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Bush End Game
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Media Crisis
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A Final Appeal for Support

By Robert Parry
Updated December 31, 2008

Our year-end fundraiser is down about 60 percent from last year, putting the survival of our unique journalistic operation in jeopardy.

We realize that times are tough – and there are many worthy causes – but has been there for the past 13 years providing serious investigative journalism for you, our readers.

Indeed, viewed as a whole, we have created an important counter-narrative to Washington’s misguided conventional wisdom, the false narrative that has led the Republic into its current mess.

So keeping this Web site alive is important. Our annual operating budget is only about $125,000 – and there’s only so much more belt-tightening we can do. Already our little staff has absorbed one month of payless paydays. We also have had to cut the modest payments to our freelance writers.

If we have to close down, our journalistic narrative will die, too.

When you have a minute, I invite you to go back to the home page and look over the stories just from December. Those original works of journalism told truths that otherwise would have remained unknown or, at best, they would have drawn far less attention.

Those stories include:

--Detailed warnings about some of Barack Obama’s top Cabinet choices, particularly Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

--George W. Bush’s exit-interview lies about his justification for invading Iraq, such as his bizarre claim that Saddam Hussein didn’t let the U.N. weapons inspectors in.

--The anti-war context of Martin Luther King’s “fierce urgency of now” quote, which was a staple of Obama’s campaign speeches but always without the crucial context.

--The historical significance of President Lyndon Johnson’s taped remark about the “treason” of Richard Nixon’s 1968 campaign in sabotaging Vietnam peace talks.

--President Bush’s personal responsibility for his administration’s torture policies, a key point from a Senate report that was widely ignored or downplayed by the mainstream news media.

--The tragedy of Gary Webb’s death and his important contribution to American history by forcing devastating admissions from the CIA about drug trafficking by its clients, the Nicaraguan contras.

--The need for President-elect Obama to take a more balanced look at the tensions with Russia.

--The U.S. news media’s acquiescence to the Bush administration’s arguments on the value of torture and the success of the “surge” – and how those myths could limit Obama’s actions.

--Vice President Dick Cheney’s brazen defense of torture and his challenge to a core American principle, the rule of law.

--Henry Kissinger's role in undermining American democracy at key junctures in the past.

Since we are a reader-supported news site, those stories represent what your past support has made possible. Without your continued support, our work cannot continue.

So, please give what you can.

You can make a tax-deductible donation either by credit card online or by mailing a check. (For readers wanting to use PayPal, you can address contributions to our account, which is named "").

For a donation of $50, we will send you a gift, autographed copy of Neck Deep in paperback (or another book by Robert Parry, either Lost History or Secrecy & Privilege – please e-mail us your selection).

For a donation of $100 or more, we will send the hard cover of Neck Deep. (Or you can ask us to substitute, another book, including my 1993 book, Trick or Treason: The October Surprise Mystery.)

As always, thanks for your support.

Robert Parry, Editor

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. He founded in 1995 as the Internet's first investigative magazine. He saw it as a way to combine modern technology and old-fashioned journalism to counter the increasing triviality of the mainstream U.S. news media.

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