Bush '00-'04
For Stories on George W. Bush's presidency from 2005-06, click here.
A 'Long War' Against
Looking toward his second term,
George W. Bush is eliminating skeptical voices within his administration as
he leads the nation deeper into what one senior U.S. general candidly
calls the "Long War" against Islamic extremism. But how high a price -- in
money, blood and liberty -- must the American people be prepared to pay, and
is there a better course? December 31, 2004
Iraq Plan '03: Troops
Home Christmas '04
Wishful thinking has been the
hallmark of George W. Bush's Iraq War from the start. A painful reminder is
that about 140,000 U.S. troops remain in Iraq on Christmas 2004, when Bush
originally projected that all Army brigades would be home with their
families. Now, that final Christmas homecoming for U.S. troops in Iraq has
been put off indefinitely. December 24, 2004
Bush's 'Perception
Management' Plan
George W. Bush's purges at the CIA and the State Department give him
even tighter control over the information that will be presented to the
American people to justify his policies in Iraq and elsewhere. Bush's grip
over what Americans will know represents a test of how far a leader can go
in controlling a population through "perception management" strategies. November 18, 2004
Bush the 'Infallible'
George W. Bush's chief political
appeal to his followers may be paradoxically the same characteristic that
many critics despise: his sense that he is above the rules that apply to
other people – or other countries. His supporters, still traumatized by the
Sept. 11 attacks, seem to want a president who doesn’t care what anybody
else thinks. October 31, 2004
Bush's Endless 'Predictive'
The Bush Doctrine supposedly
calls for the United States to engage in "preemptive" war when confronted by
a "gathering" or imminent threat. But George W. Bush's recent remarks show
that his real vision is to wage "predictive" wars, when threats are simply
hypothetical possibilities in the future, a strategy that could lead to
endless warfare. October 12, 2004
France Bashing, Again!
Hoping to regain his political
momentum, George W. Bush is trying to associate John Kerry with France. But
the ploy risks reminding voters that France was among traditional U.S.
allies urging Bush to be less rash in his rush to war with Iraq, advice many
Americans now wish Bush had followed.
Bush: Deceptive or
In the presidential debate, George W.
Bush resumed his practice of misrepresenting the facts about the Iraq War.
It was like he flashed back to the good ol' days before his WMD allegations
were disproved, raising anew the question of whether he can't separate fact
from fiction or just cynically knows he can lie to the American people
without consequence. October 2, 2004
Bush Trims a Tale
Addressing the U.N. General Assembly,
George W. Bush didn't have the nerve to offer the bogus history of the Iraq
War that he routinely pitches to the American people. Bush dropped his
war-justifying lie that Saddam Hussein barred U.N. weapons inspectors in the
months preceding the invasion in 2003. September 23, 2004
Bush's Bloody Flip-Flop
George W. Bush and his White House
advisers overruled the judgment of the U.S. Marine commander in Iraq last
April, ordering him to launch a retaliatory assault on Fallujah. Three days
later, the Bush administration reversed course, pulling the Marines back and
ceding control to the insurgents. By then, however, six Marines and scores
of Iraqi civilians were dead. September 14, 2004
Bush's 'Broken Toys'
George W. Bush continues to benefit from a widespread misunderstanding of
how the Iraq War developed and how the CIA failed in its mission to
accurately assess dangers. Washington is still suffering from denial over
the reality that the CIA and the national press corps have become "broken
toys." July 31, 2004
Iraq Zeroes in on Vietnam
The strange "sovereignty" ceremony in Iraq and George W. Bush's staged
reaction at the NATO summit got the headlines. But the underlying reality is
that the U.S. military is again stuck propping up a "sovereign" puppet
regime that couldn't survive on its own, much the same as four decades ago
in Vietnam. July 6, 2004
Bush's 'Apex' of Unlimited Power
Looked at in total, the
Bush administration's legal memos are asserting that George W. Bush
possesses the inherent right to imprison, torture or kill anyone he chooses,
anywhere in the world. It is an assertion of personal power unprecedented in
history -- with the Nov. 2 election now looming as a referendum on whether
the American people endorse this "apex" of presidential authority. June 15,
Bush Sr.'s Iraq-Iran Secrets
Former President George H.W.
