Simón Bolívar wrote that the United States “seemed predestined by Providence to plague Americas with miseries in the name of liberty,” Vijay Prashad reminds us.
His victory will be remarkable not only because he is the son of illiterate peasants and his campaign was grossly outspent, but there was also a relentless propaganda attack against him, write Medea Benjamin and Leonardo Flores.
The targets of Washington’s bullets have been leaders who tried to assert their nation’s economic sovereignty, writes Jeremy Kuzmarov in this review of a new book by Vijay Prashad.
Given Yaku Pérez’s backing of coups in neighboring countries, it should come as no surprise that he is calling for the same in his own democracy, writes Ben Norton.
Vijay Prashad talks with Daniel Jadue, the mayor of Recoleta — in the expanding capital of Santiago — about his city’s experiment in rebuilding the public sector.
Ahead of Ecuador’s Feb. 7 presidential elections, Vijay Prashad describes the measures the U.S. and local oligarchy have taken to suffocate any progressive government.