Clinton Scandals
Bush Family's Whitewater Interest
Little noticed in the
coverage of the final Whitewater report was the account of the political intrigue from the
investigation's early days, as some members of George H.W. Bush's administration pushed
for a federal probe that might have reversed the outcome of the 1992 election. March 22,
Democrats' Bipartisan Folly
Eight years ago, after Bill Clinton's
election, Democrats shelved ongoing investigations involving President George H.W. Bush --
and kept quiet about his Iran-contra pardons. The Republicans have had very different
plans for President Clinton. February 19, 2001
Chinese Espionage Was a Reagan-Bush Scandal
Conservatives keep blaming
Clinton-Gore for Chinese nuclear espionage, but the evidence keeps pointing at the
Reagan-Bush years. February 16, 2001
Impeachment Plus One
Echoes from Lewinsky case resonate in U.S. politics. By
Robert Parry. December 17, 1999
The Chase After 'Chinagate'
Politics of a scandal. December 17, 1999
Double Standard on Secrets
A mission to demand the release of a new 168 page Whitewater
report on payoffs. September 17, 1999
Presumption of Guilt
Ken Starr ends his pursuit of Hillary Clinton. By Mollie
Dickenson. July 15, 1999
The Persecution of Ken Starr
Kenneth Starr says he was the
real victim of the impeachment battles, that Attorney General Janet Reno should have
protected him from President Clinton’s "attack dogs." But Starr’s
lament came just after a jury in Little Rock slapped down his prosecution of Susan
McDougal as an overreach -- and while his prosecutors were preparing to try another woman,
Julie Hiatt Steele, for contradicting one of Starr’s prized witnesses. By Mollie
Dickenson. April 19, 1999
Judge David Sentelle, the conservative jurist who
selected Kenneth Starr as special prosecutor, admits that he sought out Republicans on the
"other side of the political fence" to investigate President Clinton and
prominent Democrats. Sentelle defends this process as fair. But when the Bush
administration was accused of wrongdoing in 1992, Sentelle’s panel named a Republican
partisan from the same side of the political fence who cleared his GOP colleagues. By
Robert Parry. April 17, 1999
President Clinton’s impeachment ended in
an anti-climactic Senate vote to acquit. Still, America’s political relationships
have changed. Clinton’s personal misconduct was in the spotlight, but millions of
Americans grew to distrust the Washington press corps and to fear the far right’s
influence on the Republican Party.
'Oppo' Wildfire
The origins of the conservative impeachment campaign can be traced back to
Republican “opposition research” in the 1992 election. But the scorched-earth
politics against President Clinton kept burning, in part, because Richard Mellon Scaife
and other right-wing deep-pockets came to believe the propaganda. Eventually, the crazy
rumors out of Arkansas merged with Kenneth Starr’s investigation. By Robert Parry.
February 10, 1999
'High Crime'
Special prosecutor Kenneth Starr has opened a new legal front in the friendlier
terrain of Virginia. By indicting a woman who contradicted an anti-Clinton witness, Starr
is raising the possibility that more obstruction-of-justice charges are ahead. By Robert
Parry. January 20, 1999
GOP's Endless 'End Game'
In the Senate, Republican leaders -- from Majority Leader Trent Lott to Rep. Henry
Hyde -- are searching for an “end game” that might still remove President
Clinton from office or at least destroy his legacy. January 20, 1999
Editorial: 'Clinton
Right-wing Republicans got the headline they’ve coveted since President
Clinton beat George Bush in 1992, but is it a victory for the GOP’s extremist fringe?
December 29, 1998
'Politicized' Prosecutors
The former head of the panel that picks special
prosecutors objected to Kenneth Starr because of potential bias. But Chief Justice William
Rehnquist cleared the way for Starr by politicizing the selection process. By Robert
Parry. December 5, 1998
Seldes on Clinton Scandals
George Seldes's biographer speculates how the
legendary journalist would have handled the Lewinsky scandal. By Rick Goldsmith. December
5, 1998
Indict Ken
In making the impeachment case against President
Clinton, Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr might have committed his own perjury and
obstruction of justice. But he is not likely to be held to account. November 25, 1998
Henry Can't Hyde
Using his political clout, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde
ducked blame for a savings-and-loan disaster that he helped cause. Now he insists that
President Clinton must live by the principle: "No man is above the law."
November 19, 1998
The Real Henry Hyde?
