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More Comments, Criticism

November 21, 2006

Editor's Note: Below are readers' comments about our story on what to do next and about our work on the Robert Gates nomination:

We must get on the Democrats' case, starting now.  Priorities:

(1)  All Troops out of Iraq, beginning January 1.

(2)  Universal, single-payer health care -- NOT what Hillary Clinton 
has been talking about: "incremental changes" in the health-care-for-
profit status quo.

(3)  Campaign finance reform -- this, because the Dems feed at the 
same corporate money trough as the Republicans and march to many of 
the same corporate tunes.  Unless we can get the lobbyists out of the 
picture, the Dems will deliver very much the same lousy public 
policies that their predecessors have.

Sincerely, Jean Bond


Recent events and G.W.'s twisting of facts to favor his administration
show that the American people need a counter-balancing force that will
actually get though to them. Rather that counting on a "free press"
(since only a small fraction of people actually read any way), what is
needed is a strong voice that that will get exposure "on the air" and
some one the populous will listen to. Because of his abilities in this
regard I suggest the Democratic Party some how enlist Bill Clinton to be
a "spokesman" for the Party and blunt some of the major points made be
G. W. Words spoken by him are often taken as official Democratic policy
by the press and the American people any way. I'm sure he would be more
than happy to help out.
Walter Poole
Bridgewater, NJ


I remember watching a documentary/interview piece on Gore Vidal, in which he recollects being in Washington D.C. with his father and admiring the various monuments there. Apparently his father said, “Yes, they will make wonderful ruins”. This was my first exposure to the concept of the U.S. as an empire that, like all empires before it, it too shall pass into history, but not before wrecking horrendous havoc and hardship on its self and indeed the world at large. 

There was an overwhelming sense about George W. Bush being a laughable fool, and on the night of September 10, 2001, most intelligent peoples went to bed that night chuckling at how ridiculous he was. On the morning of September 11, we awoke to the horror of the Twin Towers disaster, and within hours, we grew cold at the realization that in this time of crises, W. Bush was in charge; he had the mightiest military machine at his disposal, and most frightening, he had his finger on the nuclear button. In those short few hours, he went from buffoon to the most powerful and dangerous man on earth. It became clear as crystal in the subsequent days what path America would choose; once again, the dogs of war were to be unleashed, and the Military Industrial Complex was assured of more public funds for its shareholders.

During all this, I too watched the mainstream media, the Democrats, and “the enlightened” wither beneath the neoconservative onslaught on truth and justice and the cornerstones of American style democracy. I too tuned into the alternative media: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, AlterNet, Democracy Now, and a few others, and got the “real” stories. Yet, during all this, Halliburton, the major oil companies, and the rest raked in millions, billions of dollars in profits; mergers and acquisitions occurred at a frantic pace, and the producers of goods and services went to China, and workers here at home lost their jobs. While all attentions were focused on “the war against the terrorists” and “the axis of evil”, the corporate elite quietly took further control of the economy. Today, the middle class is virtually non-existent, there are more poor people in our midst, and “democracy” seems a quaint pastime.

We are witness to the collapse of the American Empire. Like all empires before it, it is being destroyed from within. The Republicans had their run and accomplished much: a virtual elimination of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, the entrenchment of a police state, the formation of a virtual secret police to spy on and control its citizens. I have not heard the Democrats talk about undoing these works, on restoring the Constitution to its former glory, on the dismantling of the apparatus of oppression and intimidation. It appears that nothing will change save the change in name of the governing party. Now it is the Democrats turn to take the helm of good ship America and enjoy the spoils of the past six year’s efforts. Why should they be any different? They too are of the same elites as the Republicans, and I see no course change ahead. The “alternative media” will continue to report “the truth”, but it won’t dare state the obvious which to me is clear:

America’s course into oblivion by its own hand continues unabated. It is just too damn bad that it will be dragging the rest of the world down with it. At least it will leave wonderful ruins.

