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Readers Comment on Gore Article
June 9, 2007 |
Editor’s Note: We received a flurry of comments about our article, “The New Assault on Al Gore”:
While I think your points are well taken, I think the public is
finally waking up to the pro Bush media and the usual attacks from the
usual sources at the Washington Post and the N.Y. Times against Al Gore
aren't going to work any more. For example, not pointed out in your
article is the fact that the N.Y.Times received 6 letters to the editor
that just pummeled David Brooks for his attack on Al Gore. Bob Herbert
has also written an article since the Brooks article that's terrific as
well. I also think the sales of the book will prove that as well and I
think too many people understand that Al Gore was right and what a
better place our country wold be had it not been for the Bush 2000 coup
d'etat in Florida.
Nancy Kuhn
The ultimate aim of the assault from the Establishment that you documented is against any notion of their own responsibility for the technological disaster that Gore has hinted at in "An Inconvenient Truth". I chose "hinted" in the interests of precision. If you take Gore's arguments apart, it turns out that it's less the CO-2 that's responsible than the pollutants borne aloft with the CO-2.
All that Al Gore omitted from his documentary was the clear statement that CO-2 has been increasing since the Industrial Revolution 250 years ago, but our present problem is very much post-WW2, and even more closely aligned with the spread of plastics and other industrial synthetics that are byproducts of petroleum refining technology. So this also means it's not yellow and brown peoples learning industrialisations's secrets that's killing us. Rather, we have met the enemy and it's us, meaning: it's the western world's oil barons and their industrial spawn.
For those determined not to permit this discussion to start or go anywhere, Al Gore seems a very convenient target. However, the true measure of his critics' myopia is: you think Al Gore didn't know all this going in?
Gary Zatzman
While I agree completely with your recent article on Gore, I find the silence from the left-wing news sources and blogs on his opposition to Bush's impeachment equally egregious.
Do you have any idea how he can write such a lengthy indictment as represented by his new book, "Assault on Reason", while simultaneously being opposed to his impeachment on the grounds of it being "a waste of time and resources"?
I have tried to reconcile these two things, and can come up with no reasonable explanation as to how it isn't an "assault on reason" too.
It was reported a week or so ago that the dems have kept their campaign promise, having finished the 10-11 pieces of legislation involved in that promise, which now await either Bush's signature or veto.
What I fear quite frankly, is that we are about to see a similar situation arise as did under Clinton--- another Criminal in Chief avoiding the prosecution he deserves, for reasons not too dissimilar to those offered in the name of "healing and unity", that as you made a strong case for giving us the Bush we neither wanted or deserved.
My fear here is as well, that this position of his will be percieved as him wanting to retain the power in the executive branch Bush has accumulated.
The silence on the part of his supporters on this matter, seems as disingenuous as any of the rhetoric you cited in that article, like his "inventing the internet".
It seems to me there's a big story here that has nothing to do with "Love".
James D. Willett.
I read your article on Al Gore’s new book, "Assault on Reason," and have the following comments:
First, what do you propose that we do about the "Right Wing Noise Machine" that is running the MSM media and the political discourse in this country? Despite the election, the SAME noise machine dominates the political discussion and the newsmaking cycle, both in terms of the issues discussed and the news stories that are given prominent attention. Until there is a general recognition that the RWNM is permanently debasing our political process, or, until the Internet succeeds in supplanting the MSM as the primary source for news and political information, I don’t hold out much hope for the country.
Second, I will support Al Gore as the Democratic candidate, NOONE ELSE!!! Al Gore rightly won the election in 2000. (See recent Rosenfeld article on this subject) That’s water under the bridge. Al Gore has blossomed as a candidate, and should no longer be afraid of the political process, if he sticks to the principles he has enunciated over the last six years. With his book, "Assault on Reason," everytime an MSM political commentator attempts to trivialize the issues, or smear his campaign, Gore will be able to call him or her on it, just as he did with his interview with Diane Sawyer on ABC’s "Good Morning America" a few weeks ago. With the strong support of you and others in the alternative, Internet media, we just might have a chance at re-electing Al Gore as President.
Thank you for your many fine articles, including your exposure of George Bush, Sr. as the instigator of the arms for hostages deal with Iran in 1980.
John Farbstein, Belmont, California
Unfortunately, President Gore *is* a very wordy writer. It's like reading
Asimov back when he was being paid a penny a word. He needs an editor
with a sharp blue pencil. Even Greg Bear doesn't use quite so many run-on
But "pedantic"? I think my letter to the editor is going to mention "the
decider-guy." There's a huge difference between being folksy and being an
I agree - Gore is widely attacked in the press. How much of it do you think can be attributed to his (highly successful) anti-tobacco stance? Personally I think big tobacco was at the core of the anti Clinton/Gore movement - clearly they funded a lot of the activities. And Ken Starr was their boy; tobacco law firms did pro-bono for Paula Jones, I think this is the residue as it were - many reporters like Brooks and others get their party line. As the old saying goes - you never see the powerful, only their agents. In this case, letting Gore become president would probably signal the end of the tobacco companies in the US. More than enough reason for big tobacco to send their agents into the night.
The print and tv media have abandoned the real news and have junked it up with entertainment news. There is so much to report on the state of this country and no one is picking up on it. As the corporations become bigger and stronger, we can expect nothing more. The tool of the Republican administration.
Reminds me of the charge that Stevenson was too smart to be president.
Well, we don't have that problem with Bush.
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