Bush is the man with the secrets about the cross-currents of political
intrigue that intersect the Middle East from Iraq to Iran to Israel's Likud
Party. But his son says he doesn't need advice from his old man as the Iraq
War goes from bad to worse. May 25, 2004
Iraq's 'Sovereignty' Mirage
The Bush administration is
touting the hand-over of Iraqi "sovereignty" on June 30 as the next sign of
hope for its Iraq War policy. But is this event a real transfer of power to
Iraqis or just a cosmetic makeover for the occupation, a way to buy time
from American voters? May 18, 2004
Washington the Unaccountable
The Iraq War stands out
from other political-military disasters in one striking way: there has
been virtually no accountability exacted from senior administration
officials for a string of costly mistakes. George W. Bush refuses to
admit errors by himself or his senior aides. May 7, 2004
Apocalypse Again
With revelations about
sexual abuse of Iraqi prisoners and heavy loss of civilian life in
Fallujah, George W. Bush's Iraqi adventure is coming to resemble a
sequel to the Vietnam War epic, "Apocalypse Now." Madness and hypocrisy
are supplanting any high-minded principles about freedom and democracy
as the war meanders toward a new heart of darkness. May 4,
The Bush Doctrine's Vietnam
Rather than admit
error, George W. Bush is pressing ahead with his own version of the
Vietnam paradox about destroying the village to save it. In Iraq, Bush
is determined to impose "freedom" on the Iraqis no matter how many have
to be killed, jailed or terrified. April 12, 2004
Bush's Tet
The uprisings across
Iraq mark a turning point in the war, much as the Tet offensive in
Vietnam did in 1968. Both offensives were more than military operations.
They shattered the reassuring stories being pitched to the American
people back home. April 9, 2004
Never Having to Say 'Sorry'
National security
adviser Condoleezza Rice seems to have picked up George W. Bush's
lifetime aversion to admitting mistakes. Rather than acknowledging the
obvious -- that she didn't do all she could have to prevent the Sept. 11
attacks -- Rice is joining her boss in rejecting criticism and refusing
to say, "I'm sorry." April 5, 2004
Bush & the L-Word
George W. Bush and his
team are quick to accuse his critics of lying, as they've done to former
counter-terrorism chief Richard Clarke over Bush's handling of the war
on terror and to Sen. John Kerry over his comment that world leaders
wish for Bush's defeat. But an opposite standard applies to applying the
l-word to Bush. March 29, 2004
Bush's Terror Hysteria
In a speech on the first anniversary
of the Iraq invasion, George W. Bush gave Americans a glimpse of the
future that he sees ahead: one of near endless war with him leading the
forces of good in a fight to the finish with the forces of evil. March
22, 2004
Bush's Iraq Getaway
The first anniversary
of the invasion of Iraq finds U.S. troops still absorbing casualties,
the Iraqi people teetering on the brink of civil war, the U.S. press
corps avoiding a self-critical examination of its role, and George W.
Bush scouting around for a political getaway. March 16, 2004
Bush's Democracy Hypocrisy
at Home
While claiming to export democracy
to Iraq, the Bush administration has undercut democracy at
home where the debate about life-and-death issues
of war and peace is dominated by bogus information and ridicule
of dissent.
January 5, 2004
& Democracy Hypocrisy
George W. Bush is now presenting
the War in Iraq as a noble plan to bestow democracy on the Iraqi people.
But there are troubling indications that Bush's pro-democracy rhetoric
may be just a new sales pitch to justify the war to the American people,
after the collapse of other rationales, such as trigger-ready weapons of
mass destruction and Iraqi ties to al-Qaeda. December 22, 2003
Quicksand & Blood
Thrashing about for a strategy on Iraq, the Bush administration
is looking back two decades to the bloody counterinsurgency wars in
Central America. Some of those strategies are already being employed
while others -- like reliance on local "security forces" to carry out
the dirty work -- may be hard to duplicate in a Middle Eastern country.
November 13, 2003
Why U.S.
Intelligence Failed
Unlike the Tom Clancy thriller "Sum of All Fears," the real-life
CIA has not battled valiantly to ensure that U.S. national security
decisions are informed by the best possible intelligence. With its
traditions for objectivity eroded by a quarter century of conservative
pressures, the CIA's analytical division failed the nation with a faulty
assessment of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. October 22, 2003
Bush & Drunk Driving
The France-bashing over its opposition to the Iraq War has
evolved into a trendy theory that France is becoming America's new
enemy. But perhaps France was simply playing the role in the popular
drunk-driving slogan: "Friends don't let friends drive drunk." France
might have just been trying to keep the keys of war away from George W.
