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Readers Comment on Bush's Psyche

July 28, 2007

Editor’s Note: The article on the risks ahead because of George W. Bush’s aggressive personality disorders provoked a number of reader comments:

I am concerned that your article did not seem to address some evidence I see that may indicate plans by Bush to establish a dictatorial martial law of some sort.  In particular, I refer  to National Security Presidential Directive #51 (, and to the specific text from it, below, which seems to me to indicate preparations by the Bush administration to take advantage of any possible near-future domestic terrorist attack much the same way they have taken advantage of 9/11.  This time, however, I think they may be ready to culminate what seems to me to be years of effort to eliminate the Constitution.

(e) "Enduring Constitutional Government," or "ECG," means a cooperative effort among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of the Federal Government, coordinated by the President, as a matter of comity with respect to the legislative and judicial branches and with proper respect for the constitutional separation of powers among the branches, to preserve the constitutional framework under which the Nation is governed and the capability of all three branches of government to execute constitutional responsibilities and provide for orderly succession, appropriate transition of leadership, and interoperability and support of the National Essential Functions during a catastrophic emergency;
What makes this even more disturbing is this other article ( I found at wherein it was described that Rep. Peter DeFazio, Democrat of Oregon and member of the House Homeland Security Committee, was denied access to continuity plans in the Capitol bubbleroom.  What are they hiding now? 

I was disappointed that these developments weren't covered in your article.  Are my fears ungrounded?  I hope so!

Wat Stearns
Proprietary Wearer
Sweatshop-Free Tees for Peace


Dr. Frank's analysis of Bush's psychological problems and tendencies is chilling, and seems very consistent with his behavior to date.

For impeachment to succeed, much more Republican support is needed. I know there are many honest and honorable Republicans who respect the rule of law, but where are they? What does it take for them to take their party back?

If it's true, as I have read, that the GOP finances are so arranged that a GOP President controls the party's funding for congressmen and senators, then it takes an unusual amount of courage for a GOP congressman to stand up to Satan -- I mean George. How many more Republicans would we hear from if they weren't scared of losing their campaign money? And how did legislators allow themselves to become so dependent on the executive?

Dave Bitts
McKinleyville, CA
[email protected]


Definitions of Bush

Ah, what memories of the "old days", when we use to have a Constitution and Freedoms.  Now with our Constitution all shredded, what is your multiple choice pick to describe Bush and our government?

dic·ta·tor n
1.    a leader who rules a country with absolute power, usually by force
2.    somebody who behaves in a tyrannical way
3.    somebody whose opinions on a subject are listened to and followed by society at large
4.    somebody who speaks the words of a letter or text out loud so that somebody else can transcribe them
5.    in ancient Rome, a temporary appointed leader with absolute power to deal with a crisis or an emergency

dic·ta·tor·ship n
1.    a dictator’s power or authority, or the period of time during which a dictator rules
2.    government by a dictator
3.    a country ruled by a dictator
4.    absolute power or authority

ty·rant n
1.    an absolute ruler who exercises power cruelly and unjustly
2.    somebody who exercises authority unjustly and oppressively
3.    something that oppresses harshly or cruelly
4.    in ancient Greece, a ruler who took control of a state without legal sanction and governed with absolute power

mon·arch n
1.    somebody, especially a king or queen, who rules a state or territory, usually for life and by hereditary right
2.    somebody who possesses exceptional power or influence in a given sphere of activity (literary)
3.    something that occupies a preeminant or predominant position (literary)
4.    See monarch butterfly

re·gime or ré·gime n
1.    a system or style of government
2.    a particular government, especially one that is considered to be oppressive
3.    any controlling or managing group, or the system of control and management adopted by it
4.    an established system or way of doing things
5.    the characteristic conditions under which a natural, scientific, or industrial process occurs.
Also called regimen
6.    See regimen n. 1

jun·ta n
1.    a group of military officers who have taken control of a country following a coup d’état (takes a singular or plural verb)
2.    a small group of people, especially one secretly assembled for a common goal (takes a singular or plural verb)
Also called junto
3.    in some parts of Central and South America, a council or other legislative body within the government

mar·tial law n
the control and policing of a civilian population by military forces and according to military rules, imposed, for example, in wartime or when the civilian government no longer functions

   (these definitions came from MS Word when I used the Thesaures)



The VIPS overlooked the equally likely scenario of a staged "terrorist attack" and a declaration of martial law before January, 2009.  It doesn't seem logical that Bush/Cheney, et. al. would amass the executive power they have acquired only to give it up to newly elected executive officers.



Thank God that some one has finally put into print, that which I have been feeling about this president all along.  I am so sorry that I have nothing to contribute, because this body of people are the first who seem to represent what I am feeling.  Blessings to you, and may you succeed in your efforts.

Gwen Snyder
San Diego, CA

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