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Pentagon 'Terrorist' List Questioned

July 16, 2009

The Pentagon is again alleging that about one in seven released Guantanamo Bay detainees is suspected -- or has been confirmed -- as having returned to terrorism, a point that Republicans and former Bush administration officials have cited in opposing President Barack Obama’s plan for closing the notorious prison.

But McClatchy’s Pentagon correspondent Nancy Youssef says the Pentagon’s list remains highly suspect since many of the supposed recidivist “terrorists” aren’t identified and it’s unclear what standards are being applied to justify including their names on the list.

(The story summary continues below.)

More at The Real News

Youssef examined the case of one Afghan tribal leader who is included on the list and notes the lack of evidence that was used to justify his initial imprisonment as well as the contradictory information about his recent activities. is an independent news network that produces stories of global interest. 

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