The U.N.’s process on the partition of Palestine led to mass ethnic cleansing, stark inequality, perpetual fear and genocidal war, writes Stefan Moore.
Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies on the contradiction of Trump pursuing an end to the war in Ukraine while supporting the genocide in Palestine.
Jewish businessmen, entertainers, journalists and religious figures signed a full-page ad in The New York Times saying, “Jewish people say NO to ethnic cleansing!”
An assortment of new firms, born in Silicon Valley or incorporating its disruptive ethos, are beginning to win lucrative military contracts, writes Michael T. Klare.
The Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) invites new Director of National Intelligence Tulsi Gabbard to consider its advice and offers her a selection of its past memoranda.
King Abdullah II appeared open in public to Trump’s diabolical plan to force 2 million Palestinians out of Gaza but later said on X that in private he had rebuffed the president. Joe Lauria reports.
At this fraught moment, Americans cannot use Trump to hide from themselves, as many of them, especially their purported leaders, are very prone to doing.
The U.S. president said he would consider using aid to Jordan and Egypt as leverage to make them take part in the war crime of ethnically cleansing Gaza, reports Joe Lauria.
These billionaires will make a fortune “harvesting” the remains of the empire. But they are ultimately slaying the beast that created American wealth and power.
Trump hinted he’d prefer a “nice” diplomatic deal, but Iran’s top diplomat said though he was prepared to listen it would take a lot more for Iran to begin negotiations with the U.S., writes M.K. Bhadrakumar.
Government spending, particularly the generous big-landlord benefits in law and tax policy, helped the U.S. president build up his real estate fortune, writes Fran Quigley.
Kicking the Palestinians out of Gaza to neighboring Arab states has always been the plan; it didn’t just emerge out of nowhere when Trump became president, writes Caitlin Johnstone.
Hundreds of millions of people from the Americas to China have been killed or subdued so a small part of the world — the North Atlantic — could enrich itself. That is madness.
“Endemic spiritual death” — Farah El-Sharif on this time of harrowing dehumanization of Muslim communities worldwide by a global Western war of terror.
The British journalist said he was accused by Austrian agents of encouraging terrorism, disseminating propaganda and being involved in organized crime, reports Joe Lauria.