Bush. September 25, 2003
Bush's New
War Lies
No longer able to sell the earlier reasons for war -- such as
Iraq's supposed stockpiles of trigger-ready weapons of mass destruction -- George W. Bush
has adopted new emotional appeals to sway the American people. But the new rationales are
no more truthful than the old ones.
Bush's Floundering
As American soldiers die almost daily in Iraq, George W. Bush's doctrine of
preemptive war is coming face to face with the hard realities of a complex world. But Bush
shows little sign that he is learning lessons from the mounting death toll as he continues
to cast the problem of the Middle East as a simplistic showdown between good guys vs. bad
guys. September 3, 2003
Lying -- A Bush Family
George W. Bush may have learned one important lesson from his father -- that
their powerful family connections allow them to skirt the truth and lie with a confidence
that most politicians don't enjoy. The younger Bush, however, may be testing the limits of
that strategy. July 18, 2003
Bush's Iraqi Albatross
As U.S. troops are tied down in Iraq, the image of George W. Bush in his Top Gun costume
threatens to become an albatross dragging down his bid for a second term. But there are
other political factors -- both pro and con -- that could ultimately decide Election 2004.
By Sam Parry. June 25, 2003
Bush & the End of
The chasm opening between what George W. Bush claimed was true about Iraq's
weapons of mass destruction and what U.S. forces are discovering on the ground is so huge
it defies the Vietnam-era phrase of "credibility gap." In this case, it's more
as if Bush is leading the nation to a new era, beyond the Age of Reason. By Nat Parry.
June 17, 2003
America's Matrix
Like the humans in the "Matrix" movies, many Americans are caught up in a
faux reality that keeps them under control with images and emotions that conceal the
truth. The manipulation of public opinion during the Iraq War was a case in point. June 2,
Empire vs. Republic
New U.S. political battle lines are forming as diverse groups -- ranging from
old-line conservatives to liberals and leftists -- challenge George W. Bush's plan
for a global American empire. To these now-outgunned skeptics, it's a battle for the
survival of the American republic. April 21, 2003
Bush's Alderaan
The decimation of the outmatched Iraqi army is a message to other countries that
cross George W. Bush, that death and destruction will be their fate. In that way, Iraq is
playing the role of Alderaan, the hapless planet in the original Star Wars movie. April 8,
Bay of Pigs Meets Black
Hawk Down
George W. Bush seems to have learned the wrong lessons from previous debacles, from
the Bay of Pigs in 1961 to the "Black Hawk Down" fiasco in Somalia in 1993.
March 30, 2003
International Law a la
The Bush administration is voicing outrage over alleged Iraqi violations of the
Geneva Conventions in broadcasting videotapes of U.S. POWs. But the complaint is
selective. By Nat Parry. March 25, 2003
Bush's 'Double Jeopardy'
for U.S. Troops
George W. Bush is putting U.S. troops in a "double jeopardy" if he orders
them to invade Iraq without U.N. authorization. Not only will they be facing life and
death situations, but they will be opening themselves to possible war-crimes charges in
the future. Editorial. March 17, 2003
Missing U.S.-Iraq History
As U.S. forces prepare to invade Iraq, the American people might first want to know
some of the hidden chapters of recent U.S.-Iraqi history, including evidence that three
U.S. presidents may have encouraged Saddam Hussein's aggression against his neighbors.
February 27, 2003
Bush & an
'Irrelevant' U.N.
George W. Bush demands that the United Nations prove its "relevance" by
endorsing a war with Iraq. But the choice of accepting "preemptive" war or
standing on the sidelines could lead to the U.N.'s irrelevance whichever decision is made.
By Sam Parry. February 13, 2003
Iraq's 'Liberation Day'
George W. Bush says a U.S. invasion of Iraq will bring "liberation" to
the Iraqi people, but it also could devastate the country. By Nat Parry. February 5, 2003
Richard Milhous W. Bush
Richard Milhous Nixon set an infamous standard for spying on Americans and abusing
the powers of the Presidency. But Nixon wouldn't have dared dream of the sweeping
authority being claimed by George W. Bush. December 1, 2002
Life of Deception
The major news media has finally reached the conclusion that George W. Bush can be
"malleable" with the truth, especially in his comments about Iraq. But the
problem of Bush's dishonesty is far deeper, tracing back through his privileged life in
which there has been little accountability for lies and deception. November 4, 2002
Into the Big Muddy
Lacking the discipline to express himself carefully, George W. Bush is offending
allies and alarming enemies, as he leads Americans into the "big muddy" of
international crises. A case in point is the North Korean nuclear weapons mess. October
27, 2002
the Nation to War
George W. Bush sold his case for war with Iraq as a way to make Americans safer by
eliminating one possibility that weapons of mass destruction might fall into the hands of
terrorists. But Bush and aides covered up another side of the risk equation: that a
preemptive war may hasten the day terrorists get those lethal weapons, a judgment held by
CIA analysts. October 15, 2002
The Politics of Preemption
George W.
