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If You Want Al Gore to Run...
October 12, 2007 |
If you want Al Gore to run - and win - in 2008, you should get your hands on Neck Deep, the new book co-authored by award-winning investigative reporter Robert Parry with two of his sons, Sam and Nat.
The book explains what really happened in Election 2000 and knocks down many of the lies that will surely be revived if the newly minted Nobel Peace Prize winner enters the race.
Not only does Neck Deep dissect the famous canards created by Gore's political enemies and the campaign press corps. He never said he "invented the Internet" nor did he claim to be the one who "started" the Love Canal clean-up.
But Neck Deep also explores some of the lesser-known, though still devastating, smears that the Republican spin machine spread to question Gore's patriotism. In 1999 and 2000, Republicans worked hand-in-glove with right-wing operatives to falsely link Gore and the Clinton administration to Chinese nuclear spying - when those nuclear secrets actually were compromised during the Reagan administration.
Neck Deep tells the story, too, of how and why the major U.S. news media, including the New York Times and the Washington Post, often played along with the character assassination of Al Gore and thus opened the door to George W. Bush's presidency. Similar journalistic failures then paved the way to the war in Iraq, when Gore again faced derision for warning the country against this dangerous folly.
If Gore enters Campaign 2008, only an American public armed with this crucial information can prevent a replay of the Election 2000 tragedy. Plus, Al Gore is much more likely to subject himself to another presidential campaign if he knows there are millions of Americans who won't let the lies work again.
You can buy Neck Deep today through the publisher's Web site or through Amazon.com. (If you buy the book through the publisher, $5 of each purchase is rebated to help pay the bills at the independent investigative Web site, Consortiumnews.com, which is gearing up to serve as a watchdog on Campaign 2008.)
(Please forward this message to friends or anyone who might be interested. Thanks.)
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