Judiciary Committee chairman Henry Hyde is hailed by the media as a pillar of
bipartisanship. But his record includes protecting GOP flanks in scandals. November 6,
Clinton vs. the Establishment
The election gave President Clinton a boost, but he still faces an impeachment
threat. Clinton’s opposition is not only from special prosecutor Kenneth Starr and
House Speaker Newt Gingrich, but from Washington’s insider community. November 6,
The Impeachment Conspiracy
What's behind the Clinton impeachment hearings? October 25, 1998
The Clinton Coup
President Clinton is reeling from the Republican push
toward the final phase of what looks more and more like a post-modern coup. To corner the
president, however, Kenneth Starr had to cut some corners. The special prosecutor reversed
prosecutorial norms by granting immunity to witnesses who committed worse crimes than
Clinton. Sept. 19, 1998
‘Rope-a-Dope’ Disaster
With the Monica Lewinsky debacle, the Republicans
are closing in on President Clinton’s ouster from office -- either through
impeachment or his forced resignation. Clinton’s fate could be decided by how big a
majority the Lott-Gingrich-DeLay team win in November. Sept. 9, 1998
Al Gore & the
25th Amendment
Vice President Gore could find himself in political hot
water, too, as long as the GOP controls the special prosecutors. Sept. 9, 1998
Mysterious 'Talking Points'
The famed 'Talking Points' aren't all that they're cracked
up to be. July 9, 1998
Tripped Up: Linda &
Linda Tripp effuses confidence as she
testifies before Kenneth Starr's grand jury, but will she go too far in making herself a
victim? July 9, 1998
Starr Burst: Leaks & Lies
Special prosecutor Kenneth Starr is under fire for leaks
about President Clinton in the Monica Lewinsky 'scandal.' But maybe a bigger issue is how
two Clinton-haters, Lucianne Goldberg and Linda Tripp, manufactured large parts of the
case and then manipulated the national press to jettison any skepticism. June 24, 1998
Real-Life Primary Colors (Part
The media pundits have judged President Clinton a lying rascal because of
his equivocations about sex with Gennifer Flowers. His deceit there supposedly means he
must be lying, too, about Monica Lewinsky. But the full story -- a kind of real-life
"Primary Colors" -- is far more complicated. (5/18/98)
'Starr-gate': Cracks on the
Special prosecutor Kenneth Starr is drafting his impeachment report on President
Clinton. But Starr and his conservative allies are coming under scrutiny themselves, for
alleged witness payments and apparent fabrication of scandal stories. Many of the
allegations revolve around right-wing billionare Richard Mellon Scaife. (5/4/98)
Lynching a President
A federal judge threw out the Paula Jones case. But President Clinton remains the
politician the news media loves to bash. From Rupert Murdoch's Weekly Standard to
Newsweek, journalists have delighted in the salacious anti-Clinton stories. Even
John Travolta's Clinton character in 'Primary Colors' got caught seducing a teen-age
baby-sitter. Ironically, Geraldo Rivera is one of the few TV hosts who shows any decorum.
Big Media & the Slush Fund
With President Clinton buffeted by renewed scandal, the major Washington media
seems unwilling to examine allegations that money has been exchanged for anti-Clinton
testimony. (3/30/98)
Paula's Onward-Marching
Christian Soldiers
An investigative look at the man behind the Rutherford Institute: John
Whitehead. (3/30/98)
Clinton Foes & the Truth
Clinton adversaries Kenneth Starr and Paula Jones are hurting themselves
with new assertions and new complications. Their actions are giving the president some
breathing space. (3/16/98)
The Clinton Coup
Whitewater special prosecutor Kenneth Starr is closing in on Bill Clinton with
hopes that Clinton's alleged affair with 24-year-old Monica Lewinsky will be the
president's undoing. But is this a reasonable pursuit of justice, a 'right-wing
conspiracy,' or the final act in a political coup d'etat? (2/16/98)
The Clinton Coup d'Etat?: Part
President Clinton is ensnared in the Monica Lewinsky scandal in part
because of two middle-aged women, Linda Tripp and Lucianne Goldberg. But are these Clinton
antagonists just entrepreneurs out to make some money or are they part of a right-wing
strategy to oust Clinton in a political coup? (3/2/98)
Clinton's 'Rope-a-Dope'
For five years, President Clinton has sought to finesse a barrage of
"scandal" allegations with a political version of Muhammad Ali's
"rope-a-dope" strategy. Clinton refused to expose Republican crimes from the
Reagan-Bush era and instead absorbed constant body blows from his conservative enemies.
Now, Clinton is facing a possible TKO as his enemies seem to have finally landed a
powerful haymaker. (2/2/98)
Clinton Scandals: White
House Conspiracies
White House sees evidence of right-wing conspiracy. (2/3/97)
Clinton Scandals: Nixon Returns
Amid campaign money complaints, Nixon tells it like it really is. (1/6/97)
Clinton Scandals: Whitewater
Washington is holding its breath as Kenneth Starr's Whitewater
investigation moves into a decisive phase. (12/23/96)
Clinton Scandals: Bill Clinton
vs. the Right-Wing Machine
The well funded Right-Wing Machine stands as President Clinton's biggest challenge.
Clinton Scandals: Bill
Clinton's 'Rope-a-Dope'
The Democrat's are borrowing Muhammad Ali's 'rope-a-dope' strategy in this year's
presidential campaign. In his heavy weight title fight against George Foreman in 1974, Ali
rested on the loose ropes in the middle rounds of the fight, letting Foreman flail away.
But the Democrats might be misinterpreting Ali's strategy. Ali won by taking the
offensive. (7-22-96)
'Silver Bullet' Series (in three parts)
'Silver Bullet' (Part 1): Bill
Clinton's 'Treason'
A look at behind-the-scenes dirty tricks used by George Bush to question
candidate Clinton's patriotism in the 1992 elections. (3-28-96)
'Silver Bullet' (Part
2): Whitewater's Long Haul
Is Whitewater a legitimate scandal that deserves our national attention, or just a
slow-developing GOP dirty trick? (4-12-96)
'Silver Bullet' (Part
3): Czech-ing on Bill
With the electoral clock ticking down in 1992, Bush campaign headquarters sought
derogatory information from Prague's secret police in an attempt to question Clinton's
patriotism. (4-27-96) |