Nazi Echo
Ronald Reagan's Bloody Apocalypto
For many
Americans who have watched Mel Gibson's Apocalypto, the pain of
the fictional ancient Mayas in the movie is more real than the actual
suffering of real Mayas who were tortured and slaughtered in the 1980s
with the help of then-President Ronald Reagan. When a right-wing
military dictator was waging this modern genocide against Mayas,
Reagan was busy covering the killers' tracks and giving them more
efficient weapons to carry out the task. But that history now is less
known to Americans than Gibson's faux history of 500 years ago. December
17, 2006
Pinochet's Death Spares Bush Family
heart-attack death of notorious Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet means
the Bush Family can breathe a little easier, knowing the criminal cases
against Pinochet can no longer implicate his longtime friend and
protector, George H.W. Bush. Pinochet also was protected from facing
justice by George W. Bush, who sidetracked an FBI recommendation to
indict Pinochet for the terrorist murder of a Chilean dissident and an
American woman in Washington in 1976. December 12, 2006
CIA's Worst-Kept
Newly released documents confirm that U.S. intelligence recruited and protected
hundreds of Nazi war criminals after World War II. By Martin A. Lee. May 16, 2001
& Anti-Semitism
In a speech at Bob
Jones University, John Ashcroft -- now the attorney general-designate -- overstated the
alleged role of the Jews of ancient Jerusalem in the crucifixion of Jesus. January 16,
'Tasks' Release of Chile Secrets
Political risk from Pinochet case spreads. By Peter Kornbluh.
May 8, 1999
Mad Scientist
A potential witness against ex-Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet
was silenced in a murder mystery that shows the continuing power of the Operation Condor
assassination network. By Samuel Blixen. January 13, 1999
Judge & the Dictator
Spain’s ‘superjudge,’ Baltasar Garzon, followed a
winding road in his pursuit of Gen. Augusto Pinochet. By Alvaro Tizon. January 13, 1999
the Swiss & the Nazis
New evidence, including documents from Swiss archives,
buttresses old suspicions that Argentine legend Eva Peron helped pull together the loose
ends of a Nazi escape network after World War II. These “ratlines” turned
Argentina and South America into safe havens for fugitive followers of Adolf Hitler and
Benito Mussolini -- with violent consequences that continue to the present day. By Georg
Hodel. January 7, 1999
Kohl's Defeat & Hitler's
The compromises of Germany's World War II generation. October 25,
The Chile Coup -- The U.S.
Pinochet's arrest and Nixon's secret war to "save" Chile.
October 25, 1998
A Nazi Echo: Argentine Death
Camps & the Contras
Argentine Dirty
Warriors implicated in funnelling drug money to the Nicaraguan contras were also connected
to a Nazi-like scheme of plundering the personal property of death camp victims, with the
proceeds going into Swiss banks. Sept. 19, 1998
Dapper State-Terrorist
Former Argentine dictator
Jorge Rafael Videla, another Reagan favorite, faces new charges in a baby-harvesting
scandal. August 19, 1998 |