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Readers React to Bush Stories
September 22, 2006 |
Editor's Note: Below are
readers' comments about recent stories that we've posted about the Bush
Family's secret history of dealing with international terrorists and
then concealing the facts:
I have but one simple sentence to make: Is the USA a monarchy with a
king who can make decisions single handedly, or do we have a government
that makes momentous decisions with the approval of Congress, based on
facts not Presidential biased fiction?
Alan Oppenheimer
Re. Robert Parry's Sept. 21, 2006 article
on the history of Bush-Iran relations, it's wonderful to see
this relevant piece of history mentioned at last in the context of
recent Mideast events. However, shouldn't someone at least bring up
the possibility that the neocons might simply be playing the same
trick once again? A pre-arranged "solution" to the present "crisis"
with the Iranians, arising at the last moment and "preventing war" by
giving Bush most of what he's demanded from the Iranians, would grant
him a devastating October Surprise in the area of Mideast
crisis-diplomacy, precisely the kind of thing which would help the GOP
the most in the November elections. Such an Iranian "capitulation" at
the very "brink of war" would negate Democratic criticism of Iraq and
the rest of the Bushies' heretofore failed Mideast policy, and would
cast Bush in the role of "Comeback Kid" just in time to regenerate his
entire agenda for the last two years of his term, with his GOP
congress safely reelected and his own popularity soaring once again on
the wings of "national security". Then, in a year or so when the dust
has settled, the Iranians would quietly receive whatever payment the
Bushies agreed to make in return for their timely cooperation. Or
perhaps that payment has already been made by Bush, in the form of
US-led wars against both the anti-Iranian Taliban regime in
Afghanistan and Saddam Hussein's Iraq, as well as the ongoing
reshaping of Iraq into what will likely emerge as a Shia-dominated
theocracy closely allied to Iran.
Thanks for your excellent
piece on Bush and the Letelier assassination. I have in the back of my
mind a detail that you didn’t mention that may be pertinent. Years ago I
read some document, but can no longer recall where – perhaps at the
National Security Archives – indicating that U.S. military intelligence
in Panama had assisted in setting up a secret Operation Condor
communications network, and maintained a listening post in the Canal
Zone through which it could monitor Condor communications traffic. If
this is true, it means that U.S. military intelligence records may
contain evidence of what the U.S. government knew about the Letelier
assassination plot, and when it knew it. Maybe someone at the National
Security Archives could point you in the right direction.
On another matter, I see that
the main headline in today’s N.Y. Times reads,” Top Republicans Reach an
Accord on Detainee Bill; Bush Drops Key Demand; United States Will Honor
Geneva Conventions on Interrogations.” Of course, this is exactly the
opposite of what has actually happened, with the President succeeding in
narrowing the scope of Common Article III as it applies to interrogation
of CIA detainees, and in absolving CIA personnel of criminal liability
under the War Crimes Act – which creates criminal penalties under US law
for Geneva violations by US personnel – all the back to 1997. How and
why does a major paper like the New York Times so often wind up getting
the story wrong when it comes to the Bush Administration and its spin
tactics. Keller and his team often seem as though they WANT to be
mislead. Either that, or they’re just plain incompetent and stupid.
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