The avalanche of funeral hagiography drowned any possible discussion of what Bush did to the Middle East. As’ad AbuKhalil writes that he rallied despots against Iraq and established a new, tyrannical security order in the region.
Category: Commentary
Mexico’s Solution to the Border Crisis
López Obrador’s $20 billion development plan gives Washington a chance to help rectify the historic damage it’s done to the living conditions of people in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador, writes Patrick Lawrence.
Alexis Tsipras’ Failed Attempt at Democratic Socialism
The prime minister who lost his bluff with international creditors in 2015 is now striking another radical pose by giving holidays to assassins, writes John Kiriakou.
Trump’s Timidity is Letting Comey Off the Hook
With just a few days left before Congress adjourns, House Republicans, like their President, have pretty much let the clock run out. There’s little chance now in “taking on the intelligence community,” says Ray McGovern.
The Guardian’s Vilification of Julian Assange
The Guardian did not make a mistake in vilifying Assange without a shred of evidence. It did what it is designed to do, says Jonathan Cook.
The Guardian/Politico Psyop Against WikiLeaks
Pence’s Attacks on China Won’t Help Trump at G-20
Et Tu, RT? Amplifying Western Disinformation on Rwanda
Newly Elected Progressives Face Palestine Taboo
COMMENTARY: US Intel Will Bring Assange to US in Chains
It appears increasingly likely Wikileaks founder and publisher Julian Assange will wind up in the clutches of the U.S. government, says Ann Garrison.