Bush's doctrine of preemption against enemy states already has a domestic corollary --
questioners become targets of harsh criticism from right-wing pundits whose goal is to
shut down a full debate. October 8, 2002
Bush's Nuclear Gamble
The Bush
administration has convinced many Americans that an invasion of Iraq is needed to reduce
the threat of terrorists getting hold of a nuclear bomb. But the reality could be just the
opposite: an invasion could hasten the day that the Bomb falls into al-Qaeda's hands.
September 30, 2002
When Silence Isn't Golden
Nobel Peace
Prize winner Nelson Mandela says he couldn't get a call through to the vacationing George
W. Bush, who shies away from these discussions. So Mandela called Bush's father to warn
that his son is bringing "chaos" to the world. September 4, 2002
Bush's Environmental Blow-Off
George W.
Bush's decision not to join 100 world leaders at this week's Earth Summit in
Johannesburg, South Africa, is one more step in his go-it-alone foreign policy. August 26,
Twice as Bad as Hoover
George W.
Bush's first 18 months are smashing historical records for declines in the benchmark
S&P 500, nearly doubling the decline experienced during the first 18 months of
President Herbert Hoover, who led the nation into the Depression. July 23, 2002
The Bush Effect
European and
other investors are pulling out of the U.S. stock market as they lose faith in both
American economic and political institutions -- a phenomenon that could be called the Bush
Effect. July 3, 2002
Bush's Grim Vision
George W.
Bush once joked that he would like to run the United States like a dictatorship. As he
asserts unilateral power at home and abroad, it looks more and more like he wasn't
entirely kidding. By Nat Parry. June 21, 2002
Bush Did Try to Save Enron
supporters have successfully spun the Enron collapse as a financial, not a political
scandal. But the record is clear: Until the Enron bankruptcy, the Bush White House did
what it could to promote Enron's interests. May 29, 2002
The Training-Wheel President
Major U.S. news outlets are reluctant
to take George W. Bush to task for failing to respond effectively to a pre-Sept. 11 attack
warning, as they keep treating him like a toddler whose two-wheeler is kept upright by
training wheels. May 20, 2002
Bush's Bono Act
A small promised
increase in U.S. foreign aid is being hailed as an important change of heart for George W.
Bush. But was this latest Bush conversion sincere or was it the minimum price to be paid
for a photo op with U2's Bono? By Nat Parry. March 20, 2002
Marching Into Georgia
George W. Bush's
"crusade" against evil is headed for the former Soviet republic of Georgia,
where U.S. troops have been tasked to root out alleged al-Qaeda operatives amidst Chechens
rebels and refugees. The morally murky conflict illustrates the dangers that the war on
terrorism could make worse. March 13, 2002
Bush's Endless War
A recent Gallup poll
of the Muslim world finds a growing resentment of the U.S. As Bush expands the war beyond
Afghanistan, some are beginning to wonder whether military strikes are making matters
worse. By Sam Parry. March 8, 2002
Bush's Return to Unilateralism
After the Sept. 11 attacks, the world rallied to the
U.S. side and gave broad support to America's counterattack in Afghanistan. But in the
aftermath, the Bush administration has risked the success of the longer-range war on
terrorism by alienating many allies with a return to unilateralism. February 18, 2002
Bush and Ken Lay: Slip Slidin' Away
Since Enron's demise, the White House has been trying
to rewrite the history of Bush's relationship with Enron's disgraced former Chairman
Kenneth Lay. But the record details a public-private partnership that is as close as any
in modern American politics. February 6, 2002
'Heartland Values,' Again?
