Category: American Empire

The Petrodollar’s Long Goodbye

As part of their concern about “currency power,” many countries in the Global South are eager to develop non-dollar trade and investment systems, writes Vijay Prashad.

Biden Kills Senate Resolution to End Yemen War

It’s hard to think of a word to describe all this besides “evil.” If intervening to ensure the continued mass starvation of children and mass military slaughter of civilians is not evil, then nothing is evil, says Caitlin Johnstone.

The Unreluctant Vassal

Unlike Germany and France, for instance, which at times reluctantly follow Washington’s orders, Britain is an eager co-participant in U.S. adventurism, says Joe Lauria.

Lethal US Hypocrisy on Press Freedom

The only media the U.S. government supports are those whose persecution can be politically leveraged and those who can be used to peddle propaganda, writes Caitlin Johnstone.

SCOTT RITTER: The Back Channel

Communications between the U.S. and Russia are essential for preventing an out-of-control crisis and a conduit exists for ongoing, high-level dialogue. But what is it really for?