent practices are the most serious demonstrators in Europe. Yet, the Spanish government is bent on beating them instead of listening to their legitimate demands for a just economic and political system.

The beatings in Madrid represent a low point in Spain’s young representative democracy. The actions of the police are a tragic reminder of how little progress has been made institutionally, since the country’s transition from dictatorship to democracy.

Yet, the perseverance and commitment apparent in the nonviolent actions of the “indignados,” demonstrates to what extent Spanish social movements have internalized the true meaning of democracy and are spearheading the West’s move from a stage of low-intensity democracy to one of highly intensified democratization.

In a truly Gandhian manner, a group of Spanish “indignados” is currently walking from Madrid to Brussels in order to make their voices heard by the bureaucrats of the European Union.

They aim to get there before the global protest they have called for to be staged on Oct. 15.

Perhaps by the time they get to Brussels, their indignation will have rubbed-off on those in other European nations who have understood the farce of the West’s imperialist representative democracies.

Perhaps, the Spanish “indignados” will not find themselves camping alone in front of the buildings of the European Union.

Pablo Ouziel’s articles and essays are available at

2 comments for “Spain’s Battle Against ‘Austerity’

  1. Matt Palmer
    August 7, 2011 at 16:39

    I am glad that someone, the people, the middle and lower classes, the majority, somewhere, is protesting these austerity policies which are meant for all of the little people but not the oligarchs. It is no coincidence that governments throughout the world are trying to take advantage, at this time, of the very conditions which they have caused. Nor is it a coincidence that the people are being expected to bear the burdens and costs: at the same time they cut the policies that help those who need it most, they are curtailing the rights of people to organise. The monarchies of the world, and the Vatican, they have been waiting for years to take advantage of these types of circumstances; they take a much longer perspective of time and history. To them the Enlightenment and democracy are inconveniences, populist fads that will be overcome and forgotten as the royalists and the church takes over again.
    Many people fantasise and romanticise about life in the past: many poor, dirty, diseased, short, miserable lives. What is happening now is monarchs and oligarchs taking the world back from democracy, from the majority of the people; it’s an assault against the Enlightenment. We will all get to know what it was like to live in the old days. TAX THE RICH! Then indict, convict, and execute the rich. Viva la Revolucion! Good luck, everyone.

  2. Matt Palmer
    August 7, 2011 at 15:49


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