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Three Parry Books for $29; 6 for $49

By Robert Parry
August 22, 2009

To raise money for future investigative reporting, we're offering Lost History, Secrecy & Privilege, and Neck Deep for the low price of only $29 (postage included) -- and only $20 for any additional sets.

Not only will you save more than 50 percent on the first set of the books -- and 70 percent on any additional sets -- but your purchase will enable us to continue producing original independent investigative journalism on topics crucial to American democracy.

The three books fill in key gaps of recent American history, including:

--How the American Right built its powerful media machine in coordination with propaganda specialists in the Reagan administration. [Lost History]

--How the Nicaraguan contra war served as a cover for drug traffickers and how that dark secret was covered up. [Lost History]

--How George H.W. Bush collaborated with CIA officials, wealthy Republicans and foreign leaders to sabotage President Jimmy Carter's efforts to free 52 American hostages in Iran, paving the way for Ronald Reagan's 1980 victory. [Secrecy & Privilege]

--How South Korean theocrat Sun Myung Moon built his business/media empire with the help of organized crime figures and then spent billions of dollars to influence the U.S. political process. [Secrecy & Privilege]

--How the disastrous presidency of George W. Bush was made possible and what role was played by the dysfunctional U.S. news media. [Neck Deep]

--How Colin Powell rose to his extraordinary position of power and influence, from the My Lai massacre to the Iran-Contra scandal, from George W. Bush's election to the Iraq War. [Neck Deep]

The well-documented history in the three books is a must for both personal and public libraries. Many of these accounts can be found nowhere else. Indeed, together they constitute a truthful counter-history to the lies and distortions that so many Americans believe.

To order one or more sets of these three books (in paperback), all you have to do is send a check (or place a credit-card order) for $29 for the first set and $20 for any additional sets.

Checks should be sent to:

The Media Consortium; 2200 Wilson Blvd.; Suite 102-231; Arlington VA 22201.

Or you can submit your payment as an online donation to, but you then must send us an e-mail – to – explaining that you want the payment to go for the books and telling us where to ship them.

(For non-U.S. orders, please add an additional $10 for shipping.)

Besides buying these important books at a great discount price, you will help us replenish our fund for investigative journalism at

As always, thanks for your support.

Robert Parry, Editor

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. He founded in 1995 as the Internet's first investigative magazine. He saw it as a way to combine modern technology and old-fashioned journalism to counter the increasing triviality of the mainstream U.S. news media.

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