Edward Lozansky says that Zelensky — who will meet Biden in New York during the U.N. General Assembly — desperately wants the U.S. president to give approval for British missiles to fly into Russia.

President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the White House, September 2023. (White House/Cameron Smith)
By Edward Lozansky
Special to Consortium News
We are on the eve of the possible final act of the tragicomedy that is Ukraine.
It could come at the end of the month during the general debate at the U.N. General Assembly when the odd couple of the lame-duck and expired presidents of the U.S. and Ukraine could reveal to the world its fate.
On one side, there will be Joe Biden, who Robert Gates, a former C.I.A. head and secretary of defense in several Republican and Democratic administrations, once said: “He has been wrong on nearly every major issue during his political career.”
Next to him will be Volodymyr Zelensky, whose presidential term expired last May.
The former comedian was catapulted to the presidency by corrupt oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, whom the U.S. State Department had previously accused of using his “political influence and power for personal benefit” and sanctioned him in March 2021 for his alleged involvement in “corrupt acts that undermined the rule of law and the Ukrainian public’s faith in their government’s democratic institutions and public processes.”
Let’s review what these two have done to bring humanity to the edge of the abyss, starting with the one whom his son has called the “Big Guy.”
After the end of the Cold War, every U.S. president, starting with Bill Clinton, contributed in one way or another to closing the short historical window of opportunity for integrating Russia into the West.
Many pragmatic or idealistic people in U.S. administrations, Congress, the media, and in other public circles have been trying to promote this integration. Regrettably, they have been losing on the whole to more powerful forces, often in the Deep State, who, for political, economic, or ideological reasons, prefer to have Russia as foe rather than friend.
When it comes to Ukraine and U.S.-Russia relations, few have done as much damage as Biden during his eight years in the White House, first as vice president and then as president.
It is not only close to $200 billion that he took out of U.S. taxpayers’ pockets to send to Kiev, or using his son Hunter to make millions in Ukraine and China for his family, but indeed the war he provoked in Ukraine and prevents its end — which might ultimately bring us to Armageddon.

Vice President Biden visits Kiev on June 7, 2014. (U.S. Embassy Kyiv Ukraine, Public domain)
Here are three key dates to remember (there were other important dates, but I believe these three were crucial):
February 2014 – Vice President Biden coordinated the regime change coup in Ukraine to replace an administration that preferred the country’s neutral status with a pro-NATO one, and which led to civil war;
December 2021 – President Biden rejected Russia’s call for strategic, stability negotiations based on Ukraine’s neutral status that could have prevented Russia’s February 2022 intervention in the civil war;
April 2022 – President Biden derailed, with the help of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, the Istanbul peace negotiations that took place in the weeks after Russia intervened, from February to April 2022, and prevented resumption of these negotiations ever since.,
The second participant, Zelensky, should be credited with taking his popular, but provincial, comedy show 95th Quarter, funded by the above-mentioned criminal Kolomoisky, onto the world stage with an audience of Who’s Who in the West.
To achieve such huge success, Zelensky has paid with hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian lives, millions of wounded and refugees, destruction of the country’s infrastructure, the ruin of its economy — while selling off remaining Ukrainian wealth to Black Rock‘s sharks.
Now, he wants to do what he did to Ukraine to the rest of the world by involving the U.S. and NATO in a direct military confrontation with nuclear-armed Russia, basically plagiarizing Wag the Dog.
Already at War
The Russia-West war is actually already on, with the West training Ukrainian troops, supplying them with weapons, advisers, intelligence, and mercenaries, but so far not regular military units.
No one seems to care about killed mercenaries, while Ukraine, in the words of John Wight, in Consortium News, is “merely a convenient and blood-soaked proxy — a cat’s paw whose manhood has and is being sacrificed on the altar of U.S.-led Western hegemony.”
An additional grim context of this story is not just what this odd duo and the Deep State are doing by pushing us to the brink, but also the obedient flock of sheep that is called leadership of the collective West that applauds and follows them. What happened to their dignity, traditions, culture, and values that were admired?
Many in Europe and the U.S. (particularly in the Pentagon) understand what is happening and, like Wight, are unafraid to speak out. So far the Pentagon is winning Biden over against the neocons, led by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.

Blinken with U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink before leaving Kiev on Sept. 11. (State Department/Chuck Kennedy)
Instead of granting Britain the right to let Ukraine fire its Storm Shadow missiles deep into Russian territory, while refusing to allow Kiev to launch U.S. long-range ATACMS (Army Tactical Missile System), as both The Guardian and The New York Times reported he would, Biden sent British Prime Minister Kier Starmer packing to London with his tail between his legs.