Back on the road, George W. Bush has
dusted off his old rhetoric about the "heartland" being a special place that
understands the values of personal responsibility, a pitch that sounds especially
off-target in the wake of Sept. 11. January 15, 2002
Missed Opportunities of Sept. 11
George W. Bush is basking in praise
for the U.S. military's success in ousting the Taliban and scattering Osama bin Laden's al
Qaeda network. But the advantage over terrorism may be short-lived because its root causes
continue to be ignored. January 13, 2002
Enron's India Disaster
Enron's sudden fall from grace has
made it a dirty word in American business. But in India, Enron has long been viewed as a
heavy-handed company expert at manipulating local politicians and overriding the interests
of everyday citizens. December 30, 2001
The What-If's of Sept. 11
History took
a dangerous turn with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. But could the tragedy have been
avoided -- and have Washington's political-journalistic elites learned any lasting
lessons? October 18, 2001
Agnew-Nixon Solution?
W. Bush's economic strategy is dragging down the stock
markets and costing Americans trillions of dollars in lost stock
value. Is it time to consider an Agnew-Nixon solution?
Editorial. July 15, 2002
The Training-Wheel President
Major U.S. news outlets are reluctant
to take George W. Bush to task for failing to respond effectively to a pre-Sept. 11 attack
warning, as they keep treating him like a toddler whose two-wheeler is kept upright by
training wheels. May 20, 2002
Missed Opportunities of Sept. 11
George W. Bush is basking in praise
for the U.S. military's success in ousting the Taliban and scattering Osama bin Laden's al
Qaeda network. But the advantage over terrorism may be short-lived because its root causes
continue to be ignored. January 13, 2002
Dissing Democracy
Major news
outlets have gone silent about their presidential-election recount stories following the
disclosure that they misunderstood the plans of a key judge and thus mistakenly reported
that George W. Bush would have prevailed. December 5, 2001
The What-If's of Sept. 11
History took
a dangerous turn with the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. But could the tragedy have been
avoided -- and have Washington's political-journalistic elites learned any lasting
lessons? October 18, 2001
Bush's 'Crusade'
So far, the
United States has adopted a measured response to the mass murders of Sept. 11. But the
unspoken question remains: Can George W. Bush avoid serious missteps that could
further endanger the world? September 25, 2001
The Economy's 'Dolt Factor'
With the U.S.
economy slumping, George W. Bush is expressing concern for the average American, but
there's doubt he has the skills to lead the nation out of hard times. September 9,
W Makes Fun of a Bald Guy
In a first for
televised presidential news conferences, George W. Bush livened up his session with the
press by making a balding young reporter the butt of a joke. August 27, 2001
Breathing Life Into Kyoto
rescue of the Kyoto Protocol and the Bush administration's opposition to
other treaties could diminish the U.S. role in world affairs. July 27, 2001
Killing Kyoto
As new global warming talks get
underway, many observers believe the Bush administration has gone beyond opting out
of the Kyoto Protocol and is now intent on killing the agreement outright. July 18, 2001
'Going Back to Crawford'
With Democrats seizing the political initiative, George W. Bush has warned
Republicans that he's ready to go back to his ranch in Crawford, Texas, if he doesn't get
his way on conservative policies. July 6, 2001
Misleading on Kyoto
The Bush administration's rejection of the Kyoto global-warming treaty was
accompanied by a misleading critique. By Sam Parry. July 2, 2001
Who's Trustworthy?
George W. Bush's effusive praise of Russian
President Vladimir Putin backfired, raising questions about the trustworthiness of both
men. June 26, 2001
What Business in Guatemala?
White House aides are trying to portray their
boss as a more seasoned world traveler who did business in Guatemala. June 15, 2001
Doctrinaire Unilateralism
The new U.S. foreign policy pursues a
go-it-alone unilateralism -- to the dismay of many U.S. allies. June 14, 2001
The Dubya Doctrine
Self-interest has replaced larger goals in the Bush administration's foreign
policy. June 11, 2001
Men' Don't Conserve
George W. Bush has found himself in the unlikely role of clarifying someone else's
words: those of Vice President Dick Cheney. May 15, 2001
W: Inarticulate or
A combination of about-faces on some issues and Bush's famed imprecision on others
has made it nearly impossible to get a fix on what the administration is saying, or in
Bush’s case, whether he knows what he’s saying. May 6, 2001
& Double Standards
As George W. Bush
completes his first 100 days in office, he is benefiting from the civility that he vowed
to bring to Washington, though some see his easy treatment as a double standard. April 25,
Alaska’s Refuge Held Hostage & W’s War on the
George W. Bush's first
budget reads like a battle plan against the world's environment. Drilling in Alaska's
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is still a chief objective. By Sam Parry. April 12,
Latest Unjust Reward
A new analysis of
Florida "undervotes" actually shows Al Gore the narrow winner statewide using
"clear-intent-of-the-voter" standards, but two newspapers subtracted the results
from 3 1/2 counties to declare George W. Bush the winner, again. April 5, 2001
Brave Old World
George W. Bush was
elected as a "compassionate conservative," but his right-wing policies are
leaving many moderates feeling betrayed. April 3, 2001
Abortion 'Gag Rule'
George W. Bush's decision to impose an abortion
"gag rule" on international family-planning groups is spreading alarm in the
Third World. By Marta Gurvich. April 1, 2001
The Bush-Kim-Moon Triangle of Money
At odds over North Korea, George W.