Ellis Dee, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada


It seems that you don't really understand who is pulling the U.S.'s Mideast foreign policy strings.  It's not G. W. Bush; it's not the Republicans; it's not the neocons; it's not the Christian Right; it's not the Democrats; or any combination of those ... it's the monied elite--the Halliburton and petroleum company barons, etc. who are following a globalist agenda.  No amount of grassroots expose and protest will change America's intrusion and "pre-emptive" aggression in Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon, Iran, Syria, etc. now that that aggression is inexorably in motion.  That's because Big Money and the Globalists want to keep things stirred up over there and are using Israel as a pawn to do that.... It gives them an excuse to stay there, the center of world power (whoever controls the most oil reserves controls the world).

I like your writing, but I increasingly sense, partly because of your naive suggestion in your "America, What to Do Next?" article, that independent news media like yours may somehow be able to help stem the tide, that you fail to grasp the deep and bitter root (the lust for wealth, power, and world conquest) underlying the U.S.A.'s intervention in the Mideast.

Bob Giffin


If Americans read more in-depth and gave up all their ridiculous sports
interests for a deeper understanding of their own nation as well as the
nations of others we wouldn't have had this mess in the first place.

Americans are some of the most ignorant people on the face of the
Earth.  For it to have taken six years for them to finally understand
the ramifications of the Bush Presidency leaves very little hope for the

Steve Naidamast


Thank you for taking on, once and for all, the Israeli
lobby in your recent piece, What to Do Next? This is
the key to the entire global mess, and until the US
changes its Israeli policy, and more important until
Israel is forced out of the Occupied Territories,
absolutely nothing will change fundamentally. This is
the crux of the matter.

It takes courage to challenge this sacred cow, but
challenged it must be--over and over and over again.
Please do not let up. Make it a constant focus of all
your work. It is our only hope.

Charlie Kaften

Thought you might like to know that at least one of your readers was inspired to action.  My letter to my senators:
Nominee Robert Gates could easily prove to be very vulnerable to blackmail or worse by other countries with knowledge or evidence of Gates's culpability in several extremely shady, if not illegal, certainly immoral secrecies involving weapons to Iraq, the Iran-Contra debacle, and the Reagan election deal over the Iranian Hostage crisis.
You must be very forthright in your questions of Mr. Gates.  More information has come to light since he was last questioned, and even then there was maneuvering by Bush I, Tenet, Boren, etc. to get Gates confirmed, with too much concealed from the public.
This man does not appear to be clean, and it is up to you to do the research and bring out the accusations and either get solid evidence that clears Mr. Gates or that confirms that indeed Mr. Gates must not represent our government in such a high national security position.
See for much more information, and links to other evidence highly pertinent to the question of Mr. Gates's guilt or innocence in these regards.
Robert Locke


A friend informed me of your website.  I recently did some research into the finances of Dr. Gates using publicly available information.  It shows yet another rich Bush crony will be joining his adminstration. 
I also found his speech from Texas A&M after declining the National Intelligence Director's job.
Thought your staff might find these interesting.
Alan Prest


To: Sen. Bill Nelson

From: Robert F. Maloney

Subject: Robert Gates -- NO Sam Nunn -- YES

I am an 80-year-old WW II veteran and you got my vote Tuesday and I congratulate you on another term in the Senate.


Support Sam Nunn for SecDef.

We do not need Gates, another Bush crony.

Gates lied to Congress and covered up the Reagan Iran-Contra mess.

We have had enough of lies from Bush cronies.

Sam Nunn wrote Goldwater-Nichols Act and knows how to organize the Pentagon.

Sam Nunn has respect of Generals and Admirals. And he respects them.

Sam Nunn knows about cheating and lying defense contractors and what should be done with them.

Sam Nunn knows about Pentagon cost overruns. Example: "Sticker Shock" at 2 billion $ each B-2 Bomber.

Sam Nunn through Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) has worked on WMD with top people around the world.

Sam Nunn is loyal Democrat. He founded DLC.

Sam Nunn will tell Congress the TRUTH.

Democrats are under no obligation to "reach out" to Republicans. They stuck their finger in your eye for 6 years. Now it's payback time - with caution. (See Reference 1.)

Democrats are up there now to LEAD.

Republicans are to follow.

American voters have spoken.

If Republicans don't like this idea, "make them an offer they can't refuse".

In Europe's darkest hour, FDR reached out and brought 2 staunch Republicans into his Cabinet - Secretary of War Stimson and Secretary of Navy Knox.

Remind Bush of that every chance you get. A little history lesson for GW. He needs it.


Robert F. Maloney


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