Round one went to sanity as Russian President Vladimir Putin had warned that these advanced U.S. or British missiles being fired into Russia would require U.S. technology and British or American soldiers to operate, thereby making it a direct U.S.-Russia confrontation. And Russia, he said, “will make appropriate decisions in response to the threats that will be posed to us.”

Biden and Starmer at the White House on Sept. 13. (White House/Adam Schultz)
Not that this topic — the possible end of the world — is garnering the screaming headlines it deserves. As a result, the threat of nuclear war is not the main subject bothering the electorate, including the one in the U.S., where elections are very close.
Do we want to keep poking the bear in the eye and check when his patience runs out or try to find a way out?
Such a way exists, and Russia is ready to negotiate with Ukraine based on the Istanbul agreements mentioned above. Moscow has never refused a diplomatic solution to the crisis — we cannot precisely tell on which terms — but wouldn’t it be interesting to find out by agreeing to start the negotiation?
That’s not something either Biden or Zelensky are interested in.
Though Starmer angrily returned to London without permission from the Big Guy to shoot his rockets into Russia, he hasn’t apparently given up. Blinken, who gave out the false story that the U.S. would give Starmer permission, probably hasn’t either.
They are likely still working on Biden as the U.S. president prepares to meet in New York with Zelensky, who desperately wants those British missiles to fly.
If they eventually do, no negotiations will be possible and it will indeed be time to worry about humanity’s fate.
Edward Lozansky is president and founder of the American University in Moscow and the U.S.-Russia Forum. He is also a professor at the Moscow State and National Research Nuclear Universities.
The views expressed are solely those of the author and may or may not reflect those of Consortium News.
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I have two questions:
1. How is it that a man with moderately severe dementia is still the President of the United States?
2. Is demented Joe Biden still making decisions on his own, or is he completely managed by his handlers?
Regardless of the answers, the Deep State rules and will continue to rule under any president.
Let’s not forget Palestine. Even though our Christian noses can’t smell the dead. Our overtime is enjoyed making the munitions.
How a jumped up comedian in a known corrupt and nazified country whose government was overthrown by the USA and the installed new one refused to follow UN agreed proposals can take over all of NATO shows the madness of the West.
One demented, the other deranged!
This doesn’t bode well for the fate of humanity.
If I lived in London I’d be hightailing it out of there getting as far away as I could.
It’s funny Mary, but when i lived in London i used a bicycle to get around. One day i was listening to the radio and the information it was spouting, was that, in the event of a nuclear attack, we would have 72 hours notice. I had family at the time on the Scottish borders and believed i could make it up there on my bike in 72 hours. This was early 70’s. I can’t remember now if we were told who would attack us and why we got three days notice.
I doubt we would be extended that courtesy today.
Okay it’s time everyone figured this out.
Mary listen carefully. You can run but you cannot hide from the most terrible scourge man’s mind ever developed!
Nice summary of current events regarding Ukraine.
Don’t discount religious motivation from Napoleon to French Vietnam, from godless communism to just plain Russian orthodox for a god taken on by Roman for occupation of someones chosen land to their chosen world empire. The raiding party of Vikings converted to Roman sense of religious romance of world culture. Throw in Brzezinski native hatred of Russia whether godless or godly and monotheism on a roll taking a toll on human civilization. Causing other forms to be created for protection from the others.
“We are on the eve of the possible final act of the tragicomedy that is Ukraine.”
It’s more like a Brian Rix farce. With so many people entering and exiting through various doors, whilst all the while trying to avoid each other. It’s a complete clusterfuck of NATO, European and American personnel vying for recognition, supremacy and stupidity.
It would appear stupidity has won hands down.
And we are now left with a prospect of who knows what.
What we do have though, is a ruined country; many people dead; many people displaced and a few people more wealthy.
And of course we will be told it was all worth it to keep those evil Russians from invading our shores.
It is important to understand how all this happened. The US (NATO) wanted to unseat Putin, weaken Russia, and steal the resources of that country. And, make more money for the industrial, congressional complex and use Ukrainian lives to do so. Madness, madness!
I have some info. Judge Napolitano has a site on a particular platform, which I will allow readers allow readers to figure out for themselves. Again I’m trying to avoid the wrath of the owners of the platform for the sake of CN.
The Judge does from time to time writes stuff for CN as does his guest on this spot, Scott Ritter.
Ritter reports today on the Judge’s program that “We all almost died on Saturday . . . . “. Apparently some five days ago Biden discussed Ukraine’s use of deep strike missles inside Russia. Putin says such a change would mean Russia was at war with NATO. SEE video Putin with interpreter.
Ritter goes on to say that on Saturday last Keir Starmer arrived at the White house with a rad bag which Ritter claims contained a targets list.
I would highly recommend if you doubt me you get on His Honor’s site and watch for yourself.
Also for verification check out hXXps:www.whitehouse.gov. Statement from White House Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on visit of Prime Minister Keir Starmer of United Kingdom/briefing-room/statements -releases/2024/09/06.