Bush and South Korean President Kim Dae Jung have one thing in common: behind the scenes,
both have benefited from Rev. Sun Myung Moon's largesse. March 10, 2001
Commodus & President W
As George W. Bush
declines to defend the legitimacy of his own election, some Americans may wonder if the
Inauguration will seem more like the scene in "Gladiator" when Emperor Commodus
is "honored" by Rome. January 12, 2001.
Moon, the Bushes & Donald Rumsfeld
Secretary-designate Donald Rumsfeld criticizes President Clinton for not blocking North
Korea's missile program, but Rev. Sun Myung Moon -- a Bush family benefactor -- allegedly
was giving the communist leaders hard currency they needed. By Robert Parry. January 3,
A Bush
Family Slip-Up
The official story is that
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has stayed out of his state's electoral fray. But his father thinks
otherwise. December 1, 2000.
Triumph of the Will
'President-Elect' George W. Bush
has demonstrated how hardball politics can take precedence over the will of the voters. By
Robert Parry. November 27, 2000.
George W.
Bush: Nowhere Man
The Republican presidential
nominee is not a man of international travel, though he may soon become the leader of the
world's last superpower. October 29, 2000
Mysterious $40 Trillion
George W. Bush uses some fuzzy math to justify his claim that Al Gore's Social Security
plan will produce a $40 trillion debt by 2050? By Sam Parry. October 28, 2000
While bashing Al Gore at every
turn, the national press corps has turned a blind eye to lying and hypocrisy by Gov.
George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. By Sam Parry. October 16, 2000
Bush, Coal
& the Internet
Without attribution, George W.
Bush cites dubious coal-industry data to justify his energy plan. By Sam Parry. October 9,
George H.W. Bush, the CIA & a Case of State Terrorism
A new CIA report reveals
close ties between the CIA under director George H.W. Bush and the mastermind of a 1976
terrorist bombing in Washington, D.C. By Robert Parry. September 23, 2000
The Bush Family 'Oiligarchy'
Part One: The Early Years
George W. Bush's run for
the White House highlights the intersection between his family's political fortunes and
its ties to Big Oil. By Sam Parry. August 14, 2000
The Bush Family 'Oiligarchy'
Part Two: The Third Generation
George W. Bush follows in his
father's footsteps, launching his own oil ventures in preparation for his political
career. By Sam Parry. August 15, 2000
The Bush Family 'Oiligarchy'
Part Three: Politics & Oil -- A Sequel
George W. Bush finds oil and
politics a lucrative two-way street in Texas. By Sam Parry. August 19, 2000
The Bush Family 'Oiligarchy'
Part Four: At the Candidate's Ear
George W. turns to trusted oil
industry advisers as he marches on the White House. By Sam Parry. August 20, 2000
A Bush Family Book Burning.
November 17, 1999
Like Father, Like Son.
The Bushes. October 18, 1999
Family Politics.
Gov. Bush is the GOP great hope, but his pedigree is the key. By Robert Parry.
October 5, 1999
Bush & the Condor Mystery.
A double homicide. By Robert Parry. October 5, 1999
Bush’s ‘Zingy’ One-Liners.
Anti-Clinton jokes. By Robert Parry. October 5, 1999
Over George Bush
Former president George Bush ducked a host of national security scandals -- from
his days as CIA director through his one-term presidency. But those unanswered questions
are relevant again, with Texas Gov. George W. Bush likely to restore his father’s
foreign policy team to power if he wins the White House in 2000. By Robert Parry. December
29, 1998 |