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A Needed Spring Cleaning

By Robert Parry
May 9, 2010

Our spring fundraiser came up quite a bit short of our $50,000 goal, but we did have some success in distributing our three-book set (Lost History, Secrecy & Privilege, and Neck Deep) for the deeply discounted price of $29 (postage included). Additional sets cost only $20 each.

We managed to get about 150 sets out of our warehouse during the spring fund drive, but we need your help in continuing this “spring cleaning.” (Obviously, we also wouldn’t mind any additional tax-deductible donations. To do that, just click here.)

However, if we can move 1,000 three-book sets out of the warehouse and into your libraries (or into your local or school libraries), that would clear the way for a new book that would trace America’s hidden national narrative, from Richard Nixon’s “treason” sinking the Vietnam peace talks in 1968 to the current right-wing strategy of sabotaging the Obama administration.

Democrats also would come in for criticism in this new book, for their timidity in fighting for the truth and their unwillingness to demand accountability when they encounter serious political crimes.

But this new book project can only happen with your assistance. We must first sell more of our three previous books which tell their own important stories:

--Lost History lays out the factual record of CIA-tolerated drug trafficking by Ronald Reagan’s Nicaraguan contra rebels in the 1980s and the parallel story of how the Reagan administration built an Orwellian propaganda apparatus that performed “perception management” on the American people.

--Secrecy & Privilege explains how George H.W. Bush rose to power through his service to Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal; his bloody year as chief of the CIA; and his secret effort to undermine President Jimmy Carter’s Iran-hostage talks in 1980.

--Neck Deep takes this remarkable story of the Bush Family's rise forward to George W. Bush seizing the highest office in land with the help of the Right’s powerful propaganda machinery, the systemic failure of the mainstream U.S. news media, and the coup d’etat of Republican political cronies on the U.S. Supreme Court handing Bush the White House.

These well-reported histories of this modern era should be part of every library in America. And you can help by obtaining a set for yourself, a friend or a public or school library.

Your purchase also can make sure that the fourth book in the series gets done. Without your help, there won't be sufficient funding.

So, please buy a three-book set today for only $29, with additional sets only $20 each.

You can place an order in three ways:

--By credit card (Mastercard/Visa) by going to our donation site and putting in a $29 charge. (You can follow up with an e-mail to [email protected] to give us your mailing address, or if that address and the billing address for the credit card are the same, we’ll automatically assume that any $29 “donation” is intended for a book order and ship it there. Or we’ll assume a $49 charge is for two three-book sets, etc. Non-U.S. orders should add $10 more for extra postage.)

--By PayPal, make a payment to our account which is named after our e-mail address: “[email protected]”  (Please include your mailing address in the PayPal message.)

--By check made out to The Media Consortium; Suite 102-231; 2200 Wilson Blvd.; Arlington, VA 22201.

(If you’d prefer, you can ask that your $29 go to purchase as a substitute, Don North’s DVD, “Yesterday’s Enemies,” the inspiring tale of Salvadoran peasants who challenged their nation’s corrupt oligarchy in the 1980s. To get Don’s DVD instead of the books, just send an e-mail or a note requesting the switch.)

Thanks so much for your support.

Robert Parry

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. He founded in 1995 as the Internet's first investigative magazine. He saw it as a way to combine modern technology and old-fashioned journalism to counter the increasing triviality of the mainstream U.S. news media. 

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