Never ever underestimate the power of large groups of stupid people. SEE D.C. and surrounding area!
Inquiring minds need to know!
I couldn’t find the WH statement, but i did see the video and it reminded me of this song:
(The ending is most prophetic if these imbecilic leaders carry on in this way.)
Try a google search, I just tried White House Starmer statement and got 7 selections offered including one for U tube from Voice of America.
Good points. If our MassMedia would do their job, and not just act as a propaganda outlet for oligarchy, we would know what Putin and others actually say. Instead they ignore him, make up false stories, and accuse him of all sorts. Meanwhile Israel is on a three-fold killing spree: Gaza, WB, Lebanon (while occasionally bombing Syria behind the scenes). Nasrallah and the PM of Lebanon say they are at war.
The suicide-death cult of the declining empire might just get us all killed. The US message: “do what we say, or we blow up the world.”
Biden’s hesitation may be tied to the election. With the recent endorsements of arch neocons Dick Cheney and John Bolton for Harris and her welcoming them has not been well received by the Democratic base along with the strongly worded denunciation of Blinken’s statements and Biden Administration policy in an article by RFKjr and Trump jr. This may be enough to turn the election in Trump’s favor. I can see Democrats either staying home or holding their noses and voting Republican.
Cheney and Bolton are both conservative warmongers. They are not neo-cons.
Bolton angrily rejected the description when he was interviewed once on Channel 4 News in the UK.
As for Biden’s hesitation being, perhaps, linked to the forthcoming presidential election, that does seem likely. Escalation could help Trump if it has not got us all killed in the meantime.
Sure I believe you and Trump isn’t a lying fool.
You cannot make this stuff up, or at least I can’t.
Just in case! You are thinking I’m partial to the one party or the other. I’m certain we all are suffering at the hands of a duopoly empowered by the power of dark money in politics. Something I continue to rant about, the SCOTUS ruling which in my mind and firm opinion is one of the worst ruling in U.S. history, one that cheapened the value of individual, “We the People” , votes, Citizens United VS FEC
People need to understand where I’m coming from. I may regret this but here goes any way. I’m a firm believer that good ideas survive on their own merit.
Trump is, in my firm opinion, a lying fool. Joey, in my firm opinion is a stupid old fool who out lived his usefulness in D.C. by getting elected to the Presidency. What a stupid bunch the democrats have proven themselves to be. Thank you DNC for not one day damned thing.
Now would be a great time to start planning to launch a third party right after voters give the ungrateful, unworthy, dumb assed democrats a helping hand so hopefully we can rid ourselves of the dog damned albatross the Queen of chaos and her ilk managed to have placed around our necks, the orange turd.
Dog almighty you cannot make this stuff up.
Just remember this, we all are running out of time. Each and every one of us. Got that?
So some can split hair about categorizing individuals by who and what they claim to be as opposed to what their action dictate they are in fact. I’m not the least bit interested in what they have to say about themselves instead to like to study their actions and their motive behind those actions.
These right winged, fascist, Zionist hugging NEOCON acting SOB’s have failed to learn world domination slipped through their fingers because of their hard headed hawkish beliefs that the population of the world can be beaten into submission.
Shit brained individuals need to get their heads clear and learn some recent history about what happened to the U.S. after WWII.
The intelligence and national security apparatus of the U.S. hijacked foreign policy and JFK ended up dead when he made great efforts to regain control of the government.
Believe it or not! Everyone needs to get this right and it needs to happen now.
Everyone here might need to remember how long I’ve been super critical of the incestuous relationship between the U.S. Government, Congress and the small state of Israel. They been lying to us and blackmailing us for far too long now.
I hear many Americans speak of “evil”. This was “evil”, that was “evil”.
You know what I think is evil, if such an entity exists? Go to Gaza and take in the sights, sounds, and. the smells. Now those would be the signs of evil in my mind.
Sleep tight tonight kids.
Getting really tired of Biden’s act. Blinky, Sullivan, Kirby, Jean Pierre, Yellen, though she is now gone, Nuland, the whole troupe. I”m not terribly optimistic about Harris, and Trump . . . . . who knows?
Jeezus god what a mess we’re in.
Err, not humanity’s fate. Our fate in Britain. Starmers govt is only pushing it because his and previous British govts stupidly underwrote the imf loans. So we’re going to pay, now we’ll get attacked as well.
Thank You Edward
Two shitbags. A vile, spiteful, thieving, habitual liar and a corrupt, whining, failed comedian.
They share responsibility for the one million dead and maimed Ukrainians.
They shall long be known in the annals of infamy as mass murderers.
The earth would have been a better place had neither of them ever walked upon it.
Sometimes I think Karma follows Biden wherever he goes. Hope it continues.