Roger Waters spoke in Blackburn, England on Wednesday with Craig Murray. Consortium News was there.
Camera: Orlando Harrison and Gordon Dimmack. Editor: Cathy Vogan. Time: 1hr 14min.
Roger Waters spoke in Blackburn, England on Wednesday with Craig Murray. Consortium News was there.
Camera: Orlando Harrison and Gordon Dimmack. Editor: Cathy Vogan. Time: 1hr 14min.
“ Good beginnings make good endings.” Concluding, the organizers + Murray, Waters, Vogan, Patel, all persons who “raised their hand” = a “GIFT.”
……. “The Past Is History. The Future Is a Mystery. Today Is a Gift. That’s Why It’s Called, the Present.”
These gentlemen, Murray & Waters, are 100% “present.” They “got” moxie; &, rock a moral compass. Consequently, everyone’s engaged & listens. No doubt, trust, Murray & Waters. Who genuinely care about “doing the right thing,” all around the world. They’re vision rocks an “All-Inclusive, No More f/Wars, World!!!”
No doubt, on a professional & personal level, Murray & Waters know & understand “who” the muckity-mucks are & just how far the decay in the Sy$tem is. AND, they wanna affect “everyone’s life,” in a very positive way, by making facts & truth, relevant!
“Crank Up the Volume!!!” Thank you, gentlemen. TY, CN, for the “live-stream!!!” “Keep It Lit!”