The New Look for

Shares introduces a new look for the 15-year-old Web site.

Over the past couple of years, some readers have urged us to update our Web design and incorporate more of the modern bells and whistles now available for Internet sites. Well, we’ve finally taken a step in that direction.

However, in keeping with our emphasis on old-fashioned journalism, not technological pizzazz, we decided to keep the new design simple and straightforward. For more than 15 years, we have been producing original independent journalism for the Internet and what’s most important is for our readers to easily find and access the stories.

So, our new look continues that emphasis on the articles and their readability.

In the days ahead, we hope to tweak the look, with increased use of photos and other graphics. There also are sure to be some wrinkles that need to be ironed out.

In the meantime, we invite your comments and suggestions.

Robert Parry