Category: China

Hi-Tech Military Weapons Breed New Danger

Artificial intelligence, lethal autonomous weapons, hypersonic missiles, cyber battles: The Arms Control Association rings alarm bells over the rush to develop these and other advanced military technologies. 

Caitlin Johnstone: War Machine vs. Balloons

The U.S. empire has been surrounding China with military bases and war machinery for many years, in ways Washington would never tolerate China doing in the nations and waters surrounding the United States.

Filipinos Protest US Military Deal Eying China

The decision to grant the U.S. access to more bases — announced during the U.S. defense secretary’s visit — was decried by peace advocates as part of the Pentagon’s push into the Indo-Pacific, with an intent to encircle China.

Caitlin Johnstone: US Constantly Provoking China

The way the U.S. has been positioning its war machinery around China would have sparked a third world war had the roles been reversed. Nonetheless,   talk inside the U.S. empire is all about Chinese “aggression.”